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Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--


The change that India is going thru is frightening for the minorities. Going back to your roots movement----extermination of Christians----the meat and beef issues---.

These are not only issues----but problems and the public's sentiment has been riled up into a fury and anger by hate groups---the crowds is boiling into a frenzy of hate and anger over an issue that is not a concern a couple of years back.

The outcome of this much anger and fury is always destruction and mayhem----.

Since I can remember---whenever this question was asked of me---what is the difference between hindus and muslims---ain't you the same people-----and I always replied for 35 + years----they worship cow---we eat cow---how can we be the same people------.

And in the back of my mind was always this nagging question---when will it blow out of proportion-----!!!!
indian muslims have learned their lessons - the mass murderer of thousands of them are their PM now- and irony is they have no choice but to vote for him by hook or crook- let the tehreek begin again- all we need is another Jinnah-

Where is the next Iqbal? That should be the question.

The change that India is going thru is frightening for the minorities. Going back to your roots movement----extermination of Christians----the meat and beef issues---.

These are not only issues----but problems and the public's sentiment has been riled up into a fury and anger by hate groups---the crowds is boiling into a frenzy of hate and anger over an issue that is not a concern a couple of years back.

The outcome of this much anger and fury is always destruction and mayhem----.

Since I can remember---whenever this question was asked of me---what is the difference between hindus and muslims---ain't you the same people-----and I always replied for 35 + years----they worship cow---we eat cow---how can we be the same people------.

And in the back of my mind was always this nagging question---when will it blow out of proportion-----!!!!
Please go through this report -- Tier 1 Countries of Particular Concern | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

regarding beef ban and stuff - there has always been a beef ban in India, Its just BJP is a lot vocal about it . And there are some good for nothing institutions which are involved in recent vandalism across the country.
2 Muslims have died in this beef shit issue, clearly not enough for you to start fantasizing on it.
The issue is already out of proportion fueled by opposing parties and also some parts of media.
Hindu Indians are really annoying on PDF. I would understand if Indian Muslims want to separate from them. They support Assad, Russia, enemies of Islam, drinking piss and killing Muslims for eating beef. I don't think Hindus can change.
Well your post is numbered 360 and it actually gives a 360 view of Hinduism and their hatred for muslims because muslims rule them for thousand years recently despite the fact that hindus were much bigger in numbers.
As I have said on other threads, the Bharati Muslim leadership should organize that Bharati Muslims to move into areas where they can be in the majority. This is to prevent oppression being inflicted upon them as those who have increasing power in Bharat today hate Islam. Indeed Bharati Muslims should work with other minorities and even Hindus who are friendly towards them to this end.

It should be the decision of the Bharati Muslims whether they need a separate country, perhaps if the oppression is rising they may have to go down this route. It is not for Pakistan to get involved as this could lead to war. All Pakistan should do is give moral support to the Bharati Muslims if they decide for this.

And yes Bangladesh should have been a separate country from the get go. Perhaps a strategic error or a forced error on the part of our forefathers.
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Well your post is numbered 360 and it actually gives a 360 view of Hinduism and their hatred for muslims because muslims rule them for thousand years recently despite the fact that hindus were much bigger in numbers.
True and they converted some weak Hindus to Muslims. Like it or not, you are one of them..
indian muslims have learned their lessons - the mass murderer of thousands of them are their PM now- and irony is they have no choice but to vote for him by hook or crook- let the tehreek begin again- all we need is another Jinnah-

Unfortunately I have to agree with most of what you say. There are too many naïve Pakistanis who believe that indian Muslims need our help. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know from personal experience that indian Muslims resent and despise Pakistan and Pakistanis. If anything, indian Muslims are more pro indian and anti Pakistani than the hindus are. Apart from religion, indian Muslims are completely identical to hindus in every possible way. Like hindus, indian Muslims differ to Pakistanis in terms of looks, race, physical appearance, genetics, culture and heritage. There is nothing in common between Pakistanis and indian Muslims. There is no connection or similarity between the 2. You say indian Muslims live together peacefully with hindus? That's because indian Muslims ARE in effect hindus minus religion. They are the same people. Whatever happens to them is of no concern to Pakistan and got nothing to do with Pakistanis. Asking Pakistanis to care for the affairs of indian Muslims is like asking Pakistanis to care for the affairs of the Eskimos living in the north pole. It's like asking all Pakistanis to do all they can to help keep the Eskimos warm in the north pole. The 2 nation theory did not prove that 2 religions could not live peacefully together. It proved that 2 different races could not live and rule one nation together. Pakistan is an integral part of the international mainstream. indian Muslims are not.
If I'm honest, not much. I'm no scientist. I'm only concerned with ground reality. When I see a Pakistani man, women or child and then I see an indian man, women or child, I know instantly they are not the same race or heritage. From observing the 2 for the past 25 years in London, I know this to be true.
If we go by genetics than maybe Pakistanis and Indians can be considered part of the same race. But, then again race isn't a scientific concept so trying to use genetics to decide it is irrelevant. Since you're in the UK, all South Asians are listed as one Asian race aren't they?
Unfortunately I have to agree with most of what you say. There are too many naïve Pakistanis who believe that indian Muslims need our help. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know from personal experience that indian Muslims resent and despise Pakistan and Pakistanis. If anything, indian Muslims are more pro indian and anti Pakistani than the hindus are. Apart from religion, indian Muslims are completely identical to hindus in every possible way. Like hindus, indian Muslims differ to Pakistanis in terms of looks, race, physical appearance, genetics, culture and heritage. There is nothing in common between Pakistanis and indian Muslims. There is no connection or similarity between the 2. You say indian Muslims live together peacefully with hindus? That's because indian Muslims ARE in effect hindus minus religion. They are the same people. Whatever happens to them is of no concern to Pakistan and got nothing to do with Pakistanis. Asking Pakistanis to care for the affairs of indian Muslims is like asking Pakistanis to care for the affairs of the Eskimos living in the north pole. It's like asking all Pakistanis to do all they can to help keep the Eskimos warm in the north pole. The 2 nation theory did not prove that 2 religions could not live peacefully together. It proved that 2 different races could not live and rule one nation together. Pakistan is an integral part of the international mainstream. indian Muslims are not.

a 1000 years ago, what religion did your ancestors follow? Was it hinduism? Bhuddism? Jainism? You are right in the sense that 1000 years we followed the same religion, but that's it. I know you don't want to associate with us, and the feeling is mutial. But when one of your convert member suffering extreme insecurities mentions that we(indians) were ruled for 1000 years, he fails to mention that HIS ancestors were also ruled for 1000 years. Just think about it, 1000 years they tried to break hinduism, the weak-willed fell(i.e. you) while the strong willed are still found today, and hinduism stands as the third largest religion in the world. Wherever Islam and Christianity went, forced conversions followed. Just take a look at Africa, Middle Eastern, and parts of Asia.
Its not a bad demand..But again, this demand is already met in 1947....If they demand again, the again, the original discussion will come into play....Why the heck even Pakistan got created if Indian Muslim did not choose for Pakistan..

Go check inside India first...There are many muslims colonies where it is named as chota pakistan by hindu administration..

Electricity bills list 'Chota Pakistan' as address for Muslim families in Mumbai suburb

FIR brands Ahmedabad's Muslim area as Pakistan - The Times of India

Disqus - After 'Chhota Pakistan', now a 'Bangladesh' in Thane - Hindustan Times

They way you people are treating them will definitely create pakistan-II in near future..
You are banning them their choice what to eat in india...condition to live in india.. Killing them at your will...
Your only sachar committee Sachar Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia report in 2010 expose the pathetic condition of muslim in india.... Whenever muslims tried to rise economically and socially you performed riots and drag them to worst condition....

Your only mentality is hating muslims.... You entered Bangladesh and Afghanistan to create division among us...

We know your chanakya brain.... Wait and watch...now its our turn to strike back...

The change that India is going thru is frightening for the minorities. Going back to your roots movement----extermination of Christians----the meat and beef issues---.

These are not only issues----but problems and the public's sentiment has been riled up into a fury and anger by hate groups---the crowds is boiling into a frenzy of hate and anger over an issue that is not a concern a couple of years back.

The outcome of this much anger and fury is always destruction and mayhem----.

Since I can remember---whenever this question was asked of me---what is the difference between hindus and muslims---ain't you the same people-----and I always replied for 35 + years----they worship cow---we eat cow---how can we be the same people------.

And in the back of my mind was always this nagging question---when will it blow out of proportion-----!!!!

I don't know where you are from sir....But by seeing all your comments in this thread I come to the conclusion that you are not from India....I have been in India for sometime now....and I live in a neighborhood which is predominantly middle class and lower middle class....and I have to say there is NO Hindu Muslim problem here....as far as the state that I am living in is also experience NIL Hindu Muslim problem....Yes there is a Hindu and Muslim tension in India right now thanks to Media hype well this tension has been prevailing in this country since its independence isn't it.....

Demanding a new nation for Muslims in India in the current situation is a bad idea...I guess you know you what happened when India and Pakistan was separated how many people were killed in this incident, well if this happens again I fear many more innocent Muslims will die...

So instead of concentrating on Indian Muslims welfare I would ask Pakistan and Pakistani people to take care of their own people and take care of their own internal affairs make your nation prosperous

Go check inside India first...There are many muslims colonies where it is named as chota pakistan by hindu administration..

Electricity bills list 'Chota Pakistan' as address for Muslim families in Mumbai suburb

FIR brands Ahmedabad's Muslim area as Pakistan - The Times of India

Disqus - After 'Chhota Pakistan', now a 'Bangladesh' in Thane - Hindustan Times

They way you people are treating them will definitely create pakistan-II in near future..
You are banning them their choice what to eat in india...condition to live in india.. Killing them at your will...
Your only sachar committee Sachar Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia report in 2010 expose the pathetic condition of muslim in india.... Whenever muslims tried to rise economically and socially you performed riots and drag them to worst condition....

Your only mentality is hating muslims.... You entered Bangladesh and Afghanistan to create division among us...

We know your chanakya brain.... Wait and watch...now its our turn to strike back...

So what ?? Yes they are called chota Pakistan and I have heard that too....

your above post reminds me of an incident which took place nearly 35 years ago approx., That day India and Pakistan were playing cricket match... and India lost that match the adjacent restaurant owner started to waive Pakistani flag and started saying slogans or verses from Quran and said something to the effect of Pakistani Zindabad or something...And that was it...This started a major revamp of that whole area....the area where this restaurant was located was a very well high end Muslim area but now it is nearly a slum....Government of India didn't do that revamp it was the common people who did that....and that area is also called as chota Pakistan (thanks to that restaurant owner) and you should know that most of the people live there are Hindus right now....
Pakistan has been trying to do that for the last 70 years. The only thing that got broken up was your own country. So please keep trying maybe we will see the birth of Baluchistan soon.
You won't see the birth of Balochistan sir... It won't happen...Days are gone when Pakistan was considered just like Afghanistan completely broken up by terrorism but if you dig deeply, which I hope you will, Operation Zarb-e-Azb, Khyber 1, Khyber 2, Nine-Zero and lot more have reduced terrorism to a great extent... And specifically, in Balochistan, negotiations and several minor operations are on-going and the condition is a lot more stable...
Now talking about you, the India which keeps talking shit about peace and doesn't know how to keep peace, is the most cruel nation who has set examples of cruelty .....and now plz plz dont reply "Yes we're cruel and will **** pakistan blah blah blah cz its nothing to be proud of. Google is your buddy to help you search about the Indian brutality in Kashmir and in india itself against Muslims. But mind it very clear, oppression gives birth to betrayal so be ready for it.
why doesn't Pakistan simply ask the Indian Muslims to migrate to Pakistan- after all, wasn't this the raison d' etre for Pakistan in the first place?

Actually, as a died-in-the-wool nominalist, I object to the term 'Indian Muslim'. That is a false category. I believe that we should correctly refer to Indians who follow Islam as their religion as 'Muslim Indians', as I am an 'Atheist Indian'.

Go check inside India first...There are many muslims colonies where it is named as chota pakistan by hindu administration..

Electricity bills list 'Chota Pakistan' as address for Muslim families in Mumbai suburb

FIR brands Ahmedabad's Muslim area as Pakistan - The Times of India

Disqus - After 'Chhota Pakistan', now a 'Bangladesh' in Thane - Hindustan Times

They way you people are treating them will definitely create pakistan-II in near future..
You are banning them their choice what to eat in india...condition to live in india.. Killing them at your will...
Your only sachar committee Sachar Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia report in 2010 expose the pathetic condition of muslim in india.... Whenever muslims tried to rise economically and socially you performed riots and drag them to worst condition....

Your only mentality is hating muslims.... You entered Bangladesh and Afghanistan to create division among us...

We know your chanakya brain.... Wait and watch...now its our turn to strike back.

I know this will make no difference to a fine, upstanding hater like you, but if it were not for the portions in green, I was about to give you a positive rating.
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