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my personal 2cent views abut air raid of IAF

Any educated or aware public would immediately begin to question their government

But in south asia were idiots, were idiots who live for tamasha with a media who love to feed us copious amounts of tamasha

We are back to square 1
Indiana lose 60 including officers after making a hole range of dumb mistakes
But they have their drama for the public which we now have to counter

It just becomes bleahh!!!

Bottom line is this OK the indians are clowns who in the absence of actual balls and ability will try stunts for public consumption but why were they even allowed to get away with this B.S

There is NO POINT in Pakistan hitting back
The Indians purposely didn't target Pakistani military because they didnt want to instigate war and we are now in the same position but we have no targets

What can be our reason to attack your military post??? We have political difference with you...But we are not here to kill Pakistan people....Indian is consistently taking a position about our relation with Pakistan is constrained due to your support of militants of Kashmir..that means, we do not have any other issue with Pakistan...

Rather, i think it is a sensible decision to not to inflict any injury to any civilian or military target as our objective not to win against Pakistan...
lol. Hands up. I can't argue with that. Our baigherat people would still line up at cinema in Lahore etc and pay good money to watch SRK fcuking up Pakistan. I know this because they do this in UK.

I know. But Iraq did not have nukes. The lesson of Iraq war was?

  • Don't waste money on lots of fighters for airforce. They will either be shot down or get hidden under sand.
  • Don't waste to much on tanks etc as they will get mulched into scrap by airpower.
  • Develop nukes in pariticular small size tactical nukes in large numbers
  • Spend money on good quality ground to air missiles.
  • Spend money on good quality anti-tank missiles
  • Don't bother with navy as it will be sunk unless it hides in port

complete military doctrine for any country outside of the Security Council Big Five...thank you
bhai hum class leny main liberal hain . as judges . jis ki bari ayee le li apun to azad panchi hai yaar :lol: BTW why you guys drop bombs some very close from my farm house . i was just 300km away you stupids think about my safety :sick:

Looks like pak army has started taking revenge only time will tell who wins.
I hope less casualties for both.
2 cent talking man where you have gone?
Do you have any idea whats going on now? We shows alot of patience and thought indian would never do something stupid but they did.watch situation right now on the border as imran khan said we will retaliate.
I agree with u sir that paf has limitations and they dont want to fill loop holes by buying state of the art jets and radars jamners etc but as far as india is concerned responce will com ed your anxiety justyfies i too ask question of our forces wrong planning as u mentioned Atlantic incident we should have better hets and better aircrafts naval vessel equiped with better SAM that ibdian jet woukd been seen in water tgan atlantic but we kearn lessons after20 years time
"Is PAF better at fighting with Indians or making better songs"

PAF is ONLY good at making songs. The fact they could not shoot down an aircraft while on Alert with an IAF aircraft in Pakistan, tells you all you need to know about these glory seeking boys.
PAF is ONLY good at making songs. The fact they could not shoot down an aircraft while on Alert with an IAF aircraft in Pakistan, tells you all you need to know about these glory seeking boys.
This what really is shocking. For the last week we knew something was going to happen. In last 48 hours things were red hot. PAF should have literally had finger on trigger and eyes locked on the LOC. Anything moves shoot it. Instead we get excuses ...

I want to see the air chief face the nation and explain to the media instead of giving tours to Maldive or Nigerian air chiefs and taking joy rides in Tunders ...

And care to explain why he has soo many medals hanging off his fcukin chest? What for? Playing golf? Opening three star residential complex? PAF has not seen comnat since 50 years ago. so why so many medals???
What can be our reason to attack your military post??? We have political difference with you...But we are not here to kill Pakistan people....Indian is consistently taking a position about our relation with Pakistan is constrained due to your support of militants of Kashmir..that means, we do not have any other issue with Pakistan...

Rather, i think it is a sensible decision to not to inflict any injury to any civilian or military target as our objective not to win against Pakistan...

Rajiv Tyagi - Retired IAF Fighter Pilot
23 mins ·
This morning as I woke up at 5AM in Gurugram, I was informed of an IAF strike on Balakot, in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunwa area, approximately 200 km North West of India's nearest Air Force station at Avantipur, South East of Srinagar. A few phone calls later, I learned it was a pre-dawn attack at 0330 hrs, which delieverd 1,000 kg bombs to a designated target area. Since then, I have been holding my horses, waiting for and actually watching a whole nation descend into hysterical paroxysms of joy and celebration, as if we have removed Pakistan from existence!

Hopefully the paroxysms are over by now. The hysterics will take a little more time to calm down. But it is now time, to analyze this action in the light of cold, sober logic after 16 hours of pointless celebration.

I have written here -->[ https://www.heraldgoa.in/…/Of-limited-wars-prec…/142856.html ] about the futility of attacking 'terror camps', as they do not yield any strategic enemy assets. But in this case as in many before, the Govt of India has asked the Armed forces to act on its behalf and the Armed Forces have delivered, only to once again be used for the personal glorification of Narendra Modi.

Also once again, we have used conventional forces to strike at extremely low-value tactical targets of an adversary that uses asymmetric warfare against us. In hindsight we can see once again, the Govt has used the Armed Forces in an ill-advised action, purely for propaganda purposes, without achieving any strategic or tactical goal, except maybe the minimally valid goal of delivering a military message to a recalcitrant adversary.

To understand what our Govt has asked the Air Force to do, it is important to first understand the technology used by fighter aircraft to acquire and destroy targets and how weapons are chosen... To carry a particular weapon load, first the nature of the target needs to be known - is it a soft skin target, like trucks and jeeps? In which case 30 mm front guns or rockets can be used, even rockets being overkill, 30 mm armour piercing incendiary (API) cannon rounds being sufficient to completely destroy soft skinned targets. If armour is known to be present in the target area, 58 mm API rockets, released in a barrage of 8, 16 or 32 rockets per barrage, would be the choice, depending on the nature of the armour. If the target is an area, not point-targets like soft skinned vehicles or buildings but troop concentrations or buildings over a large area, bombs would be the choice.

There is also the choice of guided weapons, which may either be guided by reflected modulated laser or guided by an image processing or radio guidance system, depending on whether we are targetting a designated or target of opportunity or a radio transmitter like a wireless or a radar station.

The choice of weapon is also guided by the cost of the asset versus the target. For example, one can ill afford to target a tin shed or a tent, with TV-guided munitions. But then, neither should we be targeting a tin shed with a fighter aircraft, unless the tin shed is known to house a tactical or strategic target of sufficient importance to use such platforms or munitions. Cost here, is not just the acquisition cost, but a matrix of the replacement cost and the cost of availability when you actually need such munitions for their specific features.

For a pilot to deliver munitions to a ground target:
1. The target has to be visually acquired, the weaponry selected, if it is being carried, and the pilot then delivers them to the target.
2. If the pilot cannot visually acquire the target, like in darkness,, poor visibility or other reasons, the target can be illuminated with a modulated laser illuminator wielded by a scout or other friendly forward human asset. The weapon delivery system in the aircraft then automatically guides the guided weapon to the laser illuminated target. This too however, can be victim to poor visibility, fog being capable of scattering the laser beam, rendering the weapon system ineffective.
3. The weapon load is delivered at pre-decided coordinate(s), hoping to create maximum damage in the area.

The Balakot Mirage-2000 raid delivered 1,000 kg bombs, obviously at pre-decided coordinate(s). It is clear that we did not have a point target in mind. We wanted to deliver area munitions in the general area of a pre-decided coordinate - a perfectly valid decision, if we are to deliver a military warning to a recalcitrant adversary. But where did TV channels get the number of casualties from, or that a terrorist camp had been destroyed? Even the IAF would not have been able to acquire that information after a raid at 0330 hrs. Obviously, agents of the GoI are feeding this fake info to TV channels and the print medium.

We know the Jaish-e-Mohammed strategic assets are in Bahawalpur and we would only find low-value tactical targets in Balakot. But we also know that Balakot is undefended by the PAF, the nearest airfield being the civilian airfield of Muzaffarabad, about 25km South of Balakot, which serves the military station at Abbottabad. The nearest PAF airfield, to my mind, would be Islamabad, about 100 km South of Balakot – an F16, from the time it was scrambled, would take about 10-11 minutes to reach, by which time all action would have been over. We have to surmise this attack was ordered purely for publicity, because I think it would have been extremely embarrassing if we lost a Mirage 2000 or two in attacking Bahawalpur, with three PAF stations in the vicinity. Indian TV channels have been baying for blood and revenge since Feb 14 and given the raised temperatures, the PAF would already be on standby to mount combat air patrol or interception at very short notice. After all, we wanted the publicity of having mounted a response to Pulwama, without the consequences of war or the embarrassment of losing assets.

More than any other discussion, we need to ask, why did the Govt of India once again, use a military operation for publicity? Consider the consequences now - we have violated an international border to deliver munitions at a target inside Pakistan and instead of keeping it a secret, we have publicized it so much, with every minion of the Govt saying something or the other on the subject, that we have denied ourselves all plausible deniability! Pakistan will now go to the UN and say India attacked it without provocation. And we cannot even deny the attack! Stupid! We are now aggressors, instead of defenders. In contrast, Pakistan used asymmetric assets against us in Pulwama, without losing plausible deniability.

In a different dimension, we have frittered away the traditional Russian UNSC veto, which has been exercised in our favour innumerable times in the past, have invited the Chinese veto against us and not at all gained the US veto to our side. The US geopolitical interest still lies in Pakistan, not in India, because Af-Pak is still a US geopolitical engagement, with a Shia nuclear-capable Iran to the West of this region and Pakistan closely allied to another US geopolitical interest, Saudi Arabia.

So now if the UNSC resolves any action against India, which UNSC veto-power will we turn to, to exercise its veto in our favour, to preclude such action?

I don't know what has happened to our populace. We have become a very stupid and a very hysterical nation, almost akin to caricatures out of a cartoon movie. And we vote for politicians exactly like us.
This what really is shocking. For the last week we knew something was going to happen. In last 48 hours things were red hot. PAF should have literally had finger on trigger and eyes locked on the LOC. Anything moves shoot it. Instead we get excuses ...

I think it was an error of judgement, if I am not wrong, it takes about 8-10 minutes from ISB for any PAF planes to reach the area near Balakot, which is one of the least protected area for PAF.

PAF should have used the ground based air defense instead.

But things happen, and as we stand today, the cunning enemy from the East is taking even these kinds of small brownies (in grand schemes of things) as a grand victory.
dear friends life is so beautiful and worth to enjoy it . luckily yesterday i have to travel for a seminar today morning when i wake up in hotel news of IAF raid was waiting . but in hassle we have breakfast in lobby and then seminar begins it was very busy day still i mange to post some posts from my mobile . evening i have return flight and then finally i back home tired . but it worth to say something . all in all this seminar saved me from hell of trolling here .:partay:

i will start from quote of my favorite philosopher LAO TZU :-)
(i am not hopeless as i have no hope from beginning - lao )

since pulwama attack a 5 years old kid know that there will be no war but india will try to do something like last time hit and run or just bomb and run . congs to them they have achieved the goal . mr modi is winner all the way and indian armed forces restored the faith of their public in them as always .there was not a plan of war from day one by india it was target even some 2 km inside paksitan and india did it

on other hand those whom said a bird can not fly on LOC are still bashing on media . DGISPR giving lame excuses .
1- they show us left hand and slap us from right hand (so they have to inform you war plan ?stupid )

2- no death or property damaged bombs fall on empty land (so anyone can bomb us on empty land and as long as no one die national sovereignty can be compromised ? stupid again mr its not about loss its they crossed border is more important )

3- we will retaliate (i still remember how you guys retaliate when indians shot down our atlantic killed 16 men or when you guys retaliate osama raid or your retaliate of many nato US attacks on pakistan )

here i another factor mighty PAF . since first drone attack in 2004 killed naik mohmmad i start losing trust on them and then day by day attack after attack they have failed and failed and failed always .next 5 years until 2010 i have lost full faith in them . i have no hope from the Pakistani forces that is why i never been angry sad dissipated or feel bad now . i am enjoying my life as always . this force it totally living in some other world . nato forces were keep killing dozens of Pakistani solders on salala for over two hours . osama raid took place some 3 hours and drones keep flying 1000s of hours but this mighty force never reacted .

another hands indians already win the situation and there is no Pakistani voice on indian media all stories are as per plan and indian media convoy the massage to indian public already no one can reverse it only if PAF shot down one of them or at least fight with them then they can save face but they lost as always .they have very good chance to hot pursuit fire some missile drop some bombs on indian side at that sortie . what they did nothing nil 0.000 . that was the time which they were chest thumping since last 15 days but its missed again as always .:wave: that sortie was worth million dollars which lost doing nothing .IF paf have dropped a single bomb last night on indian side news will be india paksitan air forces attacked each other .

last dear fan boys where was your long range AWACS last night again ? the mighty saab whom can see as soon as indian aircraft took off from base ? where was radars liek tps -77 with 350km range ?where was long range SAM batteries ? no one even dare to use SPADA CROTALE LY-80 last night all these toys are for parade . don't you guys claim PAF can shot down indian fighters inside india ? while here we see you can not shot them even if they fly inside paksitan .let me remember when last time PAF shot down an indian fighter jet ? 50 years ago ? may be

now what even if PAF try to drop some bombs or paksitan army try to fire some rockets it will not be big news it will be as always .

Pakistani forces as a whole failed again because modi goal was not was he was looking for hit and run and he did it already .while Pakistanis job was not to give him chance they failed so . other question is where was PAF on LOC while we all know LOC is hot border . it not should PAF have radar info of IAF jets coming toward Pakistan some 15 minutes before they cross border ? sure IAF did not took off from border but far behind somewhere from an air base .

and last please try to drop some pay load at Indian side of border and we will see . hit the target or not indians have guts to cross LOC while you guys can not . at least show us might as much as indians showed . or make another song on PAF flying jets dropping bombs and playing gittar in front of fighters as always .
if Pakistani forces can not defend own borders why they create such proxies ? its high time they stop creating supporting Kashmirs fight or else we will loss our little remaining pride as a nation too . we have been enough humiliated by such proxies .
now you guys will keep fighting PAF fans will keep massive threads opening and all bla bla bla nothing will come out . while i will keep enjoying it :lol:

This is why I love to hear from you...

I strongly feel that both the nation need to understand that talks are only HUMANITARIAN WAY to resolve the issue...

Plus, in current situation... a war will cripple the entire Pakistani economy... and to save face PA may use the "N"... and rest would be a history...

Arm sellers will brew a new conflict somewhere... and business will keep going AS USUAL...
What can be our reason to attack your military post??? We have political difference with you...But we are not here to kill Pakistan people....Indian is consistently taking a position about our relation with Pakistan is constrained due to your support of militants of Kashmir..that means, we do not have any other issue with Pakistan...

Rather, i think it is a sensible decision to not to inflict any injury to any civilian or military target as our objective not to win against Pakistan...

Buddy the moment you occupied Kashmir 70 years ago was the moment friendly relations ended

No point moaning about it now
Buddy the moment you occupied Kashmir 70 years ago was the moment friendly relations ended

No point moaning about it now

You are free to have your own objective to find us an enemy....but our objective is quite clear...Let us agree to disgaree on this point...
You are free to have your own objective to find us an enemy....but our objective is quite clear...Let us agree to disgaree on this point...

Its not about agree or disagree

You occupied a muslim majority state that wanted partition and to be part of Pakistan

Expecting anything but long term hostility is just foolish
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