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Muslims are Hindus by nationality, they are Muslims by faith only: Rss chief Mohan Bhagwat

पर सप्त-सप्त तरेधा हि चक्रमुः परस्र्त्वरीणामति सिन्धुरोजसा ||
pra sapta-sapta tredhā hi cakramuḥ prasṛtvarīṇāmati sindhurojasā ||
The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.

Sindhu is nothing but River Indus .

People of Fars use to call people who are living beyond River Indus as Hindus and even the greeks use the term indos when they came to invade Indian nation , where he was defeated by the Indian nation. Bacteria , you know all that i think.

Even Prophet Muhammed Pbuh has used the term Hind for the Indian nation. Even the third masjid is constructed in Hind in 629 A.D during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh.
Modern context- just as the word "landing" in English was usually associated with places where ships would beach- and not aircraft
i think his name was raja dahir.read the book first.it's in history.you can't deny history.you can live in your fantasies and dream to become world power but reality is,you can't even make a tank which can fire straight.i am not talking about 5000 years.i am referring to books and how civilization inside your so called india has started.do you know about sri lanka or you never read about this country? i doubt it since most hindus can only learn things which only taught in their dirty indian literature.look at the world around you and get out of this nightmare.muslim trade ships used to travel from sri lanka to arabia.this is where your raja dahir attacked people and make them prisoners.we invaded,defeated your raja with pride.i don't know why you don't find it in books,see it on google if you know how to use it.we started settlements inside sindh after defeating you.this isn't a typical pakistani comment,it's a history.read it.

Awesome !!! Thanks for indeed proving my point. And the funny part is you don't even know the amazing entertainment quotient you are bringing here!!!

Seems you dont understand about religion and dont even know what is meant by Faith in Supreme Creator ?

Its all paganism no different to the idols and beliefs of the Quresh

You need alot to understand religion.

Avatars were messengers and teachings of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh says that 124,000 Messengers and Prophets were sent by the Supreme Creator . only regarding 35 Prophets is mentioned in Quran.
For India's Right wing, 200 million Muslims is a real obstacle against their narrative. To achieve their Hindu Utopia if 200 Million Muslims can be 'hinduized' then most of the work is done. So how do you 'convert' 200 million Muslims? The answer is, by redefining what an Indian is, what a Hindu is and what a Muslim is in relations to those identities. Then you can gradually water down whatever faith they have and once you get a disconnection between what a Muslim is and what an Indian Muslim actually does , then you are well on your way to eliminating Muslims as a large self-identifying group of people. If that can be achieved with Muslims in India, other minorities will not be a problem. Sikhs are considered a branch of Hinduism and the same propaganda is being spewed out about Buddhists. They want the same thing with Islam and Muslims. Muslim identity in India is actually under an existential threat. Very clever, albeit amoral and cynical, what these Hindu extremists are doing. They always did have very good thinkers. Diabolical but quite brilliant.
Obama speaks better English then most English, Obama is 50% white (most of which is English heritage), his culture is Anglo-Saxon and his religion is Christianity.

But you know and I know that they just call him a *nigga*

*Moral of story. If he looks like a Ganga, lives in the Ganga, swims in the Ganga and shats in the Ganga but he speaks Sanskrit he is just a Ganga - deshi.

Human values were at the lowest during the time of colonalization .

Nigger term is used for those who were bring as slaves by the colonalists and they use to continue the slavery business.

President Abrahman Lincoln fought for equality and like this slavery was finished and in 21st century if anyone degrade black people as niggers than its like they want to bring back colonial era.

Any ways we Indians, Arabs, Turks, Africans, Americans are united to make the hell out of the racists. We should close down embassies of the racists from our respective countries.

We Indians dont need racists and colonists in our countries.

For India's Right wing, 200 million Muslims is a real obstacle against their narrative. To achieve their Hindu Utopia if 200 Million Muslims can be 'hinduized' then most of the work is done. So how do you 'convert' 200 million Muslims? The answer is, by redefining what an Indian is, what a Hindu is and what a Muslim is in relations to those identities. Then you can gradually water down whatever faith they have and once you get a disconnection between what a Muslim is and what an Indian Muslim actually does , then you are well on your way to eliminating Muslims as a large self-identifying group of people. If that can be achieved with Muslims in India, other minorities will not be a problem. Sikhs are considered a branch of Hinduism and the same propaganda is being spewed out about Buddhists. They want the same thing with Islam and Muslims. Muslim identity in India is actually under an existential threat. Very clever, albeit amoral and cynical, what these Hindu extremists are doing. They always did have very good thinkers. Diabolical but quite brilliant.

Indian Muslims are Indian by culture and Muslim by faith and in reality there are many things which are common between Indian Aryans and Muslims .
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Indian Muslims are Indian by culture and Muslim by faith and in reality there is many things which are common between Indian Aryans and Muslims .

That is what I mean. That is the narrative you are trying to write. Islam is a culture in an of itself. I see what linguistic gymnastics you just did there and it is typical of Indian Hindu fascists. They will always try and do an overlap, and that is vital to the rest of the narrative. I see what you did. And that was my whole point. Thank you.
That is what I mean. That is the narrative you are trying to write. Islam is a culture in an of itself. I see what linguistic gymnastics you just did there and it is typical of Indian Hindu fascists. They will always try and do an overlap, and that is vital to the rest of the narrative. I see what you did. And that was my whole point. Thank you.

Islam is a religion and Arabs are similar like Indians .

But when Indian Aryans and Indian Muslims are being forced and are kept in control then we Indians wont allow a single second to point out the violations which has been committed against us.

By the way , People of Indian origin are still seen not as humans in EU. So many regulations are forced on Indians, Arabs, Turks and Africans and racial discrimination, job discrimination and social discrimination is being done. They kids are being kidnapped and fake cases are being forced on them. They marriages are being dissolved by trappings and there is no judiciary anywhere.

So such countries should close down embassies and move out of Republic of India.
Islam is a religion and Arabs are similar like Indians .

But when Indian Aryans and Indian Muslims are being forced and are kept in control then we Indians wont allow a single second to point out the violations which has been committed against us.

By the way , People of Indian origin are still seen not as humans in EU. So many regulations are forced on Indians, Arabs, Turks and Africans and racial discrimination, job discrimination and social discrimination is being done. They kids are being kidnapped and fake cases are being forced on them. They marriages are being dissolved by trappings and there is no judiciary anywhere.

So such countries should close down embassies and move out of Republic of India.

I don't want to get into a lengthy discussion but you have done it again. You are making way too many assumptions in the hope of being able to dictate the rules of engagement right from the outset by stating those things as fact which are way too broad and complicated to be subject to reductive thought. For example your first line. I cant take the rest of your post seriously after that. There is no way you can prove that or state it as a fact. Yet, you must insist it is true, why? Because that way you can control what comes next. Like I said, I can see the semantics here and nope, sorry, I wont take that bait. Your entire argument is flawed right from the first sentence. Anyway, that's enough of this.
Seems you dont understand about religion and dont even know what is meant by Faith in Supreme Creator ?

You need alot to understand religion.

Avatars were messengers and teachings of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh says that 124,000 Messengers and Prophets were sent by the Supreme Creator . only regarding 35 Prophets is mentioned in Quran.

And unless they are mentioned specifically they are little more than pagan idols no different to what the Quresh had which were broken
Seems you dont understand about religion and dont even know what is meant by Faith in Supreme Creator ?

You need alot to understand religion.

Avatars were messengers and teachings of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh says that 124,000 Messengers and Prophets were sent by the Supreme Creator . only regarding 35 Prophets is mentioned in Quran.
Now I suppose you are going to educate me about Al-Islam.
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I don't want to get into a lengthy discussion but you have done it again. You are making way too many assumptions in the hope of being able to dictate the rules of engagement right from the outset by stating those things as fact which are way too broad and complicated to be subject to reductive thought. For example your first line. I cant take the rest of your post seriously after that. There is no way you can prove that or state it as a fact. Yet, you must insist it is true, why? Because that way you can control what comes next. Like I said, I can see the semantics here and nope, sorry, I wont take that bait. Your entire argument is flawed right from the first sentence. Anyway, that's enough of this.

We Indians, Arabs, Turks, Africans and Americans are aware who are our's real friends and who are comitting violations and threatening us aboard.

Yes, Indian External Affairs Ministry is aware .

Now I suppose you are going to educate me about Al-Islam.

If you understand divine revelations of all the religions , then you will understand Islam .
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