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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

Some of the weird but random things which we experience in our home over the years ..

1) sounds of walking/Steps on the stairs , specially in the night time ( 1 am - 5 am ) very frequent and clear to hear ..
2) Random stuff such as broken eggs , burned Paper often appear on our door step ..
3) Smell of Human Poop from various parts of our house, we have tried our best to find its source from fixing all the toilets to even changing the sewerage lines but that smells comes at intervals ..
4) Random knocks of Doors and windows , young babies startled and crying like crazy by looking at a particular spot .
5) Stones and pieces of marbles randomly falls from our roof, like someone throwing it, and house next to ours is empty and other side has no young kids , plus the structure of my house is in a way that you can't throw stones or eggs to my portion door step until unless you are in my roof stairs .

I wish it was that easy for me and my family ..
some times genes some times social pressures let your mind play tricks on your its best to seek mental advice doesnt mean you are crazy just like the main organs for eg heart ,kidneys ,lungs , liver can go wrong so can the mind. Seek professional help bro its ok doesnt mean you are mad some times they malfunction and its best to get it checked i know its a taboo subject in our society but dont let those cock suckers win
Brother , the problem or Irony is that evil person is my aunt , younger sister of my father who took her responsibility after his mother died, now my father is not going to leave his sister or ready to believe in that despite not just me but all my family experience her envy one way or another , my father experiences all those weird things in our house, and I can tell you my father is a weak in emaan as he often believe in every baba whom he come across , he himself being told by people about the things but he refused to believe and he is hostile towards us when we talk about leaving the house, now my father is in 75+ and we just can not leave him here and move on ..

If that is the case, then I must stress that you make sure that you and your wife, your room or section of the house is "out of bounds" to the ones who practice black magic. Also, be ready for eventuality, including your own blood (siblings and parents) being turned against you.

Get yourself ready for the fight of your life. Building Imaan is not easy as it is, doing it in a short period of time is even more intense. Commitment and determination is crucial and dedication toward the Holy Qur'an is your only way to defeat these kafirs.
Brother simple suggestion,
Pray and make regular dua to Allah, and leave everything on Allah, you will get better than what you ever imagined.
Good and bad its part of life, bad things happen so they can put you back to Allah, don't think of it to much, as Evil can be strong but nothing is powerful than Allah.
instead of forcing yourself try making at least 1 Salah everyday
People can wish and plan bad for you but Allah is the best planner.
Talking from personal experience
Ive seen blood spattered walls and blo9d appearin even after washing it and more.
One can surely dismiss stories but what something that one has seen with his own eyes.
Bro, if magic was real then life would have been easier. A lot easier. Just invite Pompeo for dinner and bang! Now you control him.

In fact, CIA pumped ridiculous amount of dollars on weaponising paranormal but the result was zilch. Why do you think all big powers are ignoring such great potential weapon - black magic of your local Mullah?
Bro, if magic was real then life would have been easier. A lot easier. Just invite Pompeo for dinner and bang! Now you control him.

In fact, CIA pumped ridiculous amount of dollars on weaponising paranormal but the result was zilch. Why do you think all big powers are ignoring such great potential weapon - black magic of your local Mullah?
There are several phenomenas even science cant explain.

Now, would you believe science or Islam? Lets talk about miracles of the Quran which science has only now proven right.

Now if you believe in Islam than, well even Prophet Mohammad PBUH confirmed it.

That said bro, I myself witnessed paranormal stuff twice and i wasnt alone.

How do you explain blood stains in a circular pattern which when even washed with water reappear right infront of your eyes?

Also black magic is haram, so no a mullah cant do it.. and those who do cease to be muslims.
It's all about anecdotes here, so better agree to disagree.
Buddy it’s a religious belief. So no one is asking you to believe in it. It’s our belief a Muslims since it’s mentioned in Quran and Hadith. So basically no one is asking or expecting non-muslims to agree to it.
Bro, if magic was real then life would have been easier. A lot easier. Just invite Pompeo for dinner and bang! Now you control him.

In fact, CIA pumped ridiculous amount of dollars on weaponising paranormal but the result was zilch. Why do you think all big powers are ignoring such great potential weapon - black magic of your local Mullah?

Black magic is real.

Harut and Marut (Arabic: هَارُوْت وَمَارُوْت‎, romanized: Hārūt wa-Mārūt) are two angels mentioned in ayah (verse) 102 of the second surah of the Quran, who were present during the reign of Sulayman (Solomon), and were located at Bābil (Arabic: بَابِل‎, Babylon).

Check this story of two angels.
Okay you might declare my accounts as BS.
But what does your faith say bout that?
Dude, these are superstitions, seeped into our culture. It's of no value, no blood stains can do jack shit about life, it's your decisions and Allah's will that matters. That's all.
bro read post 62 .. we tried a lot of things, as we say Dua and Dawa both, the effects subside but it comes over again and again ..

I read that

This means you haven't tried the right remedy till now for the magic that has been done on you

It is like medicine. If you don't take the right medicine you won't get recuperated

Keep trying. Find some good alim e deen who can help you out not for money but just to help you out as a muslim. I am 100% sure there would be a solution for your problems
Dude, these are superstitions, seeped into our culture. It's of no value, no blood stains can do jack shit about life, it's your decisions and Allah's will that matters. That's all.
Wait a minute. I am sorry, I misjudged in my previous post. You are a Muslim. Then I don’t know why would you doubt something from Quran?
Wait a minute. I am sorry, I misjudged in my previous post. You are a Muslim. Then I don’t know why would you doubt something from Quran?
Quran is moral and spiritual guide, I don't think it's about magic.
Quran is moral and spiritual guide, I don't think it's about magic.
Indeed it’s a moral and spiritual guide and that’s why it talks about the right path and things to avoid. And it’s not a hypothetical or a point of view matter. It’s a 1 and 0 kind of a matter, i.e, is it mentioned or not:
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