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Muslims groups to challenge minimum legal age for marriage in India

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Jul 29, 2010
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Opposition to Kerala Muslim groups seeking minors' marriage

Opposition to Kerala Muslim groups seeking minors' marriage

The decision of nine Muslim organisations to ask the Supreme Court to allow minor Muslim girls get married has evoked opposition from a Kerala activist and a students' group Saturday.

The nine organisations' leaders met here Friday and nominated K. Bapu Musaliyar as the chairman and Indian Union Muslim League leader C.P. Mayin Haji as the convenor of a newly-formed Samithi to approach the apex court.

Muslim activist V.P. Suhra Saturday said she was opposed to the suggestion as allowing marriage of Muslim girls under 18 years would curtail their freedom.

The Muslim Students Federation expressed anguish over the plan to move the top court and seek approval for marriage of minor Muslim girls.

The federation said early marriage of Muslim girls prevented them from studying and curtailed their progress in life.

The decision of the Muslim organisations to move the apex court has come at a time when last month half a dozen people were arrested in Kozhikode after a 17 year Muslim girl complained that she was forced to marry a UAE national who, after 17 days of marriage, dumped her and returned to his country.

Meanwhile in neighbouring Tamil Nadu..

'Muslim girls should be allowed to marry early' - The New Indian Express

'Muslim girls should be allowed to marry early'

The Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ) has urged the government not to discourage marriage of girls before 18 years of age, citing separate Muslim laws for marriage and divorce.

“Since the Muslims had rights to get their children married at an early age under a separate Muslim law, the government should not infringe upon it,” the TNTJ said here on Sunday.

In a press release, it also put forth a 12-point charter of demands, besides announcing a ‘fill-the-jail’ protest demanding 10 per cent reservations for Muslims in State and Central government jobs.

Several other resolutions, including discouraging co-education in schools, were adopted at the executive committee meeting of the THTJ’s Madurai district unit on Sunday.

The meeting also condemned the action by officials against parents who arranged early marriage for their children, which, according to TNTJ, is only in the best interest of the girls as it would prevent them from ‘falling prey to love affairs’.

Blaming the co-education system in Indian institutions for unrestricted freedom that “misguided and provoked several girls to elope from home at an early age”, the executive committee adopted a resolution against co-education, which said that boys would score “good marks if taught separately.”

Blaming the slow pace in delivering justice for provoking youth to commit heinous crimes, the TNTJ demanded filling of vacancies in the judiciary to ensure verdict is delivered in all cases within 50 days. It also stressed the need for considering converted Muslims as backward community for reservation in government jobs.

Some religious nutjob representing the group which includes, among others, the Muslim League which is part of the ruling coalition in Kerala and a so called "liberal Muslim" outfit by the name of Muslim Education Society that allegedly strives for education and emancipation of Muslim women, was on telly earlier claiming that the minimum legal age for marriage of 18 was unconstitutional since it contravenes Sharia and that child marriage is legitimate under Muslim personal law, as evidenced by the fact that their prophet himself married Aisha at the age of 9! (I believe this was the same argument put forward by the Muslim Brotherhood when it mooted changes to the legal age of marriage in Egypt late last year as part of their Islamisation programme.)

All this is apparently part of an attempt to protect an Arab f***t who recently sexually abused a minor under the pretext of "marriage" for several weeks before fleeing the country.

To those Pakistani friends who will no doubt cite this as further evidence of Muslim persecution in Hindu fascist India, kindly note that Muslims in Kerala are among the most educated and prosperous in the country so the usual arguments about ignorance, poverty, discrimination etc won`t wash..
minimum age should be 22..at least this will allow the girls to get a degree.
@bronxbull your views??

It is a tricky question,

I do not oppose the move,i support it but civil laws should be the same for everyone,nothing special for muslims.
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Most probability the Muslim groups will loose in courts
In BD its 22 for boys and 18 for girls.. :(
Should make the minimum age to compulsory 22 so that women can get educated and got a job to support herself..
I think 18 is just appropriate... as a minimum age.. some girls might want to marry early
in any case it should not be forced on anybody.. if she is not ready she can marry later.
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