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Muslim groups oppose renaming Jakarta street after Turkey’s Ataturk

Yeah what is wrong with Salafists? There is huge misconception about salafists. Egypt, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, including majority of Turkey are salafists hack even Malaysia, Indonesia etc etc have large population of salafists including Sudan.
So because it originated in Europe,all Europeans are fascists? Then all muslims are backwards Taliban-style Deobandi fanatics?
Backward? You clearly are an ignorant bum.

Some of the world's greatest achievements were done in Muslim majority lands.

Like the invention of Algebra, and the Taj Mahal.

You are an Islamophobe.

You are a moron.

So because it originated in Europe,all Europeans are fascists? Then all muslims are backwards Taliban-style Deobandi fanatics?
For a Greek you know quite a bit about Deobandis.

Or are you an Indian pretending to be a Greek. lol.

What would a Greek do on a Pakistani forum? lol?
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Backward? You clearly are an ignorant bum.

Some of the world's greatest achievements were done in Muslim majority lands.

Like the invention of Algebra, and the Taj Mahal.

You are an Islamophobe.

You are a moron.

His type of that would say we are vampires and that we are ready to suck the blood of every living creature.. His that type and there is no argument to be had with that kind
His type of that would say we are vampires and that we are ready to suck the blood of every living creature.. His that type and there is no argument to be had with that kind
Exactly there is no point in arguing with that retard.

Whenever I bring up my arguments, he conveniently ignores them or talks about irrelevant things.
Muslim groups oppose renaming Jakarta street after Turkey’s Ataturk
View attachment 821176
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (center) arrives to attend a ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, at the deceased leader’s mausoleum in Ankara on Nov. 10, 2017. (AFP/Adem Altan)

Nur Janti (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta ● Tue, October 19, 2021

The government’s plan to rename a street in Menteng, Central Jakarta, after the founding father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, to reciprocate a similar gesture made by the Turkish government, has drawn criticism from Indonesian ulema and an Islam-based opposition party.

The move was proposed to deepen Indonesia and Turkey’s relationship, Indonesian Ambassador to Turkey Lalu Muhammad Iqbal said, adding that the Turkish government had already approved the Indonesian government's proposal to rename a street in front of the Indonesian embassy in Ankara after Indonesian founding father Sukarno.

“In line with diplomatic etiquette, we will name a street in Jakarta after the Turkish founding father,” Lalu said in a statement on Sunday, adding that the Turkish government would decide the name of the street.

Atatürk Was a great man. And some people really don't know it, will never know it.
Backward? You clearly are an ignorant bum.

Some of the world's greatest achievements were done in Muslim majority lands.

Like the invention of Algebra, and the Taj Mahal.

You are an Islamophobe.

You are a moron.
If you don't understand what I'm telling him,don't jump to talk and insult. You didn't even understand what I told him. Go back and read it again.

His type of that would say we are vampires and that we are ready to suck the blood of every living creature.. His that type and there is no argument to be had with that kind
My good man,do you too not understand what I'm saying? That guy said fascism originated in Europe and that Muslims cannot be fascists.

I told him it's like implying that all Europeans are fascist just because fascism was born in Europe. Does that mean that all muslims are backwards fanatics like the Taliban,just because Deobandi ideology and Taliban were born in Islamic lands? Wtf? Can't you understand what I'm saying?
No it is not. A lie perpetuated does not become truth. And exactly who is "our"?
Umm...yes it is. It is you who should not tell lies.

Caliphate is the reason Muslim countries are backward. Without Ataturk Turkey would another Syria or Iraq
What about countries like Saudi Arabia which are doing economically well.

Why mention Syria or Iraq which are suffering from civil war?
There is no Caliphate today? There should be a Caliphate, we would be better than them.

How is Caliphate different from Muslim superstate ? You could not stay united with Bangladesh. There are 20 OIC member states in Black Africa. Try starting a Caliphate between Pakistan and those countries. See how much ridicule you take from rest of your countrymen ?
Umm...yes it is
First off no one can even feakin agree what thi "caliphate" would or should look like. It's like a mirage - ever prsent but always elusive.

Secondly please tell me if it is part of "our" culture where exactly in 1.4 billion Ummah and 40 countries does it exist? In your head is about the only exposition of it.
Caliphate is the reason Muslim countries are backward

Caliphate is the reason we reign over the whole world for a whopping 1200 years that is a long time and we conducted the greatest expansion in history in the Caliphate era.

There is different type of invasion..

1. Temporary once where you can't hold onto a country or don't seek to because it demands extra work and alot of resources
2. a looting invasion
3. Where you simply annex a territory and try to fill it out and make permanent stay in that new territory without retreat.

The Mongols didn't know how to do that but the Romans did know how to do that but it took time and greater effort but they managed to do that but we were 10 times better then the romans at that type of annexation. That type of invasion is every hard because it is direct annexation where you have to re-direct alot of resources to new areas constantly where you can be over-streached quickly..

It also depends on you to be fast to learn foreign languages and intermingle as you aren't gonna retreat from there
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