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Muslims 2nd most highly educated religious group in US -PEW Research Center

"There are 2.75 million Muslims living in the United States, a majority of whom, 63 percent, are first-generation immigrants. — Pew Research Center.

But the numbers are controversial — because the U.S. census does not collect religious data, hard numbers are difficult to come by. In 2001, the American Jewish Committee calculated America’s Muslim population at 1.86 million, while the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) puts the number at 7 million. This wide range in part reflects how population size can be politicized to exaggerate or underplay a group’s influence and clout.

American Muslims are the most racially diverse group surveyed in the United States, according to the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. Eighty-two percent say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their lives, although 55 percent say life for Muslims in the U.S. has become more difficult since 9/11.

Forty percent of Muslims say they have a college degree, making them the second most highly educated religious group surveyed after Jews (61 percent), compared with 29 percent of Americans overall who say they have a college degree, according to Gallup [PDF]. That carries across gender lines, with Muslim females being the second-most educated religious group in the country, after Jewish females."

Source: America and Muslims: By the Numbers | The Man Behind the Mosque | FRONTLINE | PBS

Study was done back in 2011, but point shows a stark contrast between the Muslim community in US and the Muslim community in Europe.
Very good read,

One unique thing about pakistanis I found was

Ab hindus ko mirchi lag rahi hy lol , btw sach hamesha karwa hota hy , :D
Nah , Muslims doing well in America is a very good development, and mirch lagne ka koi sawal hi nahi hai

Do not put words into my comment that aren't there, I already explained my viewpoint above. Also I don't know where you lived that you found Pakistani to be synonymous with those words I have lived here my whole life and never heard such things being said about Pakistanis.

As for the Indians thanking your post they should take a look in the mirror as Indians have been doing the same thing on a much larger scale, for a whole lot longer.

The reason why they hire a Pakistani Muslim over say an Arab is language, nothing else. Familiarity in the work place is something many people prefer whether or not they will openly admit it.

Anyway when I was writing my post I did not think it would create such backlash, anybody who has lived in America long enough know that such things are common place and more so in more communities then others, of which the American Muslim communities would quite frankly be somewhere in dead last. If I was taking delight in anything it was that Muslims are looking out for each other now more then even five years ago and it is because Muslims are becoming more educated and with that comes monetary resources that were never there before.

I never brought up community centers but I see a bunch of people talking about it here, and yes community centers are starting to be built by Muslims

Communities should strive to adopt the best from one another. This feigned outrage that many of you are showing here is for something that it shrugged upon in real life. It is accepted as is, you don't think everyone knows how Jews favor Jews? How many instances has their been in American history where they have been given trouble over it? None that I can think of. It may be seen as negative but it has served to help the poor Jews raise their socio-economic status by receiving help from their more well established fellow Jews and made them as a whole community a productive part of the American fabric. If Muslims helping other Muslims can lead to the community as a whole becoming just as successful as other communities then I see nothing wrong with it. Besides it is not like American Muslims are going around gathering fellow Muslims to create sharia4uk type groups.
Of course, i have no problem with Muslims looking out for eachother and what not. However the issue is preferential treatment to someone based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality, an example of which you already provided in your first post on this thread.

Imagine for a second that a White owner of a business had to choose between hiring two qualified persons, one a Pakistani and the other a White person and lets say he chooses to hire the White person solely because he's White and a Christian, one could imagine the outrage from Muslims and the so called "civil rights" organizations and everyone would be shouting slogans like "racist", "Islamophobe", etc and boycott of the White owners business would ensue because he discriminated against a non-White when hiring.

Coming to Pakistani being synonymous with corruption (which includes nepotism and favoritism) and financial fraud, one would only have to visit Pakistan to see for themselves.

And of course, this doesnt apply to Pakistanis only, but rather the entire Subcontinent is plagued with epic proportions of corruption. Im sure india has more corruption. We all know this for a fact, so why bother looking like fools by denying it. If this is how we behave in OUR OWN countries then we definitely wont change into angels when we move to the West and all of a sudden change our old ways.

Coming to Jews, they have been expelled from hundreds of nations for thousands of years (even to this day) due to their certain qualities which are obvious to everyone. Are you sure it would benefit us if we started behaving exactly like Jews?

Guatemalan City Expells Jews For Causing 'Ill Will':

Residents of small Guatemalan town want Jews to leave | The Times of Israel
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American Muslims tend to be a highly educated bunch, & excel professionally despite covert (& sometimes overt) discrimination; whereas in Europe, Muslim immigrants tend to be wannabe gangstas (Turks in Germany) or crazy jihadists (Arabs in UK).
Im a non religious white guy, went to uni but dont hold a degree and I earn more than almost everyone I know who isnt a software programmer. A typical "education" isnt everything, far to much saturation and crap within the education establishment, I rather teach myself about what I want to learn and apply it in the real world, not just get some crap out of books like my time in uni and make sure you studied the correct work for exams whilst not really learning anything. I respect engineering students, medical etc but most students are just a joke.
But think of it this way: Muslim Americans have to be REALLY good professionally to be able to have a decent standard of living, as "charming" their way through the social ladder simply isn't an option for them in that racist country.
A white (or even black) guy could have a mediocre education & that's enough for him, while chastising those non-Westerners who seek higher education as close-minded fools, without realizing the socio-cultural advantages he enjoys.
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