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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

Something happened to me the other day, which moved me. Which I would like to share, not getting judgmental but simply putting it out there. Not taking a side, one way or the other. I still think of it and it makes me cringe. It makes my heart go out. It makes me feel, I don't know, somehow part of it and equally responsible.

I was driving to work the other day, a bit lost in my thoughts, but as normally aggressive as I usually am on the road. There is this dumper truck guy (you know the type, filthy yellow decrepit POSs) who is trying to cut in and out of traffic as if he is driving a nimble hatchback. And he is trailing this long fluttering piece of rope from the garbage he is carrying.

Come up on a signal after a small culvert, and position myself just left of the rightmost lane, ready for a quick exit into the BRT fast lane. Suddenly a feel someone hitting me from behind.

Look into my mirror and there is this puppy on a flash red Pulsar 200 RS (the one with the garish overdone backside). Anyways, get out of my car, and go up to him and reflexively take his key out of the ignition so he cannot run.

Traffic is blaring behind us, chalo side mein hat ke bat karo, horns, etc. as I inspect the damage. Left side bumper (SUV, 3 piece rear bumper) is badly scratched with the bar end weight of the Pulsar in two places. Its dislodge a bit, but I think the internal lugs may be ripped off, may just have come out. Can't know for sure unless we remove and check.

So I get back into the car and drive to the side of the road, and then start blasting the rider telling him exactly how much the damage would cost to repair etc. But my anger is quickly dissipating as I see that he's a kid. And like all kids, he's got nothing in his pocket. He tried the "I'm from poor family saar" gyaan but I quickly set him right on that. Turns out he's from a good college too.

By then his friends have also come on their scooties and bikes and there is a lot of uncle, please, beta samaan hai, chor do type pleading going on. I am trying to look stern and pissed, but am increasingly failing as I realize these are exactly my son's age and he too is a new rider.

I'm getting late for office and I have no more time for this natak. They have 500 bucks amongst them, which they offer, but I refuse, and instead I ask him (more for effect) for his dad's number. He's scared now, and I can see it. Then I say ok, ride carefully, yada yada and I'm letting you go and I take his key out of my pocket and start handing it over to him, having started my car.

As I was about to leave, I ask him What's your name. The relief is written large on his face and that of his puppy papls on either side of him. He blurts out, "_______ Ansari sir. I am Muslim sir."

I don't know whay he said that. I don't know what made him say that. I really was not ready for it. I kind of screwed up my face, rolled my eyes, and asked him whether I had asked him whether he was Muslim? One of his friends seeing my expression also kind of patted him on his shoulder and said uncle is asking your name, not if you are a Muslim.

I drove off. But could not get the incidnt out of my head. Came home that night and told my wife about it. Looked at my son and thought to myself, this is not what I want my kids to grow up into.

This is not what I want for their future. They are confused. They are kids. And I do not know what's going through their minds in today's society, in our country. Where we are not fighting, not killing each other.

But a college kid blurts out that he is Muslim. Why? What for? Why was his friend embarrassed? Restraining him.

Its troubling me. So I thought I would share.

Cheers, Doc
Something happened to me the other day, which moved me. Which I would like to share, not getting judgmental but simply putting it out there. Not taking a side, one way or the other. I still think of it and it makes me cringe. It makes my heart go out. It makes me feel, I don't know, somehow part of it and equally responsible.

I was driving to work the other day, a bit lost in my thoughts, but as normally aggressive as I usually am on the road. There is this dumper truck guy (you know the type, filthy yellow decrepit POSs) who is trying to cut in and out of traffic as if he is driving a nimble hatchback. And he is trailing this long fluttering piece of rope from the garbage he is carrying.

Come up on a signal after a small culvert, and position myself just left of the rightmost lane, ready for a quick exit into the BRT fast lane. Suddenly a feel someone hitting me from behind.

Look into my mirror and there is this puppy on a flash red Pulsar 200 RS (the one with the garish overdone backside). Anyways, get out of my car, and go up to him and reflexively take his key out of the ignition so he cannot run.

Traffic is blaring behind us, chalo side mein hat ke bat karo, horns, etc. as I inspect the damage. Left side bumper (SUV, 3 piece rear bumper) is badly scratched with the bar end weight of the Pulsar in two places. Its dislodge a bit, but I think the internal lugs may be ripped off, may just have come out. Can't know for sure unless we remove and check.

So I get back into the car and drive to the side of the road, and then start blasting the rider telling him exactly how much the damage would cost to repair etc. But my anger is quickly dissipating as I see that he's a kid. And like all kids, he's got nothing in his pocket. He tried the "I'm from poor family saar" gyaan but I quickly set him right on that. Turns out he's from a good college too.

By then his friends have also come on their scooties and bikes and there is a lot of uncle, please, beta samaan hai, chor do type pleading going on. I am trying to look stern and pissed, but am increasingly failing as I realize these are exactly my son's age and he too is a new rider.

I'm getting late for office and I have no more time for this natak. They have 500 bucks amongst them, which they offer, but I refuse, and instead I ask him (more for effect) for his dad's number. He's scared now, and I can see it. Then I say ok, ride carefully, yada yada and I'm letting you go and I take his key out of my pocket and start handing it over to him, having started my car.

As I was about to leave, I ask him What's your name. The relief is written large on his face and that of his puppy papls on either side of him. He blurts out, "_______ Ansari sir. I am Muslim sir."

I don't know whay he said that. I don't know what made him say that. I really was not ready for it. I kind of screwed up my face, rolled my eyes, and asked him whether I had asked him whether he was Muslim? One of his friends seeing my expression also kind of patted him on his shoulder and said uncle is asking your name, not if you are a Muslim.

I drove off. But could not get the incidnt out of my head. Came home that night and told my wife about it. Looked at my son and thought to myself, this is not what I want my kids to grow up into.

This is not what I want for their future. They are confused. They are kids. And I do not know what's going through their minds in today's society, in our country. Where we are not fighting, not killing each other.

But a college kid blurts out that he is Muslim. Why? What for? Why was his friend embarrassed? Restraining him.

Its troubling me. So I thought I would share.

Cheers, Doc

So he blurted out he is a muslim AFTER you let him go. Why ?

What is your take on this ?

If he is keen to say he is a muslim, what seems to be the problem ?
As I was about to leave, I ask him What's your name. The relief is written large on his face and that of his puppy papls on either side of him. He blurts out, "_______ Ansari sir. I am Muslim sir."

from the start, they must have thought you were muslim ( in poona ) and must have been looking for concession.

by the way, i hate motorcycles... and as i write this, outside my house just passed one, most probably driven by a young wastrel - it was noisy, either arranged so in factory or arranged by the fellow.
So he blurted out he is a muslim AFTER you let him go. Why ?

What is your take on this ?

If he is keen to say he is a muslim, what seems to be the problem ?

No, actually I was still holding his key, when I asked him his name.

He said it fast, like it tumbled out without thinking.

Did he think it would help? Make me go easy?

Did he think it would make me feel sorry?

It was weird, and yet it was quite poignant. 18 year old kids don't need this s.hit.
No, actually I was still holding his key, when I asked him his name.

He said it fast, like it tumbled out without thinking.

Did he think it would help? Make me go easy?

Did he think it would make me feel sorry?

It was weird, and yet it was quite poignant. 18 year old kids don't need this s.hit.

True. 18 year old kids don't need this Shit. But in pdf you find 18 year old kids talking ONLY this $hit.

OTOH 18 years old kids only talk about politics, religion and girls. That too is normal. Its the age where they discover who they are and form identities and make choices.
from the start, they must have thought you were muslim ( in poona ) and must have been looking for concession.

Unlikely. And I was already letting him go.

Like all bawajis, I have this huge Faravahar sticker on the rear glass of my car. At least in Pune, no one can mistake which community it belongs to.

Unlikely. And I was already letting him go.

Like all bawajis, I have this huge Faravahar sticker on the rear glass of my car. At least in Pune, no one can mistake which community it belongs to.


There you have it. The riddle is answered.
No, actually I was still holding his key, when I asked him his name.

He said it fast, like it tumbled out without thinking.

Did he think it would help? Make me go easy?

Did he think it would make me feel sorry?

It was weird, and yet it was quite poignant. 18 year old kids don't need this s.hit.
Sorry to say but it's not the same age boy did Mumbai attacks ?
There you have it. The riddle is answered.

I don't understand.

Sorry to say but it's not the same age boy did Mumbai attacks ?

I agree. But I'm a dad, and I have a son the same age.

This kid was not holding a AK47. He had banged the car of a very angry looking bawaji who was breathing fire. And he was visibly scared.
I agree. But I'm a dad, and I have a son the same age.

This kid was not holding a AK47. He had banged the car of a very angry looking bawaji who was breathing fire. And he was visibly scared.

Next time he will do some major accident and it will be on you. You should have called his parents who should have put some discipline in him.
Next time he will do some major accident and it will be on you. You should have called his parents who should have put some discipline in him.

To be fair, I forgot to mention in my earlier post.

The long rope trailing the dumper?

That had gotten wrapped around his legs somehow. And he lost his balance trying to dislodge it.

Kids are terrified of dad's being called man. The other day a police stopped my son for not having L stickers on his scooter and riding with a learner's license without a permanent license person sitting behind (that's the rule). Told him to pay 1000 bucks and let him go with 400.

I asked him why he did not call me instead (it was close to our place, and I am good with the police) and while he did not answer, my wife later told me that he was scared of me coming there and creating a scene.
I don't understand.

He probably identified you as another member of the "minority" community. He had a better chance of getting sympathy as your subsequent posts have demonstrated.

Would you have felt the same thing if he had blurted out his name is Rajesh and he is a Yadav ?

I agree. But I'm a dad, and I have a son the same age.

This kid was not holding a AK47. He had banged the car of a very angry looking bawaji who was breathing fire. And he was visibly scared.

Now that would have been because he could have possible imagined his dad thrashing him if he came to know of this accident.
He probably identified you as another member of the "minority" community. He had a better chance of getting sympathy as your subsequent posts have demonstrated.

To be honest, I never thought of this.

Would you have felt the same thing if he had blurted out his name is Rajesh and he is a Yadav ?

Do you think a Rajesh or a Yadav would have said I am Rajesh, I am a Hindu sir?

I don't think so.
Do you think a Rajesh or a Yadav would have said I am Rajesh, I am a Hindu sir?

I don't think so.

He would have if he though you were a Yadav too. ....... haven't you heard ? aap kaun se gaav se ho ? are .... mei bhi tho wahi gaav se hu.

Humans try to find common links with others when they are in dispute. Its standard dispute negotiation psychology. Most do it subconsciously.

Which is why in gulf or US or UK, Indians and pakistanis find bonds that do not exist when they are back in their respective country.

A Mallu involved in an accident with another Mallu will immediately say he is a mallu to reduce the hostility. Especially when they are NOT in kerala.
He would have if he though you were a Yadav too. ....... haven't you heard ? aap kaun se gaav se ho ? are .... mei bhi tho wahi gaav se hu.

Humans try to find common links with others when they are in dispute. Its standard dispute negotiation psychology. Most do it subconsciously.

Which is why in gulf or US or UK, Indians and pakistanis find bonds that do not exist when they are back in their respective country.

A Mallu involved in an accident with another Mallu will immediately say he is a mallu to reduce the hostility. Especially when they are NOT in kerala.

So lets think this through.

He has seen this sticker on the rear glass right at the start when we were both examining the damage. We were talking for quite some time. Me telling him that he would either pay for the damage or come to the police station with me or call his dad.

Then his friends come. Then they plead.

Then they negotiate. And figure out how much they have between them.

All this time he does not throw the M card.

Then I get into the car to drive off and am handing him back his key, wanting to know his name.

Where was the threat or the need for dispute negotiation at the fag end of the engagement when the dispute is on the verge of being closed, and both parties going their own way anyways?

If he threw the card at the beginning, I would concede you have a point.

But this was not a kid negotiating. This was a relieved kid being let off, and scared at that.
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