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Muslims Emigrating Abroad

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what is the point of this thread... muslims should/should not emigrate?
western or eastern is irrelevant. This is a common ignorant misconception being thrown about Muslim emigrants by certain vested interests within existing Muslim Majority countries due to their fear of these western Muslim scholars taking their "earnings" in followers and so on. Especially since the Western located scholars tend to attract the newer modern crowd via English and implied modernity.

I take neither side, but common sense and looking into Islamic history would show that a LARGE percentage of Islam was spread BY emigrants. There is absolutely nothing wrong with emigrating, the only objection made is to those that decide to give up remembering Allah in their attempt to be more acceptable to non-muslims.

I am only allowing it because it needs to be settled.

Also, who is actual religious scholar? I dont see anywhere in the Quran where it provided anyone with that stamp, nor did the Prophet pass on a stamp other than the knowledge imparted to the companions and the mothers.

There were formal schools established MUCH MUCH later, and many informal ones.
it is knowledge and not institutions that define a scholar.
As such, today actual scholars are rare.

Many muftis though.

Couldn't have said it better myself
My personal opinion is Muslims should stop going to any Non Muslim country. According to me if the world has to reduce Islamic violence. All Non Muslim countries should pass a set of rules before granting visa or citizenship to Muslims in their country.

For Eg. These are some of the rules I would set before allowing Muslims into a Non-Muslim country.

They should not be give separate prayer rooms. They should not be allowed to pray on the streets blocking traffic & free people movements.

When at work everybody should be treated impartial, so they should not be allowed to go to Mosque on Fridays at office hours. If Muslims want to pray they should pray at home or in their mind. Mosques should not be allowed to be constructed. Anything which affects their productivity like fasting should be restricted.

Muslim woman faces should not be covered. Hijab should be banned, since you cant see somebody's face.

Muslims should be allowed to have only one child in a foreign country.

Polygamy should not be allowed. Divorce should be according to the local law. Triple talaq should not be allowed.

If Muslims start a restaurant, pork should be served in the restaurant. They should have no problem eating Non Halal meat.

Covertion should be allowed if any of their family members wish to change religion. If man or woman marry a local, they should convert to the local religion & disown Islam.

Before granting visa, Muslims should be asked a set of questions which normally they avoid & respond with violence like, Do you agree Mohammed was a pervert or Pedophile. Should Muslims kill Kafirs or Non Muslims. Does Quran say woman should be beaten & controlled. Islam is not a religion of peace - Do you agree? etc

The Muslims should come out together to voice & punish people who ask for Shariah law & question the local laws themselves, rather stay quiet when their own community members are promoting hatred. Eg; People like Zakir Naik, Anjem Choudhary should not be entertained & has to be eliminated by Muslims themselves.

Since Islam is the only religion, which preachers others what's right for them, these rules need to be set

If this is practiced, most of the Islamic violence across the world will start to reduce drastically.

All these above mentioned can be applied to all non native dominant religion. Meaning, same can be applied to Hindus too.

Only this can bring world peace. If not you will see rise of terrorist activities & religious conflicts especially with Muslims.

If I get negative ratings & am banned, it proves what ever I said above stands good & is true, which religion is intolerant. If I start a thread or talk any reality of Islam I am immediately banned. If you allow such topics, you should be able to debate such posts, if not why be partial, & do selective banning, my question & suggestion to moderators.
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My personal opinion is Muslims should stop going to any Non Muslim country. According to me if the world has to reduce Islamic violence. All Non Muslim countries should pass a set of rules before granting visa or citizenship to Muslims in their country.

For Eg. These are some of the rules I would set before allowing Muslims into a Non-Muslim country.

They should not be give separate prayer rooms. They should not be allowed to pray on the streets blocking traffic & free people movements.

When at work everybody should be treated impartial, so they should not be allowed to go to Mosque on Fridays at office hours. If Muslims want to pray they should pray at home or in their mind. Mosques should not be allowed to be constructed. Anything which affects their productivity like fasting should be restricted.

Muslim woman faces should not be covered. Hijab should be banned, since you cant see somebody's face.

Muslims should be allowed to have only one child in a foreign country.

Polygamy should not be allowed. Divorce should be according to the local law. Triple talaq should not be allowed.

If Muslims start a restaurant, pork should be served in the restaurant. They should have no problem eating Non Halal meat.

Covertion should be allowed if any of their family members wish to change religion. If man or woman marry a local, they should convert to the local religion & disown Islam.

Before granting visa, Muslims should be asked a set of questions which normally they avoid & respond with violence like, Do you agree Mohammed was a pervert or Pedophile. Should Muslims kill Kafirs or Non Muslims. Does Quran say woman should be beaten & controlled. Islam is not a religion of peace - Do you agree? etc

The Muslims should come out together to voice & punish people who ask for Shariah law & question the local laws themselves, rather stay quiet when their own community members are promoting hatred. Eg; People like Zakir Naik, Anjem Choudhary should not be entertained & has to be eliminated by Muslims themselves.

Since Islam is the only religion, which preachers others what's right for them, these rules need to be set

If this is practiced, most of the Islamic violence across the world will start to reduce drastically.

All these above mentioned can be applied to all non native dominant religion. Meaning, same can be applied to Hindus too.

Only this can bring world peace. If not you will see rise of terrorist activities & religious conflicts especially with Muslims.

If I get negative ratings & am banned, it proves what ever I said above stands good & is true, which religion is intolerant. If I start a thread or talk any reality of Islam I am immediately banned. If you allow such topics, you should be able to debate such posts, if not why be partial, & do selective banning, my question & suggestion to moderators.
Actually all this shows your own deep hatred and pithiful ideals about Islam and Muslims, and further reaffirms my fears that a genocidal class of Indians is out to get their own Muslim neighbors.
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