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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

If you actually read the history of the British Pakistani diaspora (like I did) your respect for the Mirpuris will be raised.

Its due to their sacrifices why the levels of racism against them and other South Asians didn't boil over like in Kenya or Uganda.
Thank you brother. My father came to the UK from Mirpur aged 5 in 1960. And the stories he has told me. Whites chasing and beating them regularly! But this time is different! Us British born Pakistani’s/ Kashmiri’s from Mirpur, Kolti and Dadyal region don’t take shit

Female officer is bigger than the RSS warriors. What’s with the chicken legs and coat hanger shoulders? Seen better built 8 year old boys and girls.
It is obvious that the politicians and the police department are complicit in all of this, could this be a ploy to gain votes from the Indian community like someone earlier said? if so then gee what a depraved and degenerate community, they are even more subhuman then I originally believed them to be.

And yet there are some beghairats that say partition was a mistake - they deserve to live in India with their Eastern neighbourly "brothers"
Those are a few deluded weirdos who spew such nonsense, if they think partition was a mistake then they are free to go to India. They would have an awful time living over there and flee that shithole within a week.
They are Hindus, they aren't "RSS-Hindus" or whatever that means.

If you are shit scared of Hindus, that you need to divide Hindus into "RSS Hindus" and "Non-RSS Hindus", then I can understand.
Its the closeted Bigot's logic 101 "I am not against Hindus, just against xyz" etc

In UK overtly abusing Hindu faith is not going to fly unlike their homeland
Heck, even in subcontinent overtly abusing Hindu faith in Maldives, one will receive confused grins
And yet there are some beghairats that say partition was a mistake - they deserve to live in India with their Eastern neighbourly "brothers"

The only people that say that are docile Indian Muslims.

Honestly, instead of cursing Jinnah, Hindus should be worshipping him like they worship Trump because If not for him, Muslims from what is modern day Pakistan would have overran India and have these bhartoads polishing shoes for a living.
If you actually read the history of the British Pakistani diaspora (like I did) your respect for the Mirpuris will be raised.

Its due to their sacrifices why the levels of racism against them and other South Asians didn't boil over like in Kenya or Uganda.

I have always held them in a certain level of respect & defended them on this forum & in public conversations. Had it not been for their super strong sense of community, we the 3rd & 4th generation would have found life very difficult here.
Situation report number two.

The conflict has mostly dissipated. Police presence is starting to reduce, and Muslims are starting to go home. Some will still walk around the streets tonight, but in smaller numbers. If the Indians are going to try anything stupid, now is the time. Police are on high standby, and riot units are ready (according to a friend of mine who works in the Leicester Police department). Even so, riot units won’t do much to save the people who will get jumped in 30v1s
The groups of Muslims coming from
outside Leicester to take part in the march/protests is due to Leicester being largely of Indian Gujrati Muslims. This would simply have not become such a big issue if Leicester was a majority Pakistani Muslim city.

We often diss the Mirpuri/Kashmiri/Potohar community for being backwards and all that but at least they don’t let such nonsense slide & escalate to such a degree in the first place.

The only people I have ever seen dissing the community are Punjabi nationalists and those who agree with their views, you know the type who applaud the statue of that ba$tard Ranjit Singh in Lahore.
Pashtuns get along with us fine, as do Pindi people etc.

The Damen’s are skinny and weak as fcuk. Word got out and Pakistani Muslim’s especially Mirpuri, Potowari lads came down and whipped these lot. Saturday the Damen’s got backup and the police have done nothing! They literally helped them march to Muslim areas! But around 9pm, Mirpuri’s turned up and turned the tables!

Doesn't surprise me one bit, our guys have always been on the front fighting. Now we defend the Muslim Gujarati community in Leicester, and that's fine, it's a faith issue.
Lots of Muslim guju girls opt to marry into our community.
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The only people that say that are docile Indian Muslims.

Honestly, instead of cursing Jinnah, Hindus should be worshipping him like they worship Trump because If not for him, Muslims from what is modern day Pakistan would have overran India and have these bhartoads polishing shoes for a living.

I meant the Pakistani beghairat liberal brigade - they proudly call themselves the beghairat brigade , such an apt title
Brum lads mostly Punjabi fam. Don't disrespect brov.

Nah they are not bro. Punjabis proper are no more than about 20% of the population. Brum is Azad Kashmiris and Pashtuns.

If you actually read the history of the British Pakistani diaspora (like I did) your respect for the Mirpuris will be raised.

Its due to their sacrifices why the levels of racism against them and other South Asians didn't boil over like in Kenya or Uganda.

Yep and Pashtuns, both Pashto speakers and Hindko speakers.
Although when we fight we are one.
But now Muslim ranks have been bolstered massively with Africans, Albanians, Arabs, Afghans etc.
Do they have beef biryani?
we wont be antagonizing the Hindu faith generally.
like others mentioned. non MODIfied hindus are just fine.
its the RSS cult of Hinduvita that is causing problems.
Protecting temples is every Hindu's dharma,

Everyone should be ready to protect it.

Please keep the 7 ft snow white muslim crap to yourself.
protecting the place of worship is a common practice of all relgions and its not restricted to Hindus.
there is nothing special to feel that way and yes at no point, anywhere in the world a Hindu should feel that his place of worship is threatened by anyone .
this is my response to your first paragraph.

as for your last sentence I urge you to deflate yourself a bit before your do permanent damage to your psychological wellbeing.
Nah they are not bro. Punjabis proper are no more than about 20% of the population. Brum is Azad Kashmiris and Pashtuns.

Yep and Pashtuns, both Pashto speakers and Hindko speakers.
Although when we fight we are one.
But now Muslim ranks have been bolstered massively with Africans, Albanians, Arabs, Afghans etc.

Punjabis not representing? Oh well... I guess we'll stick to driving ubers... :lol:
Bro whats going on in Canada View attachment 880730

Not trying to instigate here but a lot of right wingers in the West say the grooming gangs ineptitude was because of "political correctness".
Typical Surrey based "Khalistani" scum. All of them "Suck-Deep" etc are Sikhs who have cut their hair to look whiter than whites. And then these people say "Khalistan". They are not even Khalis Sikhs.
The only people I have ever seen dissing the community are Punjabi nationalists and those who agree with their views, you know the type who appalled the statue of that ba$tard Ranjit Singh in Lahore.
Pashtuns get along with us fine, as do Pindi people etc.

Doesn't surprise me one bit, our guys have always been on the front fighting. Now we defend the Muslim Gujarati community in Leicester, and that's fine, it's a faith issue.
Lots of Muslim guju girls opt to marry into our community.

You see those Punjabis diss the Mirpuri/Potohari community because they make a comparison between the Mirpuri/Potohari community & other South Asian communities & see their fellow countrymen lagging in terms of education & SDI. What they don’t realise or don’t take into account is the fact that the first & second generation of Mirpuri/Potohari community immigrants came from very backwards/disadvantaged backgrounds compared to the other south Asian communities. Where as the first generation Indian immigrants arriving in the UK were Matticulated, intermediate or graduate level educated the average Kashmiri/Potohari immigrant was hardly around primary level educated. When you take this & other factors in to consideration & make a comparison then you realise that the Kashmiri/Potohari community has done pretty well.

The only people that say that are docile Indian Muslims.

Honestly, instead of cursing Jinnah, Hindus should be worshipping him like they worship Trump because If not for him, Muslims from what is modern day Pakistan would have overran India and have these bhartoads polishing shoes for a living.

I don’t know about that but we Punjabis would have definitely imposed martial law over all of the subcontinent & enjoyed all the prime corner plots that the subcontinent had to offer.
You see those Punjabis diss the Mirpuri/Potohari community because they make a comparison between the Mirpuri/Potohari community & other South Asian communities & see their fellow countrymen lagging in terms of education & SDI. What they don’t realise or don’t take into account is the fact that the first & second generation of Mirpuri/Potohari community immigrants came from very backwards/disadvantaged backgrounds compared to the other south Asian communities. Where as the first generation Indian immigrants arriving in the UK were Matticulated, intermediate or graduate level educated the average Kashmiri/Potohari immigrant was hardly around primary level educated. When you take this & other factors in to consideration & make a comparison then you realise that the Kashmiri/Potohari community has done pretty well.

Must be a UK thing. My cousin (Punjabi) married a Potohari girl in Glasgow but now marriage is on the rocks because she's kind of a bitch and started having a bitchfit over finding out my cousin sent money back home to his parents in Pakistan. Sounds pretty weird to me...but from the stories I've heard, UK Pakees including my own family are a weird bunch.
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