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Muslim Student In India Attacked After Posing In Photo With Female Hindu Classmates

indeed... talking about this incident is far more important than which tank is being used by indian army or what is the income projection for india for the next three "quarters".

communal angle?? i was talking about the moralistic culture of india that makes life miserable each day... i don't see most modern indian muslims any different from the typical sanghi.
Mate to be fair, this a defence forum so I guess speaking of tanks would be more relevant than this...
you are a sangh sympathizer... quite a big crime that is.

Even the most radical RSS, BJP man like me can not be as radical as Moderate Islamist as you. You show your true color by defending a Love jihadist because of whom the girl have to commit suicide. Had this happened with a girl in some of our warrior community of Saurashtra or rajasthan, Not only boy but his whole family would have been eliminated.
Rape is your speciality. He calls it petty news just because it is the truth which puts his country in a bad spotlight. Don't run away from the truth. Confront it.

You are taking high moral ground on rapes because reporting of rapes in Pakistan is close to zero. Rich coming from a person where testimony of four momins is required to establish a rape. We confront our shortcomings and are ready to address them, we protest unanimously everytime there is a heinous crime against women. But you guys have different priorities, while we come to streets in protest for stricter laws against rapists you guys run amok over a book. I'm reminded of that article in the Dawn few weeks back in which the Pakistani author visiting India was surprised to see women in large numbers on streets, in all walks of life , something he could never imagine in Pakistan.
would be interesting to document how many communal incidents have taken place since mickey-mouse modi took over...every single day something new

sangh parivaar is in power today that to with an overwhelming majority , don't forget that

quick google search will show what a 'civilized' lot you are :laugh:
the same guys who beat up women like wild animals on "valentines day"

what a civilized lot you are

sangh parivaar is a combination of several hindu organization and a culmination of hindu ideologies .

I agree beating woman and moral policing is wrong , they must stick to their real objective.

would be interesting to document how many communal incidents have taken place since mickey-mouse modi took over...every single day something new

sirji just recently a bomb blast in pakistan killed 50 shias , please introspect
He was beaten up after one of the girl committed Suicide ... he misused the girls friendship

And the retarded medias didnt mention about that tragedy even in a single line.

And tweet is from UK and BBC .Tecently their 1400 girls insulted by 5 mens.
And that spineless weak Brits and their couldnt do a shit.Sorry we Indians are not like that.
Have you seen that Photo ???

This kid was saved because they were Hindus, If they would have been Muslim, This Muslim Kid would have been butchered like Terrorists Butcher Shia ....

Indian memebers, Don't fall prey to Pakistani propaganda machine... See that Pic and soon you will find that it was not OK for Small city...

Though for Big City it is non issue....

These Paksitani ppl don't spare a chance to badmouth India..


Despite the photo showing no concrete sign of obscenity, Indian media reports say one of the boys from the photo was picked up by a gang of locals and taken to a remote location. Once reached, the boy was allegedly beaten in a savage fashion before he was driven back. - BBC

Even that guy would have been hindu, he would have been beaten by girls parent.. There is no religion issue here... Lucky that the girl were non-Muslim.


"After the photograph was circulated on social media sites, a vigilante group got other students from the college to identify the deviant youth and on learning that he was probably a Muslim, decided to attack him," Assistant Commissioner of Police Ravi Kumar told The Indian Express.
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