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Must Read : India’s China fears

if making india fear us india will get stronger , what if we invade and taking some indian lands it will make you a world supoer power?
" India cant deal with Pakistan forget about China "...Pak Army General

just remember 1971,1984,1999. remember chola incident of 1967 when PLA invasion was repelled by Indian military. Bilateral ceasefire.

The 1967 Sino-Indian skirmish also known as the Chola incident, was a day-long battle between Indian troops and members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Sikkim, who had infiltrated the area. The end of the battle saw the retreat of the People's Liberation Army from Sikkim.

if making india fear us india will get stronger , what if we invade and taking some indian lands it will make you a world supoer power?

Taking some Indian Lands?, What if we land a Few Bombs, would you take it?? If then yeah you pretty correct, we would be Superpowers... ;)
" India cant deal with Pakistan forget about China "...Pak Army General
Quotes of Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi-Ones upon a time Pak Army general
"I would capture Agartala and a big chunk of Assam, and develop multiple thrusts into Indian Bengal. We would cripple the economy of Calcutta by blowing up bridges and sinking boats and ships in Hooghly River and create panic amongst the civilians. One air raid on Calcutta would set a sea of humanity in motion to get out of Calcutta”

But what Followed was history....


Posted by zsm5stealthbomber : talk facts Mr.
I don't think i need to post any more fact....@ AMCA did that job for me....But i really never expected you guys to believe otherwise....1971 war witnessed the biggest surrender by any army in the modern war... What facts you want me to tell you..??/

" India cant deal with Pakistan forget about China "...Pak Army General
Its a joke ....whichever general told this... i mean its not written that your present general said this but even if he said this....its a joke buddy...

You see Indians actually do not fear China but hate and envy the Chinese people. India use the excuse "fear" to justify their anti-China movement against China.
How do you know ??/ Have you even met any Indian in your life apart from chatroom ?? My best friend is now living in China because his father got transferred and he is very happy and made many chinese friends. I have many more friends in China who tells other than this....I myself have played Holi with Chinese people...we are still in touch with those guys...
Its not this particular case...there are so many indian private companies in China and so are many Indians who live very happily there and are friends with many Indians...Actually if you will see people to people interaction...its very good....Its just the national policy of both nation which have some differences...

Hahaha u want an arm race with china? have you got enough cash mate?
Why you always go to the arm race ?? Look at my statement... i meant that even though everyone is talking about the threat from China, New Delhi is still sleeping. We are not talking about arm race, we ae just talking about the capability enough to defend ourselves...

if making india fear us india will get stronger , what if we invade and taking some indian lands it will make you a world supoer power?
Well it won't make us superpower but it will surely take us both back to 1940s.

What stops you then to invade?
It will make India a Superpower....;)
there is nothing wrong in fearing china. even USA fears china. when India fears china, it keeps itself alert,strong. this automatically saves India from war scenario where India is unprepared,weak, indian forces are small and with little artillery. due to fear of china, indian govt has provided sufficient money for armed forces. today we are building new roads in AP,deploying squadrons of SU 30MKI and will soon deploy LCH helis. mountain version of BRAHMOS is on its way to AP. so fear of china is keeping us sharp, strong and alert and that too constantly. :tup:

Agree with you.Even US feared the Soviets in late 50's & early 60's.There were talks of many different issues like bomber gap,Missile gap & so on.But it was the US who emerged as victors in the cold war.
Talk about china if u dare!
You talk'n about pakistan?:rofl: if without pakistan,usa
Will be sitting duck in front
Taliban! A bunch of teens
Claimed more than 300 lives
In your so-called METRO while
Your special forces where looking duck! Not to mention
The mumbai police! Equipped
With guns taken from some
Mueseum! Pakistan is doing a great job flushing out the terrorists-learn to respect them! We are far more than
better than you! :china:

Forgot about Lal Masjid seige.10 of your so called elite SSG killed,by some Children with AK's & some say tha SSG are best in the world.
Siege of Lal Masjid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
" India cant deal with Pakistan forget about China "...Pak Army General

AK Niazi
“Have you not heard of the Niazi corridor theory? I will cross into India and march up the Ganges and capture Delhi and thus link up with Pakistan. This will be the corridor that will link East and West Pakistan. It was a corridor that the Quaid-e-Azam demanded and I will obtain it by force of arms”.
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