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Muslim lawyer calls to take up arms, asks minorities to sell Property & buy weapons

Life is more than eating Chappli Kabab in full view of Hinduwadis.

China-West inspired Pakistan is no ideal Islamic country


Muslim Indians need to fight for their right constitutionally. Not take RSS bait and react outside ambit of law.
Jinnah's lifestyle is well known. Only Pakistanis can respect him. His and Muslim league's action is responsible for what Muslims are facing in India.

Are you Pakistanis delusional? Muslims have single digit Muslim majority districts. In case of partition like war, these districts will be easily captured by Indian armed forced.

You cannot even do anything for your master race Kashmiri brothers besides inciting and getting them killed. You can only harm us 'Black Gangadeshi Muslims' as your fellow Pakistani label us.
The example you are giving is sitting in a jail and nobody called Indian Muslims what you say. You are a fake pretender not an Indian Muslim. You are just a scared little man taking out your fear on a Pakistani forum because you cannot do it in front of your country men. I feel sorry for you.
Kashmiris are Kashmiri.

They've chosen to become India's Palestinians.

And by the look of things, India is now going to begin building on the West Bank. And squeezing them away from the valley and from the Pakistan held side.

Cheers, Doc
Anyone picking up weapons against the nation will be considered terrorist and will be dealt with force.

Every state does the same. Nothing new or special in it.

To all the those neighbours jumping up and down. Do you want a intake of much larger crowd than during the US-Afghan conflict?

There is hardly any possibility, even a remote one, of what you are stating. But, let us assume, as an unlikely hypothetical scenario, that it happens. Then, be sure, that what would happen, would be very much different than, what is going on in Afghanistan. There is no similarity, whatsoever, between the two situations.
Why were they closed in the first place? Only 1 mosque was destroyed and they don't build a temple over it. In Pakistan even you don't know how many non-Muslim religious structures were destroyed. Muslim girls aren't raped and then forcibly converted to Hinduism and Supreme Court of India does not allow that.

Your nana was a darpok unlike our brave grandfathers who stayed back.

Indian Muslims aren't darpok like minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh who flee to India.
Why start a thread here if you are so happy and content in India?
Leave Pakistanis alone and deal with your own shit then....

And dont forget to tell all of your tales to the guy who was set ablaze by your beloved RSS.
They've chosen to become India's Palestinians.

And by the look of things, India is now going to begin building on the West Bank. And squeezing them away from the valley and from the Pakistan held side.

Cheers, Doc

You cowards cannot fight Pakistanis either by hand or weapons so you vent out your anger on innocent Kashmiris. The reason for this cowardice could be short dcks.
Just wanted to respond: Don't take bunch of little children online writing trolls seriously. You and me both know that the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis have genuine sympathies for indian Muslims since you lot are our brothers (just like rest of Muslims are one-extended family).

I have seen this brotherly connection first hand here in the U.S with Muslims from all over the world coming together and forming 'Muslim community' in U.S rather than just sticking to their nationalities. You even see it on national level as well where U.S approval plummets in Indonesia after Afghan/Iraq invasion whereas such level of disapproval was not seen during U.S Vietnam invasion (even though 'Vietnamese' are closer to Indonesians on racial level than Iraqis).

State-policy and emotional feelings of masses are two separate things. German masses saw white Britishers as their cousins while German Air Force was bombing them.

Anyways, best of luck to indian Muslims facing the dark age of hindutva terror

Indonesian people from grass roots level and all the way to the top level government and Armed forces is more anti Commies ideology compared to any other countries in the region. Thats why you will see them supporting US war in Vietnam, and doing everything to support them (US blocks) untill the fall of communist in early 1990. Jakarta until today still echoing the dangerous latent of communist ideology and urging another purge against their supporter
Taiwan has been occupied by themselves and china is scared as it knows it cannot fight a war and Taiwan is 20 times smaller.

Doesn't count. The Taiwanese and Chinese are identical in EVERY WAY bar political belief so one of the 2 ruling over each other or ruling themselves doesn't count. It's like saying an Austrian rules Germany or vice/versa or a German rules Germany and an Austrian rules Austria. No-one bats an eye-lid.
They've chosen to become India's Palestinians.

And by the look of things, India is now going to begin building on the West Bank. And squeezing them away from the valley and from the Pakistan held side.

Cheers, Doc
Kashmir is not Palestine. No forced displacement or encroachment of their land.
I'm okay with civil war. Only question :Civil war for what?
Hinduwadis want a civil war to create a Hindu rashtra as the judiciary won't allow them to change the constitution. So they want to provoke Muslims who will fight for equal rights.
Tik Tok Tik Tok countdown to civil started. Thanks to Hinduwadis!

What exactly is the reason behind you starting these threads @Riyaz Syed? Obviously you are ok with the status quo and if not do something about it, Tell us all why should we care...

You are claiming that civil war will make the Majority Hindus give you? Rights? Fair enough, then go for it, What do you want from us, why are you starting these Threads on PAKISTANI Forum.. You obviously don't want Pakistani opinion. You have a problem with Our Leaders then what the fcuk are you doing here..
What exactly is the reason behind you starting these threads @Riyaz Syed? Obviously you are ok with the status quo and if not do something about it, Tell us all why should we care...

You are claiming that civil war will make the Majority Hindus give you? Rights? Fair enough, then go for it, What do you want from us, why are you starting these Threads on PAKISTANI Forum.. You obviously don't want Pakistani opinion. You have a problem with Our Leaders then what the fcuk are you doing here..
Make Hinduwadis like @padamchen @Placemat and many more who visit this site understand that it won't be one sided violence as they fantasize. It will cause great harm to both sides.

I never talked about your Canada's leaders.
Make Hinduwadis like @padamchen @Placemat and many more who visit this site understand that it won't be one sided violence as they fantasize. It will cause great harm to both sides.

I never talked about your Canada's leaders.

So your motive is to scare the three and a half Indians left on PDF to their senses.

Cheers, Doc

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