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Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque

The mosque was declared illegal.
Gud move China,no wonder you guys are the fastest growing economy.The law is supreme.

Wish Indian authorities were like this.You can erect an illegal place of worship be it a Temple,Mosque,Church etc. in middle of a road and the authorities(read politicians) will never touch it.:hitwall:

no, when it comes to destroying religious places and killing innocents --indians are huge expert at it

Babri Masjid, Churches in Orissa, and of course the golden temple.

no, when it comes to destroying religious places and killing innocents --indians are huge expert at it

Babri Masjid, Churches in Orissa, and of course the golden temple.

Abu man you are in the zone today lol nothing left for the rest of us to say
no, when it comes to destroying religious places and killing innocents --indians are huge expert at it

Babri Masjid, Churches in Orissa, and of course the golden temple.


C'mon don't be so generous ..you guys also deserve some praise after all ..it wasn't us who used phosphorus grenades at Lal Masjid ...and as far as killing innocents is concerned ..don't forget you are the only country in South Asia, which holds distinction of organizing a full scale genocide in its land!!
C'mon don't be so generous ..you guys also deserve some praise after all ..it wasn't us who used phosphorus grenades at Lal Masjid ...and as far as killing innocents is concerned ..don't forget you are the only country in South Asia, which holds distinction of organizing a full scale genocide in its land!!

Phosporus in lal majid?lol we killed and captured terrorists n rescued hostages... although you can always blame us for bombing n destroying golden temple and initiating operation shudi karan heck wipping out dozens of thousands of sikhs in just a few days?

About genocide you still belive the 3 million number tht even the bangalis reguard as epic BS? do keep in mind tht india kills 2+ million of its people every year due to starvation... multiply the number with the last 64+ years ?its adds upto almost 200 million dead indians.. worse than a fake genocide right?
C'mon don't be so generous ..you guys also deserve some praise after all .

your sarcasm -- while difficult to disguise - is not out of place. You're right, there has been discrimination in Pakistan. But there have never been religiously-motivated target killings on the gigantic proportions as seen in your country.

in just a matter of days, thousands were butchered in Gujrat - for example

it wasn't us who used phosphorus grenades at Lal Masjid ...

small arms were used, as were stun grenades...the terrorists were the ones who had RPG-7s. You use your brain to decide who was right.

if phosphorous were used in entirerty to conduct the operation, the bodies of the dead terrorists would never have even been recognizable. And you can trust me on that ;)

and as far as killing innocents is concerned ..don't forget you are the only country in South Asia, which holds distinction of organizing a full scale genocide in its land!!

I'm not convinced. Pakistan did not organize any genocide.

Going by your logic, your actions in occupied Kashmir are genocide - na? Kashmir isnt even your land, you claim it illegally.

---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

and to get back on subject --- both communities in China need to get their acts together to ensure that this type of clashes become a thing of the past

there has to be room for compromise on both sides. . . in the interests of avoiding communal tensions or things like that

Pakistan should offer to help mediate.
Phosporus in lal majid?lol we killed and captured terrorists n rescued hostages... although you can always blame us for bombing n destroying golden temple and initiating operation shudi karan heck wipping out dozens of thousands of sikhs in just a few days?

About genocide you still belive the 3 million number tht even the bangalis reguard as epic BS? do keep in mind tht india kills 2+ million of its people every year due to starvation... multiply the number with the last 64+ years ?its adds upto almost 200 million dead indians.. worse than a fake genocide right?

Yes white phosphorus grenades were used there..as far a killing and capturing terrorist entrenched in holy place is concerned ..what makes your Red Mosque different from our Golden Temple?

About the genocide
Ok lets not believe the three million figure ...lets believe a number of your choosing ..so how many did you kill ..nd while at it could also give the cut off criteria for a genocide.

Don't give me that recycled Chinese crap about starvation ..person dying of hunger , disease or any other natural cause is not same as person being raped or tortured and then shot in the head!!

PS: it goes without saying ..but give your numbers with a valid source offcourse!
your sarcasm -- while difficult to disguise - is not out of place. You're right, there has been discrimination in Pakistan. But there have never been religiously-motivated target killings on the gigantic proportions as seen in your country.

in just a matter of days, thousands were butchered in Gujrat - for example

small arms were used, as were stun grenades...the terrorists were the ones who had RPG-7s. You use your brain to decide who was right.

if phosphorous were used in entirerty to conduct the operation, the bodies of the dead terrorists would never have even been recognizable. And you can trust me on that ;)

I'm not convinced. Pakistan did not organize any genocide.

Going by your logic, your actions in occupied Kashmir are genocide - na? Kashmir isnt even your land, you claim it illegally.

---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

and to get back on subject --- both communities in China need to get their acts together to ensure that this type of clashes become a thing of the past

there has to be room for compromise on both sides. . . in the interests of avoiding communal tensions or things like that

Pakistan should offer to help mediate.

1) You are wrong..when people give statement such as there has never been any "religiously-motivated target killings on the gigantic proportions" in their country ..they forget their countries are born out of it ..1947-48 religious riots were the most massive religious riots in the history of mankind..which incidently took place independent nation of India and Pakistan.

Secondly they also forget ..how Hindus in East Pakistan were declared as Indian agents target killed by Pakistani armed forces and irregulars and their lands were handed over to please the loyalists.

Lest we not forget small albeit regular doses of Shia -Sunni riots , anti Ahmedi riots..anti shia Carnages.

but most intriguing question here being despite what you describe "large scale massacre" against minorities in India.
Indian minorities are flourishing and expanding..every Indian citizen irrespective of the religion has exactly equal rights(unlike Pakistan) ..where as minorities in Pakistan are disappearing..there numbers have come down from about 10% at the time of independence to miniscule 2-3% now..why?
OIC Statement on Mosque Destruction in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China

The Spokesperson of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation expresses his deep concern over reports of a clash between local villagers and police resulting in numerous casualties and the destruction of a Mosque in Taoshan village near the town of Hexi, Tongxin County in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China.

According to information available to the OIC, the incident took place when the police raided the re-inauguration gathering at the mosque and the local villagers attempted to prevent the destruction of their place of worship, which was first constructed in 1987 and was recently renovated. The apparent heavy handed response of local authorities appears to have resulted in several deaths, as well as approximately 50 injured and 100 arrested.

The OIC expresses its concern at the destruction of a place of worship and the loss of life which is deeply regrettable. The OIC expects the authorities in China to fully accord the rights of Muslims to construct and maintain their places of worship and to also observe their basic rights of conducting congregational rituals freely.

China Muslims, officials clash after mosque razed

The government demolition of a newly refurbished mosque in a northern Chinese village has raised tensions with the Hui, a Muslim group that in the past has been granted more freedoms by the Chinese Communist Party than other embattled minorities such as the Uighurs.

Muslim villagers in Taoshan, a community in the Ningxia region, clashed with authorities who destroyed a refurbished mosque scheduled to reopen on New Year's Day.

At least two people were reported killed in the fighting Friday, including an 80-year-old woman. One villager said the death toll was as high as five.

The violence was unusual in that the Hui are more assimilated than other Muslim minorities and at times have taken the side of authorities in regard to other minority groups, especially the Tibetans.

"According to local tradition, a mosque should never be demolished," said Ye Shaowu, owner of a small hotel nearby, agreeing that there had been little tension in the past between local Muslims and Communist authorities.

The mosque dated back to the Qing dynasty of the 19th century and had been legally registered with authorities, said Zhe Tao, the wife of the imam. Muslim families in the village had raised $127,000 for a renovation project that began in 2010.

"We refurbished this mosque with our hard work and blood. It is so sad to see it demolished," said Zhe. "We don't understand what happened. We never had any interference with our religious life before. We love our country. We love the party."

Police from Hexi, the nearest town, were quoted in Hong Kong's South China Morning Post as saying that the mosque was demolished because it was an "illegal structure."

Ye, the hotel owner, said some villagers had said the mosque was run by an "evil cult" - language that the Chinese government uses to refer to the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

The destruction occurred just after prayers on Friday, and was met with opposition from a large crowd gathered in anticipation of a formal opening ceremony Jan. 1.

The police tried to control the crowd with tear gas and water cannons, villagers said. Mosques and churches are closely regulated by the Chinese Communist Party, which disapproves of religious worship and restricts the power of religious institutions.

The Hui are a Mandarin-speaking community of about 10 million people descended from Silk Road traders who intermarried with Chinese. They are practically indistinguishable from the majority Han Chinese except for the white skullcaps that many men wear and the headscarves worn by some women.

China Muslims, officials clash after mosque razed
Propaganda busted:

Some chinese were posting off topic as usual or denying the fact or saying that the news report don't have names of the persons but here are the credible deviance:

"According to local tradition, a mosque should never be demolished," said Ye Shaowu, owner of a small hotel nearby, agreeing that there had been little tension in the past between local Muslims and Communist authorities.[/COLOR]

The mosque dated back to the Qing dynasty of the 19th century and had been legally registered with authorities, said Zhe Tao, the wife of the imam. :tup:

Muslim families in the village had raised $127,000 for a renovation project that began in 2010. :tup:

"We refurbished this mosque with our hard work and blood. It is so sad to see it demolished," said Zhe. :agree: "We don't understand what happened. We never had any interference with our religious life before. We love our country. We love the party. "http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/03/MN1O1MKDDL.DTL

Its a big shame for china to demolished a historical mosque :tdown: :tdown:
does the mosque in china are any different then in india ?

i found there was more cry when a mosque in india was laydown...

selective faith or selective opposition ?
According to Organization of Islamic Cooperation's report local Muslims have protested the demolition of mosque by chinese govt. and as a result several Muslims have died, as well as approximately 50 injured and 100 arrested by chinese police. :angry: :angry:

Organization of Islamic Cooperation

No Jihadi groups will not get in, you heard it's easier to get out of China then in ?
m a Hui Muslim were loyal to China,gxia is the Hui region we have plenty of mosque, we had a incident like in 2005 and the government repayed and choose a different location. as it will do the same here.

i have nodoubt that Hui Muslim were loyal to China coz i wouldn't find anybody like dowoed ebrahim exist in china..
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