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Muslims are not safe in India

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You are alws shouting muslims are not safe in india. talk about hindu in pakistan and bangladesh

Bangladesh hindu conditions

Pakistan hindu condition


and if we talk about hindu you alws banned me . talk about this topic .. alws muslims are safe . you never talk about what are muslims doing in other countries
Dude, without any bias or influence to your opinion, just check out another thread about how islamic violence is going on in Philippines recently.

What have the quiet island of Filipinos done to Islamic world?

Why do you need any more evidence for believing that they just don't like non-Muslims?

Why are you not willing to open your eyes?
They exist as non Muslims. Period. :omghaha:
pakistan and arabs should get ready to save there sunni muslims brother because we will force them into homosexuality so that they can't reproduce and after 5 decades there will be no more muslims in india :devil:

I hereby offer you a free ticket to Peshawar.
Send in your passenger vehicles. We will ensure to even pack free food for them to migrate to your land.

But not an inch will separate. Even if we have to go nuclear.

200 million Muslims can break India into pieces, you are going to Nuke your own country go ahead, who is stopping you.
@Yzd Khalifa You should declare war against us to please the nations in our periphery. :agree:
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pakistan and arabs should get ready to save there sunni muslims brother because we will force them into homosexuality so that they can't reproduce and after 5 decades there will be no more muslims in india :devil:

Sorry bro. Pakistanis don't follow that Indian culture.
@SarthakGanguly dude, he is taking you for a ride... He just want you guys to abuse Indian Muslims to proove that he is right..

He is right, isn't it?

Who started the riots? Pakistanis in UP? No right?

Then tell me, why is Aeronaut wrong? Just because of some good individuals like Dr. Kalam? Please don't think everyone is like him. 90% are not like him. That's why you open any world news, there is some form of islamic violence in some country or the other around the world, even in Muslim majority moderate countries like Turkey where people have evolved much ahead of the rest.
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Religion is just an excuse....

For who?? Just tell me.. From the posts of certain members here specially from neighborhood, I understand its an excuse for many to create hatred and mudslinging.. Tell me honestly, how many of you really care about the dead?
Nope - Today's India is the wrong place to produce Jinnah - the next Indian Muslim figurehead will be a Mullah Omar figure.... We have surplus arms in stores when that finally happens.

Women will no longer be able to give birth to the likes of Jinnah. May his brave soul rest in peace.:pakistan:

India has never been a single country for more than a 100 years throughout its history, its a federation of 50 or so states. Lets see if they can survive a 2047 deadline.

If things remain the same then say hello to a new Muslim country.:cheesy:
These days Muslims are not safe anywhere. Not even in Pakistan. Think about it. Got to be something to do with them and not the other way around. They seem to be in conflict every where. Either with other religions or in Muslim majority areas, among themselves.
For who?? Just tell me.. From the posts of certain members here specially from neighborhood, I understand its an excuse for many to create hatred and mudslinging.. Tell me honestly, how many of you really care about the dead?

You know better than i do. Its the same story on both sides.
Good to know :cheers: that but this programme of you won't stop there they will eventually kill Sunnis and they will destroy your society for silly reasons.

Regarding the names and addresses and all your boasting of killing some helpless people. Shows your mentality and makes us aware and cautious when dealing with Pakistani establishment.

We have a full digital database on 'religious minorities' just a Ctrl+P away - all addresses, names, photos ---- We are prepared for 'eventualities'.
Glad to see the Muslim Ghazis of UP fighting back against the Indian hordes of rapists and criminals.
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