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Muslims are not safe in India

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Son...Please define MUHAZIR... What does it means...Please help me to understand ...Who is being killed at Karachi.

Focus the title, Indians will talk something off-topic frequently. We don't have much time to answer, you can't ignore your big problems internally.
British gave it to You . Pakistan.You snatched nothing .have you forgotten how India snatched away East Pakistan.Do you want us to snatch away Balochistan ,Azad Kashmir or Waziristan. Bring it on.

No, we forced British to do so .. ;)

British knew they if they didn't divide india, all hell will break loose in indian subcontinent..

PS, you didn't snatched E.Pakistan. Bangladesh is still a Muslim-majority nation. Actually, alot of Muslim bengalis then went to india and increased the number of Muslims tremendously...

So a strategic loss for you...and win for Muslims once again ;)

Bring it on. No congress or secular intervention. Then see what happens. It will be Mynamar,Russia and Spain for the muslims

Muslims were victor of Spain.

Ruled 800 years, influenced entire Western civilization through sciences, tech, knowledge, customs, travels etc...

Show me another colonial power that was able to hold on to other land for THIS long time? British at their height couldn't hold on to lands more than 200 years...

Russia still has 15 million Muslims, and a autonomous Muslim majority State(s) with Muslim governor, Mosques and everything...Again, whats the loss?

Not to mention, entire Central Asia went to Islam after fall of Soviet Union/Communism..Mashallah... ;) Again, who's the ultimate victor?

Mynamar? They are too insignificant to be taken seriously...
Btw, can you tell me the whole background of this, son?

Muslims killed jatts? what happened?

I seriously want to know...

As far as i have gathered ( can't be sure as our media is known for lying), the event unfolded in this sequence

1. A muslim boy passed lewd comment on a Jat girl.

2. Girl's brother accompanies her to school next day.

3. The boy's passed comments in front of her brother also.

4. Brother goes back to his village and returns with one of his friend.

5. He goes to Boy's village and stabs that boy.

6. Family members and villagers catch both boys and lynch them.

7. Local administration files FIR against girl's Parents but not against Boy's.

8. Jats convene mahapanchayat to decide on further course of action.

9. Muslims ambush some jats returning from mahapanchayat and kills them.

10. Riots starts.
Safety of 200 million Muslims among one billion Hindu mobs is a concern for the whole world, not just Muslims. If India cannot ensure their security, then they need to give proportionate land to Muslims, where they can make their own country.

Today finally after I have seen through these Hindu's I can say thank you Jinnah, you have done a great job creating Pakistan.

Now we need a new partition for the remaining 200 million Muslims.

Send in your passenger vehicles. We will ensure to even pack free food for them to migrate to your land.

But not an inch will separate. Even if we have to go nuclear.
Just one incident of riots and you people are calling for separate land and another Jinnah.

Some are even suggesting armed struggle, with out knowing the reason behind the riots. It all started by the killing of two Hindu boys who are on the way to home after study.

Secondly, if that is the case In pakistan Ahmedis should have an armed group, Shia must have one one armed group, Hazaras, Hindus, Christians all except sunnis must have one armed group and they should have support from Iran, India and Vatican etc...etc....

@Arabian Legend

We want takers for our arms and money wire from Indian stock markets. :coffee:
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Its pretty much the same story everywhere in India, lets see if we can find some Indian Muslims here to tell their side of the story:

@Czar786 [MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION]

Yea yea, we are butchering muslims every day.. Its our favorite past time.. Go and rant some where else..
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Just one incident of riots and you people are calling for separate land and another Jinnah.

Some are even suggesting armed struggle, with out knowing the reason behind the riots. It all started by the killing of two Hindu boys who are on the way to home after study.

Secondly, if that is the case In pakistan Ahmedis should have an armed group, Shia must have one one armed group, Hazaras, Hindus, Christians all except sunnis must have one armed group and they should have support from Iran, India and Vatican etc...etc....

Indian government in 1948 should have ensured a 100% population swap. But they didn't do that. We would still have been a diverse country with the relatively peaceful other minorities and even some Shiites and Ahmadis. But look at what's happening now.
We are itching to deal with the Hindus here....we are just waiting for a justification. This time it will be a 'reverse sweep'.

There are no Hindus left in your country; So how do you plan your reverse sweep.
That was the dream of you people since long time and reverse is happening, From here on India will grow strength to strength.

Nope - Today's India is the wrong place to produce Jinnah - the next Indian Muslim figurehead will be a Mullah Omar figure.... We have surplus arms in stores when that finally happens.

India has never been a single country for more than a 100 years throughout its history, its a federation of 50 or so states. Lets see if they can survive a 2047 deadline.
Just one incident of riots and you people are calling for separate land and another Jinnah.

Some are even suggesting armed struggle, with out knowing the reason behind the riots. It all started by the killing of two Hindu boys who are on the way to home after study.

Secondly, if that is the case In pakistan Ahmedis should have an armed group, Shia must have one one armed group, Hazaras, Hindus, Christians all except sunnis must have one armed group and they should have support from Iran, India and Vatican etc...etc....
Trust me - the situation is worse than you think. There are zones in UP that you as a non Muslim can't enter without paying a 'tax'. They call it mini Pakistan. Good news is RSS is making inroads. So is VHP. Few villages are undergoing shuddhi movement.
Not at all.. Only some districts in UP state.. Rest of the state not even affected by it.. Its just the Ummaaa brother crying loud even for an ant bite..

If that's true then good.

BTW, the word Ummah means nation in Arabic :cheers:
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