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28,072 IDP families reach home in six days

Sunday, July 19, 2009

By Delawar Jan

PESHAWAR: During the last six days of repatriation drive launched by the government, an estimated 196,504 individuals of 28,072 families reached their homes in Swat, Buner and Dir, official data issued here on Saturday said.

As the internally displaced persons (IDPs) continued to leave temporary camps, rented houses and relatives homes, an estimated 65,968 individuals from 9,424 families moved back to their native areas in Swat, Buner and Dir districts on Saturday.

The Emergency Response Unit (ERU) said the government facilitated the return of 838 families to Swat and Dir. The people displaced from Dir were sent home for the first time after the start of the repatriation on July 13. A small portion of the population of Lower Dir district had migrated to down district during the military operation launched in Maidan and Adenzai tehsils of the district to drive out militants. On Saturday, 121 families from Dir returned.

According to the ERU, a total of 8,719 families to Swat and 584 to Buner, who used their private vehicles, went back to their areas. The repatriation sustained the momentum it had got during the last three days as 65,968 persons went home on Saturday. More than 68,000 had repatriated on Friday.

The ERU said that during the last six days of repatriation, a total of 28,072 families had gone back from camps and relatives homes. It said that 15,223 had moved back to the Swat valley alone while 3,425 families returned to Buner.

“Emergency Response Unit is aware of the problems faced by the IDPs, ERU responds to them and has taken measures to bring comfort in the return journey of the IDPs with aerial coverage by choppers and officials deployed for security concerns & guidance of the IDPs,” said Provincial Relief Commissioner and ERU in-charge Muhammad Azam Khan expressed these views.

According to a handout issued here, keeping in view the problems of the IDPs, for their safe and secure return to their places, the ERU has taken special measures to make their return journey comfortable. Law-enforcement agencies have been deployed on the way. Additional scanners have been provided to the security officials to speed up the process. Abid Majeed, an ERU member and focal person of the IDPs return said the return of IDPs is a big challenge, adding all-out efforts would be done to minimise the discomfort of the IDPs. The voluntary return of IDPs in such huge numbers reflected this enthusiasm, he added. In addition medical facilities have also been provided as ambulances accompany the convoys along with drinking water facility. Food is provided to the IDPs as they reach the disembarkation points and food package for one month will also be provided to the IDP Families.

Muhammad Azam Khan has issued directives to the officials to take care of the IDPs and they will be provided every facility in their particular areas, as this is most important time for the IDPs as they have started returning to their places. ERU will encourage the voluntary return of the IDPs to their homes.
28,072 IDP families reach home in six days
Over 200,000 Cards Issued to IDPs
KARACHI, July 21 (APP)- Over 200,000 UBL Wallet Visa Debit cards have been issued to the internally displaced persons (IDPs). An announcement to this effect was made in a statement issued here on Tuesday. It said that since June 9, UBL Wallet VISA Debit Cards are being actively issued to the IDPs of Swat and Malakand Division for the disbursement of Rs.25,000 financial support allocated per family, by the federal government.
So far more than 200,000 cards have been issued to IDP’s in Jalozai, Akora Khattak, Chota Lahore, Gohati, Charsadda, Hasan Abdal, Mardan and Peshawar at special distribution sites, set up by the Special Support Group in collaboration with NADRA and UBL.

The statement pointed out that these cards are issued on the basis of the IDP registration data provided by NADRA. At the time of issuance of these cards, biometric data and photographs are collected by NADRA for validation purposes.

Based on the validation received from NADRA, which takes up to 48 hours, UBL activates the cards, so that IDPs can withdraw cash or make purchases, the statement added.

It said that out of the 200,000 cards that have been distributed, 187,000 IDPs have so far availed the facility at UBL branches, ATMs and POS terminals, resulting in withdrawals of Rs.3.5 billion.

Through this exercise UBL has welcomed over 250,000 new customers into its system that would certainly bring long-term benefits to the affected areas as well as the national economy.

The statement further pointed out that the UBL is committed to meet the service needs of IDPs, and has a 24-hour Contact Centre in operation with a dedicated Pushto language service complement, to address any service related enquiry.

The Contact Center number 111-825-888 is prominently printed on each card and IDPs may either call on them, or visit the nearest UBL branch for any assistance they require.

Another 7,395 displaced families leave for homes PDF Print E-mail

ISLAMABAD, July 21 (APP): The departure of displaced families on Tuesday got momentum when another 7,395 families went back to their hometowns in Swat, Buner and Dir districts. As many as 53743 families have returned to various parts of Swat, Buner and Dir district so far under the repatriation plan of the government, Adnan Zafar, a member of Emergency Response Unit (ERU) of NWFP government told APP by phone.

He said 5622 off camps families left for various areas of Swat and 375 families by using personnel transportation, Similarly, 6902 families went back to Swat and 463 to Buner and 30 to Dir by using government transportation, he added

He said the larger number of returnees was consisted of those IDPs, who had stayed with host families in different areas of NWFP province.

He said the ERU was providing transportation to those IDPs, who were housed in the camps, while the off camp families had made their own arrangements. “They are either going in their own vehicles or have hired buses for the purpose”, Adnan added.

The camps from where the IDP families returned include Mazdoor Abad, Jalala, Jalozai and Yar Hussain camps.

The government has also increased the duration of their departure. Initially, the time for departure was from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., but now it has been extended upto 5 p.m.

Officials said the process of IDPs return was going smoothly and they had reached their homes safely. They said that the displaced families were eager to see their hometowns again.

He said to make the return process of IDPs smooth and more effective and to strengthen the administration at large; a day off has been announced on Thursday (July 23) and transport would not be allowed to go to swat.

The return process would be resumed on Friday, he added.
DAWN.COM | Home | Your Source of News on the World Wide Web
Considerable progress

Published: July 22, 2009

THAT the IDPs have started moving back to their homes in Malakand Division is indicative of the fact that the situation there is returning to normal. The announcement by the NWFP Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain that 60,000 displaced families housed in relief camps in Mardan voluntarily returned to their homes in Swat and Buner on Monday is heartening indeed. What is more, he has given the assurance that the remaining IDPs would also start going back to their homes.

One can safely say that the military campaign of mopping up the areas nears completion. True, there have been reports of fighting in Swat and Lower Dir where 100 militants were reportedly killed, nonetheless, the writ of the state appears to be getting its hold. A good chunk of the militant leadership has now been eliminated. Others are on the run. Most parts of Swat valley, for instance have been cleared and the Army and police patrol in the streets add to people's sense of security. It is comforting to know that markets have opened up in Mingora and commerce in other parts has also resumed. No doubt, the credit goes to the Army and the government for restoring calm in the region but in order for the mission to be accomplished, the government would have to take proper measures ensuring that the region does not become a hotbed of terrorism it once was. The situation even after peace has been established would have to be monitored very closely.

Surveillance equipment installed at the roads leading to the area would go a long way towards preventing the criminal elements from sneaking into the area. Likewise, sophisticated military equipment required for warfare in treacherous terrains like Swat would prove to be of additional help. The West would wrong us if its leadership continues to turn a deaf ear to the oft-repeated calls made by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani for provision of modern weapons. Having said that, the focus at the moment ought to be on rehabilitation of the IDPs returning to their homes. Militant networks had in the past exploited the poverty in the valley by finding recruits among the local population. They had also been able to find a cause for their presence by harping on the theme of lack of justice backed by their demand for imposition of self-style Sharia.

Therefore, while the government would have to undertake rehabilitation efforts like, rebuilding schools, roads, hospitals and compensating the locals whose houses have been destroyed, it must invariably see to it that an effective criminal justice system is also enforced.
US disappointed by paltry aid for Pakistan IDPs

July 30, 2009

* Less than 38 percent of requested $543m received
* US senator says Gulf states should contribute more

WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday denounced the international response to Pakistan’s humanitarian crisis as inadequate, with a senator saying that Gulf Arab states should contribute more.

The United Nations in May appealed for $543 million to help the nearly 2 million people displaced by fighting in north-western Pakistan. UN figures show that less than 38 percent of the appeal has been met. The top US diplomat on displacement issues said the US had more than met its responsibilities with over $320 million for Pakistan – much of it not channelled through the UN appeal.

“The humanitarian response has been inadequate,” Assistant Secretary of State Eric Schwartz told a congressional hearing. “Other countries must come forward to help.” “This was one of the largest rapid displacements of people in recent memory,” he said, adding that returns had begun, but there were still 1.5 million displaced people.

Arabs: Senator Bob Casey, who led the hearing, said that Gulf Arab states, most of whom have large South Asian workforces, should give more money to relief efforts.

“I’ve been disappointed, to say the least, by the lacklustre response by the international community to date, especially that of the Gulf states,” said Casey, a member of US President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party. US special envoy for the region Richard Holbrooke highlighted funding concerns on a visit this week to Brussels to meet with European Union and NATO officials. The European Union has contributed more than 150 million euros ($212 million). afp
Ah, yes. The brotherhood of Islam shows it's generous face again.:enjoy:

Dollars, rupees, and bits of gold for salafist irhabists. Not one penny, to borrow a phrase, for the security of simple muslim families trying to restart their lives in SWAT/Buner and seeking protection from these same salafi murderers.

Why is this so unsurprising?:tsk:
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Plan for Malakand prepared for Friends? meeting

Plan for Malakand prepared for Friends’ meeting
By Syed Irfan Raza
Tuesday, 04 Aug, 2009 | 05:05 AM PST |

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will place a pilot project to the second ministerial meeting of the Friends of Democratic Pakistan to be held in Istanbul on August 25 to seek assistance for reconstruction and rehabilitation of displaced people in the Malakand division.

The project envisages a five-year plan for rehabilitation and reconstruction and also for addressing the deep-rooted causes of extremism and militancy.

The information was provided at a meeting presided over by President Asif Ali Zardari here on Monday.

British High Commissioner Robert Edward Brinkley, Turkish Ambassador Mustafa Babur Hizlan, UN representative Jean Arnault, Adviser to the PM on Finance Shaukat Tarin, Secretary General Salman Faruqui and experts of the US State Department, USAID and the British government attended the meeting.

Briefing newsmen after the meeting, spokesman Farhatullah Babar quoted the president as saying that the Malakand division should encompass both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ areas of rehabilitation and reconstruction to ensure that the area did not relapse into violent extremism.

Mr Zardari said recent social, political and security upheaval in Swat and Malakand provided new opportunities to create viable models for containing extremism anywhere in the world.

‘A dispassionate and analytical study of the how and why of Malakand will illumine the path to devise strategies first to prevent such situations and, if they occur, to handle them confidently and effectively,’ he said.

The president advised the experts that while focussing on rebuilding schools, hospitals, agriculture and infrastructure in Malakand they should not lose sight of addressing other vital areas such as justice, governance and poverty alleviation.

He called for early completion of an assessment of the damage.

Mr Zardari said that the Friends’ initiative should be seen as a long-term engagement of the international community with Pakistan to help it cope with the challenges, including the economic problems caused by the fight against terrorism.

He said the FoDP was not a donors’ club, but ‘a vehicle for the future to combat militancy and extremism’.

The president enquired about the status of international aid pledges and directed the officials concerned to get them fulfilled as soon as possible.

Mr Zardari also spoke about the problem of narcotics and drugs which were feeding the war machine of militants.

He said the issue was discussed at a meeting of the heads of states of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Russia in Dushanbe last week and they agreed that uncontrolled narco-trade financed militants and it must be collectively curbed to defeat militancy.
Ah, yes. The brotherhood of Islam shows it's generous face again.:enjoy:

Dollars, rupees, and bits of gold for salafist irhabists. Not one penny, to borrow a phrase, for the security of simple muslim families trying to restart their lives in SWAT/Buner and seeking protection from these same salafi murderers.

Why is this so unsurprising?:tsk:

Agreed - should not surprise anyone. The Salafi Sheikhs in the Gulf (primarily in Saudi) are heavily funding their ideological offspring, the Taliban thugs in Malakand.

Why would these Salafi Arabs ever spend their petrodollars on the displaced people of Swat and Buner who have been brutalized by the very same Taliban??
Agreed - should not surprise anyone. The Salafi Sheikhs in the Gulf (primarily in Saudi) are heavily funding their ideological offspring, the Taliban thugs in Malakand.

Why would these Salafi Arabs ever spend their petrodollars on the displaced people of Swat and Buner who have been brutalized by the very same Taliban??

Do you pls give any link about donation of Saudi for I DPs.
In my information only US, Europe are the major donors so far.
Muslim countries did,int pay their attention for Swat incident victims.
salafi petrodollar is also spending billions dollars in revert of Muslim and non-muslim to their sect with Tableghi jammats in all over the world.
So again sunni vs salafi fight started, good going guyz.. i am sure you will manage to push Baluchistan mess as well on the Saudis.

btw biggest donors aren't USA or European but Pakistani muslims who help more then anyone. But yet media never speak up for them, since they don't pay any attention to the media a.k.a Geo!!
Do you pls give any link about donation of Saudi for I DPs.
In my information only US, Europe are the major donors so far.
Muslim countries did,int pay their attention for Swat incident victims.
salafi petrodollar is also spending billions dollars in revert of Muslim and non-muslim to their sect with Tableghi jammats in all over the world.


Who told you tableegi jamat taking aid from Saudi or GCC ?

Please do some research before making wrong alligations.Tabileegi jamat is working all over the world , they are peace fully serving islam.They extremely against extremisim and terrorism.Better visit your self raiwind to see and observe their markaz by your self.You will feel the difference ,their struggle is based on iman,amal,kidmat,eisar,qurbani,akhlas,haqooq al ibad,haqooq Allah and six numbers(qalma,namaz,ilam/zikar,tasehi niyat,ikram ul muslimeen,dawat tableeq)
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Who told you tableegi jamat taking aid from Saudi or GCC ?

Please do some research before making wrong alligations.Tabileegi jamat is working all over the world , they are peace fully serving islam.They extremely against extremisim and terrorism.Better visit your self raiwind to see and observe their markaz by your self.You will feel the difference ,their struggle is based on iman,amal,kidmat,eisar,qurbani,akhlas,haqooq al ibad,haqooq Allah and six numbers(qalma,namaz,ilam/zikar,tasehi niyat,ikram ul muslimeen,dawat tableeq)

They don't even know what is tableigh. They are just ringing door bells and saying 'come over with us to do tableigh' .
RASOOL ALLAH(SAWW) did start HIS Tableigh after showing 40 years of HIS Sadaqat ,Imanat and Ikhlass.Even enemy called HIM Sadiq and Amien.Tableigh first start from Home and surrounding not to the unaware people.Tableigh is start from Amal not words first.

If at one side some one is dying and calling for help and other side people looking for you to join Salat, What would you do first????

Tablighe are just preaching do salat,salat, roza, hajj,zakat.....
they has fold their eyes and ears over situation in swat,fata and all part of world where their brother cutting throats and suicide bombing,exploding schools beating women.

They are biggest munafiq and just preaching their sect,they have no concern over the terrorist acts by their brothers.
Your people are beautiful people. So sad that many foreigners are ignorant of this fact.

You just gave me a great idea! Spread these photos around the globe, the more people see them - the more they realize how precious Pakistanis and Afghans are - the more resistance to bombings & killings! :)

Collect photos and videos and make into into a CD/DVD and distribute it on the internet (using bittorrent). Make it professional and small in size -- the more convenient and enjoyable for viewer the better. :)
They don't even know what is tableigh. They are just ringing door bells and saying 'come over with us to do tableigh' .

Can you tell us how taleeg should be done? .Do you know meaning of tableeg ?

Tableigh is start from Amal not words first.

Let me tell you tableeg is for non muslims not for muslims.

If at one side some one is dying and calling for help and other side people looking for you to join Salat, What would you do first????

You are right ,we should help needy person first .

Tablighe are just preaching do salat,salat, roza, hajj,zakat.....
they has fold their eyes and ears over situation in swat,fata and all part of world where their brother cutting throats and suicide bombing,exploding schools beating women.

Agreed that they dont interfer in any political dispute , they are focusing on root cause of blood shed and fasad and trying to prevent these things in society,prevention is better then cure.

They are biggest munafiq and just preaching their sect,they have no concern over the terrorist acts by their brothers.

I think they are not munafiq , they wanted to solve the all social problems by character building at grass root level.

Please first understand their methodology, they emphesis more on iman and yaqeen(Qalma) and then through practice try correct basic fundamentals qalma,namaz,zakat,haj,soum .Four month is their basic training course for muslims to get basic knowledge how to spend 24 hour life as per Sunnah and Quran.

Do you think beating your self with knif during ashurah can resolve terrorism or social problems?
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