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Muslims, Sikhs Clash 2 killed, 6 critical in UP

This is really disgusting. You can't blame any one Community for entire spat? Why only Muslim Community?
It may sound a bit rash but sadly it is the sad reality.you are a Muslim and you know very well how Muslims behave in mobs.I don't want anyone to be killed.I don't have any problem as long as you keep ur religious beliefs to urself without creating tension in the society.we are all human beings first and only next are we Muslims,Hindus or anything.But Muslims behave as if they are the only ppl of god and the lives of non Muslims don't have any value.I have been invited to attend ramzan festivities in their home by 2 girls with so much love.I know how happy they will feel when I go to their house on that day.But the sad thing is there are only few Muslims with that innocence and pure heart.
Many Muslims just want to hate everry non Muslim.and if there are no non Muslims they want to hate themselves.Hatred will only breed hate my friend.Try to be in harmony with others especially when you are living in a multi religious country like India.

Sad realities are comprised of mistakes, misunderstanding and so forth. Not wilful intent, as you stated in your post previously, but I understand you didn't mean that indicated by your post. As for behaving in mobs, that can be applied to mobs as diverse as football matches to religious processions, many sociologists have written about mob dynamic and how they change for the worse.
I am Muslim but I certainly do not believe I am the only person of God and the lives of Non-Muslims hold equal footing for me, as does their welfare. Many Muslims also share my sentiments. You also shouldn't lump us all together. Do you believe a Sufi Muslims , like myself is the same as a Wahabi fighter?
Yes we do have problems with extremism, but people are working day and night against this. In time we will inshallah win.
Secular India :bunny:

4000 "Peaceful Secular's" attacked and burned all shops of Shikhs and killed them just because they didn't like the court verdict....And yes, it all happened during RAMZAN and most of those attackers also observed Roza..:(

Is allowed to kill people in Ramzan while observing Roza???:undecided:
Nope Muslims doing their peaceful things after morning prayers.

Apparenlty they want to plomp a Masjid wherever they find an empty piece of land, this time that land happened to belong to a Sikh gurudwara. Hence the violence.
another work of RAW hindu brahmin agency to spread hatered between peaceful sikh and muslims of india nothing new :coffee:

Have you ever wondered why these so called riots in India always takes place on Friday afternoon. The answer is after offering their prayers the followers of peace march on to the streets and indulge in some healthy recreational activity inspired from their so-called brothers in the middle east.
Sad realities are comprised of mistakes, misunderstanding and so forth. Not wilful intent, as you stated in your post previously, but I understand you didn't mean that indicated by your post. As for behaving in mobs, that can be applied to mobs as diverse as football matches to religious processions, many sociologists have written about mob dynamic and how they change for the worse.
I am Muslim but I certainly do not believe I am the only person of God and the lives of Non-Muslims hold equal footing for me, as does their welfare. Many Muslims also share my sentiments. You also shouldn't lump us all together. Do you believe a Sufi Muslims , like myself is the same as a Wahabi fighter?
Yes we do have problems with extremism, but people are working day and night against this. In time we will inshallah win.
So u follow Sufi teachings?majority of the Muslims don't consider Sufi Muslims as Muslims in the first place.I like the teachings of Sufism.Naturally you might be one nice person.Had all the Muslims been sufis,the world would have been lot better.That said Sufism doesn't strictly stick to the teachings of hadees which many Muslims take as infallible.You can reinterpret Quran according to Sufism but you can't do that to hadees.As long Muslims hold hadees dear nothing will change in their mindsets.And I don't see how Muslims are going to follow Sufism.What you call wahabism is for me the strict adherence to Quranic and hadees teachings.
If it is UP/Bihar the chances are the whole thing was pre planned.
UP needs to be divided, there too much communal politics that happens there.
Untill and unless muslims will follow religion like science and cannot accumulate with other people who are living in the 21st century , nothings gonna change .
But some Pakistanis are bend on glorifying these so called " medieval " acts ..... I want some right minded Pakistanis to explain what @YaAli was taking about & wheather they also endorse such views.

No one is gonna do that,,,but i just saw it on google and the poisoining part seems to be true.
What happened before that too
Those riots were religiously motivated and incited and carried out by a bunch of semi/low educated people.

Point is, such mob violence would not happen in this frequency and violence if we were not so religious.

I have to respectfully disgree with you. I believe you have the cause and effect switched. You think the cause is religion and the result is irrational thought and behavior. I believe that the cause is irrational thought (or no thought) and result is religion and irrational behavior
@YaAli are you ashamed of your country's flag?

No one is gonna do that,,,but i just saw it on google and the poisoining part seems to be true.
What happened before that too

I think you should behave! Seriously!
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Muslims might have felt Sikhs are easy target(after Hindus had bashed them right and left muzaffarnagar).if there is sizable Sikh population in this area,it will definitely get ugly unless curfew is imposed strictly.even then Muslims will lose the opportunity to celebrate id.

Incorrect as jats bashed them and not all hindus as we say in our village "If you kill one of us we kill all of you,it doesn't matter to us whoever you are"
@YaAli are you ashamed of your country's flag?


I think you should behave! Seriously!

I believe i did not insult anyone here

Incorrect as jats bashed them and not all hindus as we say in our village "If you kill one of us we kill all of you,it doesn't matter to us whoever you are"

Depends on the number,,,the majority always wins whoever they are:coffee:
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