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Muslim priests at 900-yr-old Shiva temple in Kashmir

Hindu-Muslim stories happen all the time in India, people are NOT going to get upset about these kind of stories. I dont think it should be something to debate about....lets move on guys. Peace!
as a muslim he is being tolerant to other religious cultures.. also, he is making sure he is helping his fellow humans -who worship that place - by keeping it going for them in their absence. To me he makes a perfect Human and hence a Perfect Muslim/Hindu/Christian or whatever religion u want to name.

After all, all religions aim for the same thing.. make a better human out of us!!

whats wrong in going to and maintaining a temple? when the namaz is offered I am sure all hindus are forced to listen to the prayers offered by the nearest mosque..(thanks to the amplifiers used by the mosques!!)..Although people can claim this to be anti hindu - cos they are listening to some other religious sermons - they simply put up with it. They respect it. Again.. makings of good Humans...

Lastly, Kudos to him to have gone beyond his fear of getting a fatwa to live up to the true values of any religion... Humanity, Tolerance, Friendship and Brotherhood for all lives.

Very well put Mr. Peaceforall, in the same lines Einstein said this:

"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."
The basic beliefs of Islam start from the start of the human beings. Not some years ago. Go figure.
Can you elaborate please. I would like to know, seriously. AFAIK from discussions with a Muslim friend of mine, he says that Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) asked people to discard idol worship and pagan beliefs and rituals and believe in only one God. Now He wasnt there from the beginning of humanity, was He?

The interesting thing is that these kind of stories always have something to do with "money".
Isnt that really true with all religions?

As far as Hinduism is concerned. I dont care about what it means, or what it is customized over the years (by the people) to mean.
Isnt that true with all religions too? Show me one religion which has remained true to its core beliefs and not hijacked by some people for their own benefits over a period of time?

And please i beg you to dont start songs of secularism over these stupid stories. Its not even funny!
What is your idea of secularism then? What does secularism really mean?

Btw, do you notice that people here always take care so as to be respectful to your beliefs? Is it really hard for you to reciprocate the feelings?
^^ I guess you can debate the FAITH part but other than that it is a very nice gesture. There also examples where other people took care of Mosues after partition and they were handed back to muslims later on.

In all due respect it is forsure a nice gesture inded but you are right it is not faith and i don't see anything wrong with the news! other then i would really like to see proof of source of this news !! :what:
What our Indian guys don't seem to realize that Islam has some fundamental tenets. You cannot serve another religion or other Gods. This story in my opinion constitutes as Shirk. Meaning, association of something unGodly with God.

So it really violates his own faith to serve Shiva.
My comment is not on the idea of secularism. Go back and read in what context i have said anything about the secularism.
In all due respect it is forsure a nice gesture inded but you are right it is not faith and i don't see anything wrong with the news! other then i would really like to see proof of source of this news !! :what:

The argument is not on the "nice gesture" or whatever the interests were involved in (i.e. a place to live, money, etc). But on his faith of "Shiv Lingam" and "Shiva", which violates the basic beliefs of a Muslim!
I wonder why we are being judgemental.

If the gent in question is comfortable with it .. its ok.
What our Indian guys don't seem to realize that Islam has some fundamental tenets. You cannot serve another religion or other Gods. This story in my opinion constitutes as Shirk. Meaning, association of something unGodly with God.

So it really violates his own faith to serve Shiva.

Maybe it just boils down to the way you see it. You can see it

a)that he is helping his fellow humans who cannot serve the temple for now ( for whatever reason , beyond the scope of this thread!!)

b) He is serving lord shiva himself

You can go ahead, issue him a fatwa , or worse, make him a "infidel" for by considering him serving lord shiva. By which no other muslim will do the same, no muslim will take care of rot ting hindu temples if there is no one to take care of them and hence no one would care for rot ting mosques.

or you could let him live his life - by considering that he is just helping his friends - it will breed harmony, and more respect towards muslims and islam itself. Another 100 people like that from both sides of the border and whoa, all money going to defence spending, spying, killing is now going to feed the poor, education, healthcare..

what choice would u prefer Asim Aquil??
In all due respect it is forsure a nice gesture inded but you are right it is not faith and i don't see anything wrong with the news! other then i would really like to see proof of source of this news !! :what:

Link for the news is enbeded in the titles of the first two posts.
The argument is not on the "nice gesture" or whatever the interests were involved in (i.e. a place to live, money, etc). But on his faith of "Shiv Lingam" and "Shiva", which violates the basic beliefs of a Muslim!

Depends on your prospective of how you read his comments. Does he believe Shiva faithfully or does he believe in him for respect for his hindu friends who left years ago. But I have to agree with webby on this one. If he is muslim he should believe in concept of Islam. Nothing wrong with taking care of the temple for his Hindu friends and keeping the rituals alive for them, it is good gesture.
What our Indian guys don't seem to realize that Islam has some fundamental tenets. You cannot serve another religion or other Gods. This story in my opinion constitutes as Shirk. Meaning, association of something unGodly with God.

So it really violates his own faith to serve Shiva.

So do you believe there are other Gods? According to your post you seem to imply that the Gods of other religions are not worth worshiping or paying respects to. Confusing.
AFAIK from discussions with various friends from different religions, theres only one GOD. The paths differ, and we all agree that though paths differ, they all lead to the same destination. This trait is called tolerance.
So much for tolerance mate.
i think i agree with webby here.....he is simply saying that worshipping or having faith in other gods/idols are forbidden in islam and by that fact its impossible for the good temple keepers to put their "faith" in shiva.
the reporter might have gone a little emotional while representing the temple keepers' dedication to the promise given to the kasmiri pandits who had to leave the valley.
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