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My CRH trip from Shanghai back to Wuhan


Feb 23, 2015
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This is my initial thread in this forum I've just known of.

These photos were captured when I took a D-class(200km/h) semi-HSR from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Hankou Railway Station which is located in Wuhan. It was in January this year with some unexpected snowy weather.

Let me first introduce this route. From Shanghai to Wuhan about 800-840km, it depends on which station in Wuhan( Wuhan has three major railway terminals, Hankou, Wuchang and Wuhan). Now 23 D-trains(200km/h) and 8 G-trains(300km/h) are at service per day. The train will be first flying on Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Line or Shanghai-Beijing HSR Line between Shanghai and Nanjing, then after reaching Nanjing South Railway Station, it will be on Nanjing-Wuhan semi-HSR Line. The whole journey takes around 5.5 hours for D trains and costs 265RMB for the second class( G train about 4-5 hours and 301RMB for the second class, only slightly more pricy because only the first Shanghai-Nanjing full HSR part is charged differently).

OK, let the photos speak for this journey. All captured by my mobile photos so please don’t judge the low quality.:-)
p.s. some photos were taken by my friends, I will let you know in that case.
p.p.s. more about Wuhan attached

My route is illustrated in the CRH Network
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A larger map, Shanghai-Nanjing-Wuhan
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Waiting space of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, captured at the second floor where restaurants and cafès are located
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One of the 32 platforms of Shanghai Hongqiao Sta.
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The interior of my train D3090, Second Class
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First class
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Hefei Railway Station, tracks covered by snow
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Hefei Railway Station, the capital of Anhui Province. The biggest one after Nanjing South
On the right is my D train, on the left is a G train(300km/h) bound for Beijing
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Anhui is rather a southern place and here in the north we just had rainfall few days ago.
approaching Hankou Railway Sta. of Wuhan, an industrial metropolitan city in central China
Wuchang Uprising which ended Qing Dynasty happened in Wuchang of Wuhan
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Hankou Railway Station
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To exchange another train, go up to the waiting room.
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Long tunnel to the exit
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Huge crowds at the exit where tickets will be checked again
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Anhui is rather a southern place and here in the north we just had rainfall few days ago.
Actually snow in Anhui and Hubei is not rare. Already 2 snows this winter in Wuhan

Here is some information from Wikipedia about Hankou Sta.( its façade is still the same design as in a century ago, but much more spacious)
When the Jinghan Railway from Beijing reached Hankou in the early 20th century, its terminus was the Hankou Dazhimen Station, located right outside the walls of the bustling port city of Hankou. In 1991 the old station was closed, and services were relocated to the present Hankou Railway Station, located much further to the north from the central Hankou.Hankou Railway Station became connected to Wuhan Metro on December 28, 2012, with the opening of Line 2 of the city's subway system.
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Hankou Sta. and other two major railway stations are well connected by Wuhan Metro, within 50 metres from the exit. Passengers won't need to climb up to the outside floor.
The following photos about Hankou Station of Metro Line 2
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Wonderful pictures bro. Keep them coming from this journey and more. It was nice to see the public, life, places and common citizens of china.
Thank you Umair. This is my first day in this forum. I will keep posting my owe experiences here in China and will not use any online photos other than mine although not so well captured:(
The following photos about Wuhan Metro when I went to IKEA for shopping with my mother which is located in suburban Wuhan.

Firstly, some maps.
Wuhan Metro Now! Line 2 and 4 both have a tunnel across Yangtze River, huge projects indeed.
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Wuhan Metro by the end of 2016. The mayor has promised a new line every single year.
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Wuhan Metro and Greater Wuhan Intercity Network by 2017
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The metro station of Line 2 near my colony
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Interchange to elevated Line-1
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more on the way for my hometown
any more?

Metro Line 1 all lies in Hankou which is at the northern bank of Yangtze River, linking downtown Hankou to the sprawling suburb
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Metro Line 1 overpasses Wuhan-Yichang-Chongqing-Chengdu semi-HSR line, a main route to Sichuan in western China. Every day, over 50 CRH services will speed to Yichang along this line, the second biggest city in Hubei Province, the gateway for Three Gorge Dam. The inauguration of this intercity service with less than 90 RMB in 2 hours covering 300km immediately destroyed the blood-sucking bus company with 150 RMB in 5 hours. More and more these kinds of conscienceless bus companies will be going to the hell in the future. The people in Hubei vote for a way of decency and best cost performance. And more and more new trains will be put in service for this busy route in the coming year when manufactured.
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suburban Hankou, near the 3rd ring expressway of Wuhan
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Wuhan IKEA is half an hour by metro from downtown Hankou, well connected by a station especially designed for it. The connecting corridor was built by IKEA, just opened several months before with its outskirt and an adjacent shopping centre still under construction

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Is it authentic Swedish? 45RMB(7.2 US dollar) is cheap indeed if it is authentic
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A set of a hotdog and a drink only 5 RMB ( less than a US dollar), similar to hot dry noodle which is a local special for breakfast
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Now about Wuhan ferry, taken in early Feb this year.

One of the cross-Yangtze ferry routes. Ferries stills act as an indispensable aspect of local citizens when more and more bridges and metros are being launched. The price is the same as a bus ticket or the minimum wage of Metro for 2RMB, if tag on with a Wuhan Transit Card, only 1.3RMB. The frequency is every 20 minutes.

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It says River Town No.3
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the route map
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The Turtle Hill and the first bridge across Yangtze, built in 1950s designed by Soviet Union experts. Ever since, Beijing-Wuhan and Wuhan-Guangzhou lines united as one of the most important lines in China, connecting the capital with 5 provincial capitals.
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The estuary of the biggest tributary of Yangtze, Han River
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Wuhan is the only city with an equally important downtown on both sides of Yangtze. In fact, Yangtze and Han separate Wuhan into three parts, Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang. When the central government of ROC moved to Wuhan in 1927,the municipality of Hankou and Wuchang which was the capital of Hubei Province incorporated into a single national capital city called Wuhan( the first character of each name)
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We need more threads like this one.
What camera did you use?

And guys be careful, @BoQ77 will comment on this thread soon, talking about the ticket price and distance between cities, and then comparing the price to annual salalry ratios of China and Vietnam.
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