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Muslims, Sikhs Clash 2 killed, 6 critical in UP

Not if you're dealing with the likes of Manvan.

On topic, this is UP children, the land where Mullayam doth protest too much and for far too long, he's probably rolling around hoping that a bigger riot ensues which leads to maximum Muslim casualties, nothing brings in the votes like a sacred community which votes en bloc specifically after the Modinator has come to power.

LOL seriously ? Are you accusing someone of Murder ? ...does the boogy man make you wet your pants too ?
If this somehow aids in getting rid of the SP goons then all is well.
And over that our Indian media would keep quit just because they want to be seen as secular.

I want the same coverage over this incident as what happened in the Shiv Sena MP case.

If our media doesn't pick it up then it would establish that they have some hidden agenda.

Muslims in India need to realize that religious practice is not just limited to them. We have no problem if you build Mosque if the land is specifically allotted for that purpose. But when you have a court ruling how can you go rioting?

Is this secularism? Or protesting against the Shiv Sena MP is?

I hope peace prevails in the area. If the muslim community cannot mend their ways then they we would slaughtered in big numbers.

In India, you have the right to practice your religion but you should also respect other communities religious sentiment too.
Sikhs openly saying on news channel (ABP News) that they are going to hit back. Muslims has attacked their gurdwara.It is getting ugly.
Muslims might have felt Sikhs are easy target(after Hindus had bashed them right and left muzaffarnagar).if there is sizable Sikh population in this area,it will definitely get ugly unless curfew is imposed strictly.even then Muslims will lose the opportunity to celebrate id.
Bihari Muslims were no different.They learnt their lesson hard way just like they did in gujrat.its time to teach the same lesson to UP Muslims.

Backing mass murder and rape. Way it go.


We need an Indian moderator for such topics, seriously.
Backing mass murder and rape. Way it go.


We need an Indian moderator for such topics, seriously.


It's a bit complicated.

When a Indian Muslim "scholar" promises to send 500,000 Indian jihadi's to kill Shia's and Christians in Iraq and to fight in Gaza in favor of the Saudi king - it is exactly this bunch he is talking about sending. They won't have qualms killing or beheading anybody, so this does not exactly warrant any sympathy.

Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad

It's a bit complicated.

When a Indian Muslim "scholar" promises to send 500,000 Indian jihadi's to kill Shia's and Christians in Iraq and to fight in Gaza in favor of the Saudi king - it is exactly this bunch he is talking about sending. They won't have qualms killing or beheading anybody, so this does not exactly warrant any sympathy.

Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad

He is an idiot my friend, and he should be sent there so he can meet his end.

But the above poster aimed it at general people.
RIP to the dead.
Sad to see that these extremist Muslims fractions are getting the support of SP goons...:mad:
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Backing mass murder and rape. Way it go.


We need an Indian moderator for such topics, seriously.
It may sound a bit rash but sadly it is the sad reality.you are a Muslim and you know very well how Muslims behave in mobs.I don't want anyone to be killed.I don't have any problem as long as you keep ur religious beliefs to urself without creating tension in the society.we are all human beings first and only next are we Muslims,Hindus or anything.But Muslims behave as if they are the only ppl of god and the lives of non Muslims don't have any value.I have been invited to attend ramzan festivities in their home by 2 girls with so much love.I know how happy they will feel when I go to their house on that day.But the sad thing is there are only few Muslims with that innocence and pure heart.
Many Muslims just want to hate everry non Muslim.and if there are no non Muslims they want to hate themselves.Hatred will only breed hate my friend.Try to be in harmony with others especially when you are living in a multi religious country like India.
Yes 3 dead, including one Hindu, 2 Sikhs... RIP...
When court judgement came in favor of Sikhs, Muslim should not build mosque there... There was no need of violence.
Most sane post from a Pakistani .......... These clashes would not have happened if Muslim community practiced restrain.
Nothing to be proud of here brother. Shame is the word I would use.

If retaliation happens, many Muslims will die.

Going back to the issue of pride, how are we proud of a people who have nothing to do with us?
Thats because most of the pakistanis relate their identity with their religion not with their nation or culture.
once someone goes against a court ruling and indulge in voilence there are no more representing community,they are criminals...book the leaders of the mob make sure they dont see the light of the day for as long as they live.that will send a clear message to the criminals.
1st, media vitiates communal harmony with continuous anti-Hindu propaganda and persistent BJP-bashing for at least 7-10 days...

2nd, Congress leader Imran Masood (notorious for his "Modi ki boti-boti" remarks) provokes mob of more than 4000 Muslims that attacks and burns Shikh shops and kills them...

3rd, Congress and AAP leaders start blaming BJP for riots without any supportive proof, despite the fact that victimized Shikhs have clearly alleged Imran Masood and other Congress leaders....

4th, media still conveniently avoids asking difficult questions to Congress, while showing more and more coverage to their anti-BJP bytes...


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