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My First Interview

For all those who have posted valuable input and took interest, I did had my Interview and as I anticipated my friend (Korean Guy) was Part of the panel, and one HR lady. Nothing Technical was asked but Generic question, situational more expressively. How would do in XYZ situation, etc. I think I did relatively good as I kept my answers to the point and those hypothetical situation which I was never were in I just laid it out very honestly. Now I have to wait until Friday to get my Answer as the HR will discuss other candidates and the Salary package with the compensation department, they will come up with an Answer.

With all the honesty I did my part and now I leave things to Allah, only he controls our lives and sustenance, If I get the Job I will be happy as I really prayed for a better Position, If I don't get than I won't be disappointed as I know Allah has something better planned for me. Again, Thank you all for your input and lessons I am not sure how but the comments did help me in my Interview.
For all those who have posted valuable input and took interest, I did had my Interview and as I anticipated my friend (Korean Guy) was Part of the panel, and one HR lady. Nothing Technical was asked but Generic question, situational more expressively. How would do in XYZ situation, etc. I think I did relatively good as I kept my answers to the point and those hypothetical situation which I was never were in I just laid it out very honestly. Now I have to wait until Friday to get my Answer as the HR will discuss other candidates and the Salary package with the compensation department, they will come up with an Answer.

With all the honesty I did my part and now I leave things to Allah, only he controls our lives and sustenance, If I get the Job I will be happy as I really prayed for a better Position, If I don't get than I won't be disappointed as I know Allah has something better planned for me. Again, Thank you all for your input and lessons I am not sure how but the comments did help me in my Interview.
Wishing you success.
For all those who have posted valuable input and took interest, I did had my Interview and as I anticipated my friend (Korean Guy) was Part of the panel, and one HR lady. Nothing Technical was asked but Generic question, situational more expressively. How would do in XYZ situation, etc. I think I did relatively good as I kept my answers to the point and those hypothetical situation which I was never were in I just laid it out very honestly. Now I have to wait until Friday to get my Answer as the HR will discuss other candidates and the Salary package with the compensation department, they will come up with an Answer.

With all the honesty I did my part and now I leave things to Allah, only he controls our lives and sustenance, If I get the Job I will be happy as I really prayed for a better Position, If I don't get than I won't be disappointed as I know Allah has something better planned for me. Again, Thank you all for your input and lessons I am not sure how but the comments did help me in my Interview.
Being honest is always good.
This might be the first round and the technical round might be later.

Don't be fixated on this keep looking for more interviews. Interview success is not entirely based on your performance.

Fingers Crossed now I have to wait patiently.
I personally am the most passive abrasive person to interview. Being overtly eager just shows that you haven't been through the meat grinder yet(are not in position of financial security and are prime for exploitation). (this will come with time getting a foot in the door is always the hardest)

I interview people semi regularly and am always on the lookout for people that i can work with, means my tastes can be different, some like people pleasers, i like abrasive rational.
Its a numbers game. Keep trying , don't wait.
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For all those who have posted valuable input and took interest, I did had my Interview and as I anticipated my friend (Korean Guy) was Part of the panel, and one HR lady. Nothing Technical was asked but Generic question, situational more expressively. How would do in XYZ situation, etc. I think I did relatively good as I kept my answers to the point and those hypothetical situation which I was never were in I just laid it out very honestly. Now I have to wait until Friday to get my Answer as the HR will discuss other candidates and the Salary package with the compensation department, they will come up with an Answer.

With all the honesty I did my part and now I leave things to Allah, only he controls our lives and sustenance, If I get the Job I will be happy as I really prayed for a better Position, If I don't get than I won't be disappointed as I know Allah has something better planned for me. Again, Thank you all for your input and lessons I am not sure how but the comments did help me in my Interview.

Good job on being honest. The fact you were sat in that seat meant they considered you potentially suitable. If im hiring someone, i'm willing to overlook knowledge gap or experience gap if I know that person is someone willing to learn and I know we have the structure to support them to upskill.
Just wanted to update to everyone who send their best wishes, I did not get the Job. The Korean Guy who keep saying that the final Decision will be his and his Boss ( The Manager) called me today at work and said that HR just refused, They haven't hired anyone else yet but not Hiring me at least. Its kinda sad :(
Just wanted to update to everyone who send their best wishes, I did not get the Job. The Korean Guy who keep saying that the final Decision will be his and his Boss ( The Manager) called me today at work and said that HR just refused, They haven't hired anyone else yet but not Hiring me at least. Its kinda sad :(

****’em. Their loss.
Keep applying and interviewing.
I interviewed 5 times over a period of 3 years to get into the company I am in right now. When the tine is right, you'll get it.
All you can do is try, rest is Allah's doing.
There ia something better for you out there.

First of all:
  • Set off a little early
  • Arrive a few mins early
  • Wear your Sunday best
When you are introduced, state your name, offer to shake the hand of the interview panel, when you shake hands remember a firm handshake and maintain eye contact for 2 seconds... I was taught this by Protocol officers, and if it works for heads of states, it will work for you and set a great impression.

Do your research, brand, history, management, current challenges, why you have chosen to work for the company vs anyone else. These are questions that may be asked as part of your interview.

All interviews now follow the STAR method, learn it, prepare for it, use it in interview:
View attachment 896589

NB: During the interview if you are sat on a chair and feeling nervous, to avoid fidgeting place your hands on your lap or legs, it is also completely acceptable to use what are called "talking hands" Imran Khan is a master of this btw, it really helps when you are nervous.

Most interviews now include some element of situational judgement/psychometric testing:

Here is a sample Situational Judgement Test:

Personality Test sample:

Logical Reasoning Test sample:

Numerical reasoning test sample:


Employers may ask you competency-based questions:

Here are some sample questions and answers to give you food for thought:

Depending on the role you may have an assessment centre style interview - if you are in an assessment centre, remember you are being assessed on the following:

- Working with others
- Willingness to change
- Leadership Style
- Attitude

This video should help you:

Negotiation Phase:
During the close of the interview, you may be asked about salary expectations or career aspirations. It is better to be open and honest than be political as employers can grade you down for being smarmy.

At the end of the interview, thank the panel for interviewing you.
You do your work completely

Be positive
Speak slowly
When asked tell me about yourself,
Tell your skills succinctly and relate to the job.

You will get this job if it is for you.
Good luck.
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