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Muslims 2nd most highly educated religious group in US -PEW Research Center

Actually you would be surprised many Muslims are uniting here in the states, most are saying exactly that which you have stated "we need to adopt the habits of Jews". By that it means recycling our wealth amongst ourselves, hiring Muslim employees, giving Muslims better terms when it comes to business then non Muslims, etc. This is especially true amongst the Pakistani American community.

For example in my business I have helped a few Pakistanis who needed work break into the job market by using my connections, one of my suppliers is a Pakistani he gives me much of my goods on credit and will beat any price that is given to me less than his own (he does not do this for non-Muslim clients), many Pakistani gas station or deli owners give first priority of jobs to fellow Pakistani Muslims, then Muslims in general, and only then to non-Muslims but it usually never comes down to that.

If somebody needs part time work the community will try and set him up with something, for example a Pakistani guy came over for medical studies and he needed some hours of work. One of my acquaintances gave him work two days a week with cash payments, while another gave him another two days working at his place of work. Both paid him in cash so he pocketed more money in the end etc.

So your telling me that favoritism and nepotism practiced by Pakistani and Muslim immigrants is a good thing??

Seems like most desis really do bring their corrupt filthy habbits to the West whether its America or Europe.

No wonder Pakistani has become synonymous with financial fraud, nepotism, and favoritism, and you take pride in that.
LOL so when Jews do it no problem but Muslims do the same and we are discriminating?? Besides everyone does the same shit spanish people look out for their own, and ever notice black manager never hire non blacks? Not to mention Indians do with fellow Indians even helping a bunch come through on the H1B. The only thing is white people are hit with affirmative action by the blacks if they ever try it (which I think is bs).

And who said Jews were right for discriminating??

Jews also deal in and advocate usury and interest, perhaps you should start practicing the same as well.
It's a problem no matter who does. I'd have said the exact same thing no matter who had posted what you'd posted. That's probably the biggest difference between you and I.

Edit: Do us a favor, just put up a poster on your premises with your hiring policy on it so we can all see it and make a conscious choice of whether we want to do business with you or not.

This is the problem with most Muslims; theyre own countries are fucked up and corrupted to the core and they come here and start doing the same thing.

Perhaps it is a racial & genetic thing. You cant change a peoples corrupt habbits if its ingrained in their genes no matter which society you put them in.
Wow great logic you nutjob, expanding community centers is going to result in more 'tensions' and 'worldwide conflict' with Muslims. :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


This guy is a clown. Muslims are on his mind 24/7 because he's insecure. He might get a stroke from how much Muslims are causing him depression. :lol:

I dont know much about the user Azizam or his intentions and views on Muslims but what @KingMamba said is nothing to take pride in or advocate.

Think about it, if Europeans and White Americans began to discriminate against Muslims in hiring for jobs, in their immigration policies, etc then everyone will be shouting "racism" from the top of their lungs and crying crocodile tears (meanwhile not a single Muslim sheds tears for Christians being persecuted & discriminated in Pakistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world).

Secondly, of you read carefully what @KingMamba said he clearly states that the Pakistanis he works with give priority in hiring to another Pakistani over a non-Pakistani Muslim (like an Arab). That is cause for concern for non-Pakistani Muslims like you if this is the prevailing practice by Pakistani immigrants in America.

And laslty, the reason why Muslim countries are some of the most corrupt and dysfunctional in the world is solely due to the hypocritical, cheating, doube dealing nature of the Muslims. In Pakistan our entire National Railway institution, Pakistan Railways (i dont know its current status) had been corrupted to the point it was no longer operational due to selfish, double dealing hypocrites and financial fraudsters in the bureaucracy.

The Muslim world will never progress so as long as Muslims dont abandon their filthy habbits, which it seems like they never will. Perhaps its because these filthy habbits are ingrained within the genes of Muslims.
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I dont know much about the user Azizam or his intentions and views on Muslims but what @KingMamba said is nothing to take pride in or advocate.

Think about it, if Europeans and White Americans began to discriminate against Muslims in hiring for jobs, in their immigration policies, etc then everyone will be shouting "racism" from the top of their lungs and crying crocodile tears (meanwhile not a single Muslim sheds tears for Christians being persecuted & discriminated in Pakistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world).

Secondly, of you read carefully what @KingMamba said he clearly states that the Pakistanis he works with give priority in hiring to another Pakistani over a non-Pakistani Muslim (like an Arab). That is cause for concern for non-Pakistani Muslims like you if this is the prevailing practice by Pakistani immigrants in America.

And laslty, the reason why Muslim countries are some of the most corrupt and dysfunctional in the world is solely due to the hypocritical, cheating, doube dealing nature of the Muslims. In Pakistan our entire National Railway institution, Pakistan Railways (i dont know its current status) had been corrupted to the point it was no longer operational due to selfish, double dealing hypocrites and financial fraudsters in the bureaucracy.

The Muslim world will never progress so as long as Muslims dont abandon their filthy habbits, which it seems like they never will. Perhaps its because these filthy habbits are ingrained within the genes of Muslims.

I don't believe us US citizens can tie ourselves to Muslims overseas. We grow up in a different system that is functional and for most part tackles corruption, mis-management and has overall consensus. The social and economic system here is well organized and advanced as US became industrial early on and all this experience brought us to almost perfected system today(With exception to high income tax :D). Muslims overseas have corruption that is sickening. And the way to solve is different for every country. And I totally agree we have such hypocrites in wrondoers overseas. But I don't agree that we should tie ourselves to them, we aren't one entity contrary to what some people think. We visit our national origin and have ties but it doesn't extend elsewhere in Muslim world, at least for now.

For some Muslimmajority nations, tackling corruption requires either resurgent of religion, secularism, use of force, revolution, etc....It is all different. For example for Arabs, we were secular in the 40's to 70's and corruption always existed in Arab world. So some people in Arab world believe religion is solution, of course the corrupt can exploit religion as well to compete with religious opposition. So now Arab world is going through a experience that no one will forget. Everyone is getting affected by everyone, one step won't cut it anymore and it is reuiring Arab nations to shift alliances almost every year. Over time they will realize their political decisions were counterproductive. For Asia it may be different and I'm not well informed enough. But we will have hypocrites in our society for a long period, it won't go until there is some serious crisis that divides people into clear camps. Where we will have limited choices.
I don't believe us US citizens can tie ourselves to Muslims overseas.
Yes, we can since after all we are from the same breed as them.

Growing up in America doesnt change our ethnic origins or our heritage and cultural bond with the mother country.

A Chinese doesnt become Arab if he's born and raised in Arabia. Neither does a Black become Korean.

We grow up in a different system that is functional and for most part tackles corruption, mis-management and has overall consensus. The social and economic system here is well organized and advanced as US became industrial early on and all this experience brought us to almost perfected system today(With exception to high income tax :D).

Yes. Indeed. But does it ever occur to us Muslims why exactly this system is functional, well organized, and able to effectively tackle corruption, mismanagement and other social ills so prevalent within our own countries??

Perhaps because it was founded by Europeans? Muslims themselves are incapable of establishing such a highly advanced society.

Muslims, whether Arabs or Indonesians or Pakistanis, can never establish a system so advanced and complex because most of us are genetically incapable of doing so.

EDIT: Think about it. Entire Muslim world has more resources and manpower then Europe, America, China, Japan, Korea, and Australia combined yet our societies are so primitive and backwards in comparison and our industrial, technological and scientific output is close to none. A small country like Sweden contributes more than we do.

Muslims overseas have corruption that is sickening. And the way to solve is different for every country. And I totally agree we have such hypocrites in wrondoers overseas. But I don't agree that we should tie ourselves to them, we aren't one entity contrary to what some people think. We visit our national origin and have ties but it doesn't extend elsewhere in Muslim world, at least for now.

For some Muslimmajority nations, tackling corruption requires either resurgent of religion, secularism, use of force, revolution, etc....It is all different. For example for Arabs, we were secular in the 40's to 70's and corruption always existed in Arab world. So some people in Arab world believe religion is solution, of course the corrupt can exploit religion as well to compete with religious opposition. So now Arab world is going through a experience that no one will forget. Everyone is getting affected by everyone, one step won't cut it anymore and it is reuiring Arab nations to shift alliances almost every year. Over time they will realize their political decisions were counterproductive. For Asia it may be different and I'm not well informed enough. But we will have hypocrites in our society for a long period, it won't go until there is some serious crisis that divides people into clear camps. Where we will have limited choices.

I agree. But once again, this is where the corruption comes into play.

Why is it that almost every political faction claiming to be the final salvation for the common people, once in power, ends up screwing them over and doing them dirty the same way as its predecessor who behaved no differently when they held the throne??

Does it not make you wonder that perhaps the people from our part of the world are genetically more prone to corruption and power grabbing then lets say compared to Koreans or Japanese or the Swedes or the Swiss or the Germans or the Australians, etc......

Now of course, that isnt to say that all Muslims are prone to corruption by nature. Sure there are honest and productive and industrious elements within Muslim countries but they are in the minority and they can never put into use their talent for the benefit of their native country solely due to the fact that the system they live in is corrupt to the core and thus wont enable them to rise to power.

EDIT: Fact is, we can change our ideologies from religious to secularism to whatever else we can get our hands on, but we can never change our genetical traits, and corruption is one of them.
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@Desert Fox

To answer your questions you need to study past of Muslims. Why we're dishonest today with our promises for our people. And why we were honest back then. Economic, social and political situations need to be observed thoroughly. As of now, I don't see what can instigate change besides desperation/suffering.
@Desert Fox

To answer your questions you need to study past of Muslims. Why we're dishonest today with our promises for our people. And why we were honest back then. Economic, social and political situations need to be observed thoroughly. As of now, I don't see what can instigate change besides desperation/suffering.

I made a few modifications to my post and would like you to check them out.

And i agree with you that we need radical social changes within our own countries.

What we need is to implement a meritocracy which recognizes the concept of race, genetics, and the practice of eugenics. Otherwise we will continue to pump out more and more dysfunctional people who are genetically prone to becoming thieves and tyrants and our productive people will continue to be held down from utilizing their talents for the benefit of the common man.
Conservative muslims have a minimum chance of succeeding in a society as they put more emphasis on religion which result in more energy directed towards religion than anything else.
I am a conservative muslim and i've studied more years than the number of your age .

16-17 right ?
I made a few modifications to my post and would like you to check them out.

And i agree with you that we need radical social changes within our own countries.

What we need is to implement a meritocracy which recognizes the concept of race, genetics, and the practice of eugenics. Otherwise we will continue to pump out more and more dysfunctional people who are genetically prone to becoming thieves and tyrants and our productive people will continue to be held down from utilizing their talents for the benefit of the common man.

I don't know if it's right to say we have more resources. And I disagree with your approach. Not sure who you're influenced by. But as you stated earlier, we are a different people and adopting foreign solutions won't work for Muslims. Sometimes simplicity is necessary. Rise of Muslim world won't come in manner similiar rise of West. Simply because political competition in region prevents development of all sectors or society. One camp gets into power and looks after its camp and objective is to secure them. The standards are low and combined with corruption of wealthy elite there's no changing that. The solution will come from the poor people and will be pretty simple concept. Don't over think it.
I don't know if it's right to say we have more resources. And I disagree with your approach. Not sure who you're influenced by. But as you stated earlier, we are a different people and adopting foreign solutions won't work for Muslims. Sometimes simplicity is necessary. Rise of Muslim world won't come in manner similiar rise of West. Simply because political competition in region prevents development of all sectors or society. One camp gets into power and looks after its camp and objective is to secure them. The standards are low and combined with corruption of wealthy elite there's no changing that. The solution will come from the poor people and will be pretty simple concept. Don't over think it.
The elite ruling over the Muslim countries will remain in power so long as the vast majority of the population continue to share their mentality, even if suppose one segment of the population disagrees with the current ruling elite but would act no differently toward the opposition if they themselves held power. All leaders come from the people they rule.

If you want the ruling elite to change then you have to change the people, however you cannot change the people overnight.

I have read into Muslim history, and again, i have noticed that Islam only managed to change the tribalistic mentality very little within the past 1400 or more years. If Islam made any impact it was only in the early days of its spread. In fact people have adapted religion to their own tribalistic mentality, for the most part. Again, its in the blood. Even religion cannot change genetic traits. An example of this You can see today where the rulers choose gov.t officials not based on merit but more along the lines of tribal loyalty and whether if the person will keep quite while everyone plunders and robs the entire nation together. Whether you want to believe this or not, reality is bitter.

And yes, certainly the entire Muslim world has more natural resources and greater amount of youth population than all of the countries i mentioned combined. Yet our combined contributions are not even close to that of Sweden alone.

And so, how can we entertain the illusion that we are any different from our cousins in our mother countries?? Or that we will somehow contribute to the highly advanced societies established by the White man??
@Desert Fox

As you acknowledge we have tribal mentality. And this can be solved. Just be patient and trust me when I say it will change unexpectedly without you noticing and will appear more simple than you thought. As with tribal mentality, they need something significant to change their mentality. And sadly that is suffering/desperation.
I am a conservative muslim and i've studied more years than the number of your age .

16-17 right ?
By looking at your posts here as an outsider, you clearly don't give the impression of an educated person (not saying because I don't favour your political views as I respect many others who believe in different ideologies, just merely an observation) . I don't know what you think about yourself. Also, the number of years doesn't matter. It's the performance that matters. For instance, a 15 year old kid who goes to MIT would be far more smarter than both me and you. BTW, I study in a university that is considered as one of the 20 best universities in the world. Don't think the same can be said about you.
So your telling me that favoritism and nepotism practiced by Pakistani and Muslim immigrants is a good thing??

Seems like most desis really do bring their corrupt filthy habbits to the West whether its America or Europe.

No wonder Pakistani has become synonymous with financial fraud, nepotism, and favoritism, and you take pride in that.

Do not put words into my comment that aren't there, I already explained my viewpoint above. Also I don't know where you lived that you found Pakistani to be synonymous with those words I have lived here my whole life and never heard such things being said about Pakistanis.

As for the Indians thanking your post they should take a look in the mirror as Indians have been doing the same thing on a much larger scale, for a whole lot longer.

I dont know much about the user Azizam or his intentions and views on Muslims but what @KingMamba said is nothing to take pride in or advocate.

Think about it, if Europeans and White Americans began to discriminate against Muslims in hiring for jobs, in their immigration policies, etc then everyone will be shouting "racism" from the top of their lungs and crying crocodile tears (meanwhile not a single Muslim sheds tears for Christians being persecuted & discriminated in Pakistan and elsewhere in the Muslim world).

Secondly, of you read carefully what @KingMamba said he clearly states that the Pakistanis he works with give priority in hiring to another Pakistani over a non-Pakistani Muslim (like an Arab). That is cause for concern for non-Pakistani Muslims like you if this is the prevailing practice by Pakistani immigrants in America.

And laslty, the reason why Muslim countries are some of the most corrupt and dysfunctional in the world is solely due to the hypocritical, cheating, doube dealing nature of the Muslims. In Pakistan our entire National Railway institution, Pakistan Railways (i dont know its current status) had been corrupted to the point it was no longer operational due to selfish, double dealing hypocrites and financial fraudsters in the bureaucracy.

The Muslim world will never progress so as long as Muslims dont abandon their filthy habbits, which it seems like they never will. Perhaps its because these filthy habbits are ingrained within the genes of Muslims.

The reason why they hire a Pakistani Muslim over say an Arab is language, nothing else. Familiarity in the work place is something many people prefer whether or not they will openly admit it.

Anyway when I was writing my post I did not think it would create such backlash, anybody who has lived in America long enough know that such things are common place and more so in more communities then others, of which the American Muslim communities would quite frankly be somewhere in dead last. If I was taking delight in anything it was that Muslims are looking out for each other now more then even five years ago and it is because Muslims are becoming more educated and with that comes monetary resources that were never there before.

I never brought up community centers but I see a bunch of people talking about it here, and yes community centers are starting to be built by Muslims

And who said Jews were right for discriminating??

Jews also deal in and advocate usury and interest, perhaps you should start practicing the same as well.

Communities should strive to adopt the best from one another. This feigned outrage that many of you are showing here is for something that it shrugged upon in real life. It is accepted as is, you don't think everyone knows how Jews favor Jews? How many instances has their been in American history where they have been given trouble over it? None that I can think of. It may be seen as negative but it has served to help the poor Jews raise their socio-economic status by receiving help from their more well established fellow Jews and made them as a whole community a productive part of the American fabric. If Muslims helping other Muslims can lead to the community as a whole becoming just as successful as other communities then I see nothing wrong with it. Besides it is not like American Muslims are going around gathering fellow Muslims to create sharia4uk type groups.
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