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my personal 2cent views abut air raid of IAF

This what really is shocking. For the last week we knew something was going to happen. In last 48 hours things were red hot. PAF should have literally had finger on trigger and eyes locked on the LOC. Anything moves shoot it. Instead we get excuses ...

I want to see the air chief face the nation and explain to the media instead of giving tours to Maldive or Nigerian air chiefs and taking joy rides in Tunders ...

And care to explain why he has soo many medals hanging off his fcukin chest? What for? Playing golf? Opening three star residential complex? PAF has not seen comnat since 50 years ago. so why so many medals???

The problem with PAF is its obsolete inventory...

JF 17 is good for nothing when pitted against Mirage, MiG 29 or MKI... latest F 16s are not enough to safeguard its interests...

I can recall people on PDF laughing and making fun of Indian Armed Forces... after each terror attack on Indian soil... daring them to come closer to boundaries...

And when that happened... they are in a complete shock...

Political will was missing in India... forces are always ready to complete the job in hand...
Its not about agree or disagree

You occupied a muslim majority state that wanted partition and to be part of Pakistan

Expecting anything but long term hostility is just foolish

If you raise your head from the hole where you have buried it, it got partitioned; making it part of Pakistan is up to the wise men who lead Pakistan in fits and starts.
why the mirages weren't shot at ?
violation of each others airspace is nothing out of the ordinary both sides occasionally do it to check out each others preparedness
as far as i remembers between 2007-10 we voilated indian airspace over 20 times
air violation and dropping the bomb 50 Km inside are two different things
India has to be prepared for more terrorist attacks in railway stations and public spaces. remember if it happens when the accusing finger will point to.
bhai hum class leny main liberal hain . as judges . jis ki bari ayee le li apun to azad panchi hai yaar :lol: BTW why you guys drop bombs some very close from my farm house . i was just 300km away you stupids think about my safety :sick:
Sorry bhai....galti ho gayi...precise bombing thi...bhool chuk maaf hoti hai.
My mother is in Quetta these day along with my brother and family.

@Indus Pakistan

Thank you Pakistan Air Force. I just read the BBC news. This is exactly what we wanted. We got the fcukin Gangoo's. Pictures and all. To all Pakkistani's congratulations. And I just read that Turkey like always has come out to stand by Pakistan. Thank you Turkey. And I want to apologize to all our airmen that I was critical of since yesterday ........

Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
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