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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

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Frankly US is too big and already violent for Indians and Pakistanis be running into each other, brawling or screwing each other over. Cricket matches are the only instances when incident occurs. Plus both communities are lot more educated.
so US me bhi they'll occasionally riot over cricket ? I doubt it somehow.

I know I painted with a broad brush but fark to hai between the diaspora across the pond. It could be due to the US' traditionally stricter screening and req for getting in while the UK let in millions post partition/independence.. I'm told they still kinda live in the old mindset from back then and a lot of them haven't really 'got with the times', so to speak.

Anyway.. aur krvao bezti.. to the 3rd person watching aghast as these riots etc break out there.. no difference between the meek gangu and the brave mard-e-momins.

lagay raho bkl'on, maray bc saarey

goray, spl right winger nationalist types mazay le rahe full :sarcastic:
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muscles are not enough especially today, controlling narrative in academia, media and politics is everything that is game remained to be mastered by muslims especially in west after 20 years of backfooting.
Muslims are on the backfoot because it isn't a nationalist identity. It's a religion in which people from all backgrounds came into. If today the whole world suddenly became Muslim, or any other religion, there will still be occurrence of violence and wars. For example, Pakistan and Afghanistan have hostility for non religious reasons.
Muslims are on the backfoot because it isn't a nationalist identity. It's a religion in which people from all backgrounds came into. If today the whole world suddenly became Muslim, or any other religion, there will still be occurrence of violence and wars. For example, Pakistan and Afghanistan have hostility for non religious reasons.
that is the trick of modern politics to divide people along the divergent interest, backgrounds, identity. ideologies etc. and muslims should not be shy to act as political factor based on their muslim identity first which does not mean that should ignore all other aspects that you mentioned.
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that is the trick of modern politics to divide people along the divergent interest, backgrounds, identity. ideologies etc. and muslims should not be shy to act as political factor based on their muslim identity first which does not mean that should ignore all other aspects that you mentioned.
Islamic Caliphate or governorate was the constitutional head of state/empire governing diverse peoples. The constitution of Medinah mentioned different tribal groups in Medinah and their rights including rights of religion.
Islamic Caliphate or governorate was the constitutional head of state/empire governing diverse peoples. The constitution of Medinah mentioned different tribal groups in Medinah and their rights including rights of religion.
I know, that is the reason why i said at first place that muslims should be politically organized anywhere possible because islam provides that kind of versatility and flexibility and i might be misunderstood that kind of organizing should bring benefits to the people outside of muslims community by leading by example and virtue.
if they are on student or work visa then this must be highlighted to authorities ( fir all its worth)

watching some videos I do agree that the plan was to continue to provoke Muslims until they turn violent and trash everything and then show Muslims as typical violent antisocial animals and if muslim dont take the bait then continue to escalate carefully in collusion ( or without) of sympathetic local authorities.

my reaction will be very subdued cordial and nonconfrontational in public I will urge calm and criticise Muslims for attacking Hindus or sloganeering etc.

but privately I would identity the individual Modi thugs and make a private visit ( discrete) and break their joints specially kneecap and ankles.

In a multicultural society maintaining inter community harmony is of paramount importance & if there is one thing the tories hate as a government, it’s the RIOTS. The British philosophy of governance is all about maintaining order. This is an example of that.

When it comes to judging the nature & characters of people & nations across the world, HM’s government especially the civil services & establishment is literally peerless.

Irfan Bhai you are an intelligent guy just notice the timing & the censorship of this whole affair on mainstream media & understand, Bel ko nakel dali gaii hai.
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I know, that is the reason why i said at first place that muslims should be politically organized anywhere possible because islam provides that kind of versatility and flexibility and i might be misunderstood that kind of organizing should bring benefits to the people outside of muslims community by leading by example and virtue.
But Muslim was never a stand alone political identity. Every individual Muslim was affiliated to his tribe. This is obvious from the Quran, Sunnah, hadith and history. The issue of rights of individuals and their religion arose because the leaders of Quraish - which was the Prophet's own tribe - was trying to destroy him and his followers because of their religious belief.
But Muslim was never a stand alone political identity. Every individual Muslim was affiliated to his tribe. This is obvious from the Quran, Sunnah, hadith and history. The issue of rights of individuals and their religion arose because the leaders of Quraish - which was the Prophet's own tribe - was trying to destroy him and his followers because of their religious belief.
it does not mean that we should not in particular conditions where community face injustice, misrepresentation, mistreatment, actually i find it as duty within liberal political frame to protect community from waste amount of different influences on ideas market.
it does not mean that we should not in particular conditions where community face injustice, misrepresentation, mistreatment, actually i find it as duty within liberal political frame to protect community from waste amount of different influences on ideas market.
It is God-given, natural human right to be safe from ethnic, tribal, racial or religious prejudice, abuse, discrimination, persecution and violence.

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