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Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque

By the reaction of Indians, old destroyed mosques, and trolling here, 180 million Muslims in India are not really safe and insecures.....

Is it possible 180 million Muslims to make Independence country called Indiastan ? :agree:
What about Xianjingistan?:D
seriously...It happens in India...you go hoo la la
In China..its their matter!
Oh i understand,the son doesn't want to upset the father.;)
Been to the PRC quite a few times, being one of our closest allies, it pays to think before opening your gob. ;)

He has been to Sri Lanka,remotest places of India,China and what not...Around the world in how many days?
Chinese mosque demolition heightens ethnic tensions - latimes.com

REPORTING FROM BEIJING -- The government demolition of a newly refurbished mosque in a northern Chinese village has raised tensions with the Hui, a Muslim group that in the past has been granted more freedoms by the Chinese Communist Party, unlike other beleaguered minorities such as the Uighurs.

Muslim villagers in Taoshan, a community in the Ningxia region, clashed with authorities who destroyed a refurbished mosque scheduled to reopen on New Year’s Day. At least two people were reported killed in the fighting Friday, including an 80-year-old woman. One villager said the death toll was as high as five.

The violence was unusual in that the Hui are more assimilated than other Muslim minorities and at times have taken the side of authorities in regard to other minority groups, especially the Tibetans.

"According to local tradition a mosque should never be demolished," said Ye Shaowu, owner of a small hotel nearby, agreeing that there had been little tension in the past between local Muslims and communist authorities.The mosque dated to the Qing dynasty of the 19th century and had been legally registered with authorities, said Zhe Tao, the wife of the imam. Muslim families in the village had raised $127,000 for a renovation project that began in 2010.

"We refurbished this mosque with our hard work and blood. It is so sad to see it demolished," said Zhe in a telephone interview. "We don’t understand what happened. We never had any interference with our religious life before. We love our country. We love the party." Police from Hexi, the nearest town, were quoted in the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post as saying that the mosque was demolished because it was an "illegal structure."

Ye, the hotel owner, said that some villagers had said the mosque was run by an "evil cult" — language that the Chinese government uses to refer to the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

The destruction occurred just after prayers Friday and was met with opposition from a large crowd gathered in anticipation of a formal opening ceremony Jan. 1.More than 1,000 members of the police and military deployed from neighboring Gansu province "were met with vigorous resistance from more than 100 villagers wielding clubs and shovels," a villager named Jin Haitao told the Hong Kong newspaper.

The police tried to control the crowd with tear gas and water cannons, villagers said. The two people reported killed were said to be older residents. The Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said at least 50 people were injured and more than 100 detained.

The mainland media had no mention of the incident as of Tuesday night.

Mosques and churches are closely regulated by the Chinese Communist Party, which disapproves of religious worship and restricts the power of religious institutions. The Hui are a Mandarin-speaking community of about 10 million people descended from Silk Road traders who married Chinese. They are practically indistinguishable from the Han, the dominant Chinese ethnic group, but for the white skullcaps that many men wear and the headscarves worn by some women.

Zhe, the wife of the imam, said she feared the mosque destruction would sour ethnic relations."Obviously this will have an impact on relations between Hui and government," she said.

In western China, clashes have broken out repeatedly between authorities and the Uighurs, a Turkic minority of about 9 million, who say they have been victims of discrimination by the majority Han.
Bro, would you trust the words from a Hui Muslim brother like Hu Songshan or these anti-China Hindu Indians? :coffee:

Since when did Hindus become ANTI-CHINA as well?! What has Hindus got to do with this? :S There are Indian Muslims who are ANTI-CHINA as well? How does religion comes into play here I fail to understand?

Confucius and Tao were heavily inspired by Indian religions which would then go to form backbone of Chinese religions/philosophy? I laugh at Pakistan's lame attempt to portray Hindus as Anti-Islam but fortunately Muslim world doesn't see India like that. :)

And since when did communist China started believing in religion? I thought religion was poison to you guys? What has CCP been feeding its' people? Don't the Chinese people (very high IQ :P ) question such contradictory concepts? :D :P
The mosque was declared illegal.
Gud move China,no wonder you guys are the fastest growing economy.The law is supreme.

Wish Indian authorities were like this.You can erect an illegal place of worship be it a Temple,Mosque,Church etc. in middle of a road and the authorities(read politicians) will never touch it.:hitwall:

not always..
in my city Gwalior, which is not a very big city, all illegal religious places of worship, temples, dargah, coming in the way of widening of roads, have been shifted to a hill outside our city.
there were protests but the authorities did what was right.
Chinese police destroy villagers' new mosque

Residents of a Taoshan village in north-western China were left shocked after a violent clash with armed police who came with water cannon and tear gas then demolished a newly refurbished mosque before arresting scores of people last week.

Hundreds of police arrived in the village in the Hexi region of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Thursday, the day before the demolition took place. Power and communication links were cut at 11pm that night, according to one villager, who wanted to remain anonymous. Police raided several homes.

Villagers had raised 800,000 yuan (£82,000) to refurbish the mosque and there were plans for a grand opening on 1 January. But more than 50 people, mostly members of the Muslim Hui minority, were injured and 100 detained after they tried to stop the demolition. The police used water cannon and tear gas and then beat people.

The altercation highlights religious tensions in the country, which has about 20 million Muslims, about half of them hailing from the Hui ethnic minority.

Although the government has allowed Muslims to rebuild their places of worship after they were destroyed by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, it keeps a close watch on all forms of religious activity.

Separatist activity by the Uighurs in Xinjiang province has also meant that Muslim communities across China have been subject to special scrutiny.


---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

China Muslims, officials clash after mosque razed

Its a shame that chinese have razed a religious place of Muslims and that's a biggest sin according to Islam and Muslims should not forget it at any cost.
Chinese police destroy villagers' new mosque

Residents of a Taoshan village in north-western China were left shocked after a violent clash with armed police who came with water cannon and tear gas then demolished a newly refurbished mosque before arresting scores of people last week.

Hundreds of police arrived in the village in the Hexi region of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Thursday, the day before the demolition took place. Power and communication links were cut at 11pm that night, according to one villager, who wanted to remain anonymous. Police raided several homes.

Villagers had raised 800,000 yuan (£82,000) to refurbish the mosque and there were plans for a grand opening on 1 January. But more than 50 people, mostly members of the Muslim Hui minority, were injured and 100 detained after they tried to stop the demolition. The police used water cannon and tear gas and then beat people.

The altercation highlights religious tensions in the country, which has about 20 million Muslims, about half of them hailing from the Hui ethnic minority.

Although the government has allowed Muslims to rebuild their places of worship after they were destroyed by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, it keeps a close watch on all forms of religious activity.

Separatist activity by the Uighurs in Xinjiang province has also meant that Muslim communities across China have been subject to special scrutiny.


---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

China Muslims, officials clash after mosque razed

Its a shame that chinese have razed a religious place of Muslims and that's a biggest sin according to Islam and Muslims should not forget it at any cost.

Nonsense!; That's a lie! Chinese Government are so kind to all muslim and minority .i'm a chinese muslim.
I pledge that all chinese muslim people are absolutely special treatment by Chinese Government in china ,those peple are not real chinese muslimm.they are some terrorists

Watch these pics
All chinese Mosque were built completely by chinese government in every chinese city and chinese muslim are protected by Chinese Government
xining dongguan Mosque


xinjiang kashi aitikaer Mosque



shanxi xiguan Mosque


lasha Mosque in tibet.


In china,people are protected that isn't just chinese muslim, all chinese christians ,buddhist ,minorities are protected by the state....china is not like your Indians,In china everyone is equal and chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it ,

however,The unequal caste system is still strong in India ,today.
don't get tempered man.....

i am also "RAW agent posted in pakistan"
or "a pakistani hindu"
or "50 cent army".......what ever suits you best

btw who are those people who are "not real chinese muslimmmmm.they are some terrorists"
That's total nonsense. The Chinese police in that region are drawn from local Hui Muslims, as are the local government officials in Ningxia. There are no ethnic tensions.

Rather, it looks like some Hui Muslims decided the mosque had to go, and some Hui Muslims wanted to keep it. The central government in Beijing does not care about some illegal construction in a remote part of the country.
That's total nonsense. The Chinese police in that region are drawn from local Hui Muslims, as are the local government officials in Ningxia. There are no ethnic tensions.

Rather, it looks like some Hui Muslims decided the mosque had to go, and some Hui Muslims wanted to keep it. The central government in Beijing does not care about some illegal construction in a remote part of the country.

thats the problem with foreign news, they all assume any action by the local government has to have explicit permission/or even knowledge from beijing, real chinese know that the local government has fairly free reign to run things how they like, and the central government only sets guidelines and intervenes in special cases.
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