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Muslims are Hindus by nationality, they are Muslims by faith only: Rss chief Mohan Bhagwat

Just another Hindu fanatic. Such like fanatics are making the lives of Indian Muslims miserable. Forced conversions, maltreatment, stigmatization; what else the poor Indian Muslims have to go through.
Last time I checked Indus is in Pakistan, this Gangadeshi needs to take some lessons in Geography:agree::lol:

India name itself comes from River Indus .

Just another Hindu fanatic. Such like fanatics are making the lives of Indian Muslims miserable. Forced conversions, maltreatment, stigmatization; what else the poor Indian Muslims have to go through.

In reality , Patriot Indians have to prove thier loyality daily irrespective of thier religion.

Indian Intelligence agencies are well aware who are patriot Indians and who are letting aliens in our nation and destroying our nation . Indian nation will fight against the invaders.
India name itself comes from River Indus .

In reality , Patriot Indians have to prove thier loyality daily irrespective of thier religion.

Indian Intelligence agencies are well aware who are patriot Indians and who are letting aliens in our nation and destroying our nation . Indian nation will fight against the invaders.
And the vast majority of so-called Indians have nothing to do with Indus, plz stick to your Ganga and change the name of your artificial nation to Gangadesh, do not use the word the Alexander subscribed to the lands of the Indus.
And the vast majority of so-called Indians have nothing to do with Indus, plz stick to your Ganga and change the name of your artificial nation to Gangadesh, do not use the word the Alexander subscribed to the lands of the Indus.

You are not understanding what is meant by Indian nation and how Rig vedas are part of Indian Civilization.
You are not understanding what is meant by Indian nation and how Rig vedas are part of Indian Civilization.
Vedas which came from Central Asia hahahahhahahahahahaaaa, are you going to next make a claim on say Turkmenistan hahahahahahhahahahahhaa,,,,,,to an extent people from the Indus went down south and imposed aspects of their culture by force on you gangadeshis ,this is true but it hardly constitutes the same civilization.Kudos

Its linked with the civilization because the civilization is from the nation.

Nation means Quam.
What hogwash!
Vedas which came from Central Asia hahahahhahahahahahaaaa, are you going to next make a claim on say Turkmenistan hahahahahahhahahahahhaa

Vedas are in Sanskrit language which explains the complete information regarding the ancient Indian tribes and the regions where they are dwelling even now.

पर सप्त-सप्त तरेधा हि चक्रमुः परस्र्त्वरीणामति सिन्धुरोजसा ||
pra sapta-sapta tredhā hi cakramuḥ prasṛtvarīṇāmati sindhurojasā ||
The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.

इमं मे गङगे यमुने सरस्वति शुतुद्रि सतेमं सचता परुष्ण्या |
imaṃ me ghaṅghe yamune sarasvati śutudri stemaṃ sacatā paruṣṇyā |
Favour ye this my laud, O Gan!gā, Yamunā, O Sutudri, Paruṣṇī and Sarasvatī: - See more at:
Vedas are in Sanskrit language which explains the complete information regarding the ancient Indian tribes and the regions where they are dwelling even now.

पर सप्त-सप्त तरेधा हि चक्रमुः परस्र्त्वरीणामति सिन्धुरोजसा ||
pra sapta-sapta tredhā hi cakramuḥ prasṛtvarīṇāmati sindhurojasā ||
The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.

इमं मे गङगे यमुने सरस्वति शुतुद्रि सतेमं सचता परुष्ण्या |
imaṃ me ghaṅghe yamune sarasvati śutudri stemaṃ sacatā paruṣṇyā |
Favour ye this my laud, O Gan!gā, Yamunā, O Sutudri, Paruṣṇī and Sarasvatī: - See more at:
Sanskirt has nothing to do with you Gangadeshis, it was imposed on you folks by bigger and better men from the Indus region, and even they did not want to stick around lol
Sanskirt has nothing to do with you Gangadeshis, it was imposed on you folks by bigger and better men from the Indus region, and even they did not want to stick around lol

Seems you are talking about the Avatars ?
The leader is actually not wrong
Hindu refers to someone born near the hind, the religion just got associated with the word.
However, this form of association has not been used for a long time and has no place in modern context
looks like they don't know the history.muslim conqueror muhammad bin qasim invaded sindh and defeated your hindu rajas.you need common sense to understand this.and what about afghan invasions? we can proudly say that we rule over hindus for some 1000 years.our religion islam originated and preached from saudia arabia and not from india.hindu and muslims are two different people,different nations.some indians say that we aren't the arabs.pakistanis are a mixture of arabs and afghanis.both have invaded india and defeated your so called rajas.muhammad bin qasim received a letter from a girl in which she explained the atrocities of hindus.muhammad bin qasim invaded sindh and defeated your pride,your proud rajas.hindus should be shamed on their history.hinduism is not even a religion.
@django There was a name. That name was used first for Indus River. Then for the region adjoining it, Hendosh in Persian which proximated to Sindh. Then as the ancients discovered that there was Ganga those areas also began to be covered by that meaning. However it only carried a geographic meaning. The religion that these Ganga-deshi follow did not have name or at least not as recorded by outsiders. Only in the last few hundred years in particular under British rule did the term Hindu get used for the religion. I believe the real name is Sanathan something.

Today this ocean of shudras - and you know out of 1,300 million probably 1,200 million are shudras or untouchables (if they all were Brahmins then I might have begrudging respect for them) are desperate to have some identity that they can reclaim some respect. Thus the rambling you hear. Honetly if even 10% of India was Brahmin and another 25% part Brahmin I would treat them with respect but the truth is over 300 million are full blown untouchables, another 100 million sceduled caste and aboriginals. That is like 400 million.

You know those Mirasi (probably below 1%) you see in Pakistan or those Christians (who are untouchable converts) well can you imagine if there was like 150 million of them in Pakistan? Welcome. This is India. Thus the only appendage they deserve is Ganga and Dravidians contrasted with the Indus of Pakistan. As you rightly said "Gangadeshi". Like the river like the people. And you know what Ganga is notorious for.

Sanskirt has nothing to do with you Gangadeshis
That is like the Jamaicans start thinking because they speak English, their culture is similar to English and that makes them English. Sanskrit was imposed on these aboroginals. The invaders brought it from Central Asia.
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