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Muslims 2nd most highly educated religious group in US -PEW Research Center


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
"There are 2.75 million Muslims living in the United States, a majority of whom, 63 percent, are first-generation immigrants. — Pew Research Center.

But the numbers are controversial — because the U.S. census does not collect religious data, hard numbers are difficult to come by. In 2001, the American Jewish Committee calculated America’s Muslim population at 1.86 million, while the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) puts the number at 7 million. This wide range in part reflects how population size can be politicized to exaggerate or underplay a group’s influence and clout.

American Muslims are the most racially diverse group surveyed in the United States, according to the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. Eighty-two percent say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their lives, although 55 percent say life for Muslims in the U.S. has become more difficult since 9/11.

Forty percent of Muslims say they have a college degree, making them the second most highly educated religious group surveyed after Jews (61 percent), compared with 29 percent of Americans overall who say they have a college degree, according to Gallup [PDF]. That carries across gender lines, with Muslim females being the second-most educated religious group in the country, after Jewish females."

Source: America and Muslims: By the Numbers | The Man Behind the Mosque | FRONTLINE | PBS

Study was done back in 2011, but point shows a stark contrast between the Muslim community in US and the Muslim community in Europe.
with Muslim females being the second-most educated religious group in the country, after Jewish females."
really liking Muslim woman are second most educated after jews .This things told a different story that Islam has nothing against woman education . btw i thought more then 3~4 million Muslim live in USA but the number 2.75 seems very unbelievable .
2nd most highly educated religious group @Armstrong. I'm not religious, unless you could SCIENCE!!!, hence I might be more... or less educated, but not included in the study:p:.

And what is the "football" thing? I only know Ice Hockey, not to be confused with field hockey. It's good to be accurate when dealing with these things. Don't want a bunch of fools mistaking one sport for another.
So...you are basically on the wrong side of the border...I believe you were looking for a country further north!
Good to hear, but surely Hindus would be the highest? Something like 70% of Indian-Americans have a degree.

Edit: From wiki Asian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Educational Attainment
Ethnicity or nationality Percent of

Taiwanese 74.1%
Indian 67.9%
Jews 59.0%
Iranian 57.2%
Pakistani 54.3%
Korean 50.8%
Chinese (incl. Taiwanese) 50.2%
Venezuelan 49.7%
Filipino 47.9%
Japanese 43.7%
Bangladeshi 41.9%
Armenian[93] 41%
Argentinean 38.9%
Non-Hispanic White 30.7%
General US Population 28.0%
Vietnamese 26.1%
Black 16.5%
Hmong 16.0%
Cambodian 14.6%
Laotian 13.0%
And what is the "football" thing? I only know Ice Hockey, not to be confused with field hockey. It's good to be accurate when dealing with these things. Don't want a bunch of fools mistaking one sport for another.

Ice Hockey; dude that sport is messed up ! Half the time they're doing a Muhammad Ali vs Joe Fraser match up in there ! :o:

Field Hockey on the other hand; we're 4 times world champions of it ! :smokin:

I have two degrees, on Bachelors, one Masters and am working towards a third one... a doctorate. I'm slightly above the curve.

I've only got a Bachelors, a professional accounting and finance qualification and I'm working towards a Masters - You may have won this round Sven but the War still rages on ! :argh:

I'm gonna go for a Post-Doc later on to get one up on you ! 8-)
really liking Muslim woman are second most educated after jews .This things told a different story that Islam has nothing against woman education . btw i thought more then 3~4 million Muslim live in USA but the number 2.75 seems very unbelievable .

Based on data from the survey, in combination with U.S. Census data, Pew Research Center demographers estimate that there are about 1.8 million Muslim adults and 2.75 million Muslims of all ages (including children under 18) living in the United States in 2011.

Section 1: A Demographic Portrait of Muslim Americans | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
@SvenSvensonov @Nihonjin1051 @KAL-EL :bunny:

Unless any of you is Jewish; my Muslim brethren have beaten you to the top ! :smokin:

Now the next step is to get the US to abolish that offspring of cricket and tag called baseball as a sport and rename soccer back to football and american football back to rugby ! :tongue:

I believe in the one true god the cylons believed in. So I share a monotheistic connection with Jews, Christians and Muslims.
doesnt matter how much educated and rich muslims become without the unity like jews they cant do jack $hit

there's too much jack $hit in the world already...look at ISIS. That's what happens when muslims unite...
doesnt matter how much educated and rich muslims become without the unity like jews they cant do jack $hit

Actually you would be surprised many Muslims are uniting here in the states, most are saying exactly that which you have stated "we need to adopt the habits of Jews". By that it means recycling our wealth amongst ourselves, hiring Muslim employees, giving Muslims better terms when it comes to business then non Muslims, etc. This is especially true amongst the Pakistani American community.

For example in my business I have helped a few Pakistanis who needed work break into the job market by using my connections, one of my suppliers is a Pakistani he gives me much of my goods on credit and will beat any price that is given to me less than his own (he does not do this for non-Muslim clients), many Pakistani gas station or deli owners give first priority of jobs to fellow Pakistani Muslims, then Muslims in general, and only then to non-Muslims but it usually never comes down to that.

If somebody needs part time work the community will try and set him up with something, for example a Pakistani guy came over for medical studies and he needed some hours of work. One of my acquaintances gave him work two days a week with cash payments, while another gave him another two days working at his place of work. Both paid him in cash so he pocketed more money in the end etc.
thats whats happens when america tries to bring democracy to other countries

yeah right, just conveniently blame america for everything...

Actually you would be surprised many Muslims are uniting here in the states, most are saying exactly that which you have stated "we need to adopt the habits of Jews". By that it means recycling our wealth amongst ourselves, hiring Muslim employees, giving Muslims better terms when it comes to business then non Muslims, etc. This is especially true amongst the Pakistani American community.

For example in my business I have helped a few Pakistanis who needed work break into the job market by using my connections, one of my suppliers is a Pakistani he gives me much of my goods on credit and will beat any price that is given to me less than his own (he does not do this for non-Muslim clients), many Pakistani gas station or deli owners give first priority of jobs to fellow Pakistani Muslims, then Muslims in general, and only then to non-Muslims but it usually never comes down to that.

If somebody needs part time work the community will try and set him up with something, for example a Pakistani guy came over for medical studies and he needed some hours of work. One of my acquaintances gave him work two days a week with cash payments, while another gave him another two days working at his place of work. Both paid him in cash so he pocketed more money in the end etc.

Religious unity comes at great cost to global peace. When a religion unites it fights other religions. And that's just not right.
Religious unity comes at great cost to global peace. When a religion unites it fights other religions. And that's just not right.

What does American Muslims looking out for their community have to do with global peace?
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