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Muslims are not safe in India

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There are no Hindus left in your country; So how do you plan your reverse sweep.

We have a full digital database on 'religious minorities' just a Ctrl+P away - all addresses, names, photos ---- We are prepared for 'eventualities'.
Thanks for the threat. Makes it all so clear. :) That is an ultimatum. No doubt on who is starting what. I just some useful idiot does not cry for human rights later. :azn:
You don't get to decide the end.
@Aeronaut when you started to criticse what is wrong in your religion and the wrong doings of the people in your religion, only then people will accept you into main stream.. All I see here in blind support for the wrong doings of people just because they are Muslims.. You cannot expect other people not to discriminate against you when you are doing these kind of actions..

If that's true then good.

BTW, the word Ummah means nation in Arabic :cheers:

I understand.. I was just mocking the crocodile tears of the neighbors for our Muslims :D
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Of course you are - with few folks left - cataloging is easy. The destruction of the Jews...err sorry the non Muslims of your country is a foregone conclusion. Such a Nazi nation the world has hardly seen. Only comfort is that the Pakistan Government is weak as hell. Otherwise genocide would have been common place. There is no dearth of zeal.
We have a full digital database on 'religious minorities' just a Ctrl+P away - all addresses, names, photos ---- We are prepared for 'eventualities'.
You keep pointing fingers at 'Muslim' who attacked "hindu boys" first, do you think you have every right to attack back on Indian Muslims instead solutions?

Clearly, there is serious wars going on......
Problem is in the mind set of some people who are inclined more towards religion. Religion is the worst thing that had happened to mankind. Nationalism should take over this religious ideology.

Trust me - the situation is worse than you think. There are zones in UP that you as a non Muslim can't enter without paying a 'tax'. They call it mini Pakistan. Good news is RSS is making inroads. So is VHP. Few villages are undergoing shuddhi movement.
@SarthakGanguly dude, he is taking you for a ride... He just want you guys to abuse Indian Muslims to proove that he is right..
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As far as i have gathered ( can't be sure as our media is known for lying), the event unfolded in this sequence

1. A muslim boy passed lewd comment on a Jat girl.

2. Girl's brother accompanies her to school next day.

3. The boy's passed comments in front of her brother also.

4. Brother goes back to his village and returns with one of his friend.

5. He goes to Boy's village and stabs that boy.

6. Family members and villagers catch both boys and lynch them.

7. Local administration files FIR against girl's Parents but not against Boy's.

8. Jats convene mahapanchayat to decide on further course of action.

9. Muslims ambush some jats returning from mahapanchayat and kills them.

10. Riots starts.



Thank you for the information.
@Aeronaut when you started to criticse what is wrong in your religion and the wrong doings of the people in your religion, only then people will accept you into main stream.. All I see here in blind support for the wrong doings of people just because they are Muslims.. You cannot expect other people not to discriminate against you when you are doing these kind of actions..

I understand.. I was just mocking the crocodile tears of the neighbors for our Muslims :D

Dude, without any bias or influence to your opinion, just check out another thread about how islamic violence is going on in Philippines recently.

What have the quiet island of Filipinos done to Islamic world?

Why do you need any more evidence for believing that they just don't like non-Muslims?

Why are you not willing to open your eyes?
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@Aeronaut when you started to criticse what is wrong in your religion and the wrong doings of the people in your religion, only then people will accept you into main stream.. All I see here in blind support for the wrong doings of people just because they are Muslims.. You cannot expect other people not to discriminate against you when you are doing these kind of actions..

Religion is just an excuse....
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@SarthakGanguly dude, he is taking you for a ride... He just want you guys to abuse Indian Muslims to proove that he is right..

:D I know. He is smart :D
I am just playing. Making him say something :devil:
Indian Muslims are cool. I love my girl, don't I? :kiss3:
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As far as i have gathered ( can't be sure as our media is known for lying), the event unfolded in this sequence

1. A muslim boy passed lewd comment on a Jat girl.

2. Girl's brother accompanies her to school next day.

3. The boy's passed comments in front of her brother also.

4. Brother goes back to his village and returns with one of his friend.

5. He goes to Boy's village and stabs that boy.

6. Family members and villagers catch both boys and lynch them.

7. Local administration files FIR against girl's Parents but not against Boy's.

8. Jats convene mahapanchayat to decide on further course of action.

9. Muslims ambush some jats returning from mahapanchayat and kills them.

10. Riots starts.

Hogwash, bottom line is India as a state cannot provide security for its citizens, law and order breaks down, its a failed state. Who cares who started it, all crimes can be punished through due process by law enforcement, not by roving bands of mob taking revenge, whether that is Muslim or Hindu is immaterial. It shows failure of the state in its most basic function, maintaining order and providing safety for its citizens.
pakistan and arabs should get ready to save there sunni muslims brother because we will force them into homosexuality so that they can't reproduce and after 5 decades there will be no more muslims in india :devil:

of course the muslim kids will have xbox and nike shoes for time pass until they are adult and after that same fate for them :lol:
You keep pointing fingers at 'Muslim' who attacked "hindu boys" first, do you think you have every right to attack back on Indian Muslims instead solutions?

Clearly, there is serious wars going on......

When push comes the shove.. When people are attacking others in the name of religion, they will get response in the same manner.. Sadly, the officials who were supposed to stop these kind of activities, actively supported one section.. Good thing is that, they all were transferred.. Hope Army, will control it..
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