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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

Obviously there is a divide when Hindus in the UK are disassociating themselves and condemning these troublemakers. I’m pretty sure this is the first incident of communal violence in the UK which has been brought over by your bharti countrymen of the saffron variety.

And don’t make us laugh. Nobody is scared of you toads.

Na, when you attack a Hindu- is it written on his face or on his forehead that he is "RSS- Hindu"?
Or when you target a temple - Is it written on the temple that only "RSS-Hindus" pray there?

No, it's an attack by virtue of he/she being born a Hindu.

You fellows are just too scared to even admit, like I said... It's quite understandable why.
They are Hindus, they aren't "RSS-Hindus" or whatever that means.

If you are shit scared of Hindus, that you need to divide Hindus into "RSS Hindus" and "Non-RSS Hindus", then I can understand.

So scared, that it takes 30 to 50 indian hindus to attack one Pakistani/Muslim........... :disagree:.........if that isn't embarrassing then NOTHING is.........:azn:
Pakistanis assaulted by gangs of Hindus. Pakistanis report to police. Nothing is done. Continued attacks on lone Pakistanis. Reported to police and nothing done. Now Pakistanis have had enough and gone after the the Hindu troublemakers and all of sudden police show up to keep Pakistanis from fucking the Saffron Bhartis up.
Well your response feels like negative IQ, how long these Gangs are attacking Pakistani's ? since the cricket match, so Police inaction against them makes no sense, and if you are blind to see that Police is keeping both parties separate, and how can you be so sure that no Indian have been arrested ? just because Indian Hindu's are doing stupid hooligan stuff doesn't mean Pakistani's should react, learn to let police do their job but because Pakistani's and Indians knows taking matters in their own hands this is why they are reacting.

So are you telling me the Pakistanis shouldn’t come together and ignore these Hindu mobs attacking lone Pakistanis when Police are taking no action?
I am saying Pakistani's should contact police and let them do their job, if there was someone killed right in front of the Police, then community can take Police to court for inaction, but I doubt that has happened. Secondly its a fight over Cricket match but both sides are invoking religious slogans like its a battle of panipat, you see the fact that is that macho syndrome which exists in almost everyone today, they want to feel like they are part of something big, like those white Supremacists who gear up like COD characters to march thinking they are some sort of soldiers defending anything, similar to like those Indians RSS goons thinks they are doing some sort of Godly work, and Pakistani's raising slogans such as Allah Ho Akbar as they actually care for Islam and religion, most of these youngsters would be eating pork, drinking Alcohol and banging Prostitutes but when the riot on the streets come, all suddenly become True Muslims, This is stupid. Police is there for a reason, record the inaction of Police and sue them in court and win. But clashing with Indian RSS stupid goons will not make you any better, when will we Muslims learn not to react idiotically when provoked ? Patience is key, let the system works and if the system fails then take them to court, but if they throw bottles and you throw sticks then you are no better than them, no matter how loud to shout Allah Ho Akber or claim that was self-defense.
Let's see how many Hindus these hypocritical whites send back to India. Hindu's generally and UK Hindus are being influenced and urgently need to be de-Nazified as their hatred is spreading into a false sense of superiority and they are becoming like their Indian counterparts. Priti Patel with her Zion masters have sowed this seed with the sole purpose to divide and instill fear. UK gov must stop this open door policy of Hindu students who are importing Hindu Nazism in to the UK and elsewhere.
If they are UK citizens then they can't deport them, but if they are students or illegal then yes. The best thing for Pakistani's is to avoid confrontation, record their actions and Police inaction (if there is any) than take them to court. Stop behaving like this is some sort of Crusade or War that two sides are fighting for their religious supremacy, its a clash of two nations who hate each other over a freaking Cricket match.
Well your response feels like negative IQ, how long these Gangs are attacking Pakistani's ? since the cricket match, so Police inaction against them makes no sense, and if you are blind to see that Police is keeping both parties separate, and how can you be so sure that no Indian have been arrested ? just because Indian Hindu's are doing stupid hooligan stuff doesn't mean Pakistani's should react, learn to let police do their job but because Pakistani's and Indians knows taking matters in their own hands this is why they are reacting.

I am saying Pakistani's should contact police and let them do their job, if there was someone killed right in front of the Police, then community can take Police to court for inaction, but I doubt that has happened. Secondly its a fight over Cricket match but both sides are invoking religious slogans like its a battle of panipat, you see the fact that is that macho syndrome which exists in almost everyone today, they want to feel like they are part of something big, like those white Supremacists who gear up like COD characters to march thinking they are some sort of soldiers defending anything, similar to like those Indians RSS goons thinks they are doing some sort of Godly work, and Pakistani's raising slogans such as Allah Ho Akbar as they actually care for Islam and religion, most of these youngsters would be eating pork, drinking Alcohol and banging Prostitutes but when the riot on the streets come, all suddenly become True Muslims, This is stupid. Police is there for a reason, record the inaction of Police and sue them in court and win. But clashing with Indian RSS stupid goons will not make you any better, when will we Muslims learn not to react idiotically when provoked ? Patience is key, let the system works and if the system fails then take them to court, but if they throw bottles and you throw sticks then you are no better than them, no matter how loud to shout Allah Ho Akber or claim that was self-defense.
It is because the Leicester Police did not act that the Muslim youth decided to defend their community and it is only then that the Police acted to save the Hindu thugs. The Police should just step out of the way and let the Muslim youths deal with it.
If they are UK citizens then they can't deport them, but if they are students or illegal then yes. The best thing for Pakistani's is to avoid confrontation, record their actions and Police inaction (if there is any) than take them to court. Stop behaving like this is some sort of Crusade or War that two sides are fighting for their religious supremacy, its a clash of two nations who hate each other over a freaking Cricket match.
You are out of touch with the British law which was passed recently where anyone who has association with a foreign country can have their citizenship withdrawn and they can be deported even if they were born in the UK.
The RSS went to march in a Muslim Indian Gujarati area.

They got to the start and were turned back by police.

The community didn’t want to harm relations understandably.

Pakistanis from Birmingham came and picked out their members and beat them senseless, and ran riot pinning them into their homes.

Police came and told them we have this.

I heard that apparently large numbers of indians/hindus have been severely beaten up which is why the police have come in full force to save/protect them. Police were quiet when 30-50 indian hindus were attacking single Pakistanis/Muslims but are in force now that indian/hindus are getting battered.
It is because the Leicester Police did not act that the Muslim youth decided to defend their community and it is only then that the Police acted to save the Hindu thugs. The Police should just step out of the way and let the Muslim youths deal with it.
So you are saying Police stood watch while Hindu Gangs attack Muslims, fair enough... Take them to court, and provide them evidence. You want to direct confrontation with Hindu Gangs, killed lets say 10 of them and then they won't dare attack you, but now you have 20 Pakistani's in jail serving life sentence or possibly gets death Penalty, and rest of UK will see both nations as Barbaric uncivilized idiots. Wow what an achievement that will be, Please do that as UK citizen and don't call yourself as Pakistani's cause we Pakistani's had enough bad publicity due to Afghan's and other idiots.

You are out of touch with the British law which was passed recently where anyone who has association with a foreign country can have their citizenship retracted and they can be deported.
Good, than record their actions (Hindu) and take them to court, direct confrontation and killing a bunch of them will serve nothing except many youth's and Muslims will serve their life behind bars.
I heard that apparently large numbers of indians/hindus have been severely beaten up which is why the police have come in full force to save/protect them. Police were quiet when 30-50 indian hindus were attacking single Pakistanis/Muslims but are in force now that indian/hindus are getting battered.
Hindus miscalculated. I saw about 70 Hindus vs approx 5 Pakistanis. When the rest prayed. The Hindus did Shyte
Oh we have a bad *** here, go fight them and see what you achieve ? or you are one of those keyboard warriors ? lol
Right to self defense is a fundamental human right. If you get attacked in the street and the police don't help I don't think you will sit there professing peace and love.
Hindus miscalculated. I saw about 70 Hindus vs approx 5 Pakistanis. When the rest prayed. The Hindus did Shyte

I heard that when the indian hindus where running riot, the police stood back and did nothing but when they started getting battered, beaten and knocked out the police intervened to protect them.
So scared, that it takes 30 to 50 indian hindus to attack one Pakistani/Muslim........... :disagree:.........if that isn't embarrassing then NOTHING is.........:azn:
That's what they do in India too and normally pick on the old or weak Muslim. The Hindus run whenever they can, a wise strategy so that they can run another day.
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