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Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition

Hey moron, where did you learn to address others like you address your own father? Pakistan is being ruled by liberal scumbags. The benchmark isn't what is happening in Pakistan, the benchmark is what valid Muftis say on religious topics. You are a typical libturd swine, Imran Khan's arsehole licker who holds a grudge against Islam and Muslims. I don't expect you to share anything useful on any thread.
Haha lol
So Pakistanis are libtards that's why my village destroyed a mosque for some reason that I can't remember now and replaced it somewhere else in the village

Surely these villagers will be demanding gay rights in couple of years

These damned libtarted villagers!
Haha lol
So Pakistanis are libtards that's why my village destroyed a mosque for some reason that I can't remember now and replaced it somewhere else in the village

Surely these villagers will be demanding gay rights in couple of years

These damned libtarted villagers!

Salute to your intelligence. The actions of illiterate villagers, whose reasons you cannot remember, are the basis on which you advise others on sensitive issues? Failed sperm indeed, failed sperm. *Tsk* *Tsk*.
Salute to your intelligence. The actions of illiterate villagers, whose reasons you cannot remember, are the basis on which you advise others on sensitive issues? Failed sperm indeed, failed sperm. *Tsk* *Tsk*.
Villager intelligence >>>> fundos

Make up your mind

First it was the libtard IK,
When I said it wasn't government, it was some villagers

now you're blaming the villagers by calling them illiterate?

Don't you think instead of blaming every part of society, maybe you have issues and you want to impose your views on rest of the society?
It's scary how we as Pakistanis can be so easily gullible.

I won't buy this Indian sponsored western propaganda even if someone stands in a raging fire.
Villager intelligence >>>> fundos

Make up your mind

First it was the libtard IK,
When I said it wasn't government, it was some villagers

now you're blaming the villagers by calling them illiterate?

Don't you think instead of blaming every part of society, maybe you have issues and you want to impose your views on rest of the society?

Look, it's not you, it's your limited intelligence. First you think the actions of libturd scumbags define Islam. When I call you out on that, you immediately assume that villager intelligence defines Islam. Worse still, your puny brain has mixed up villagers, fundamentalists, and Islam into a single entity. And then you take to the internet to freely share your opinion.

Now, if you are willing to learn something, here is an eye opener for you. In order to learn about Islam, you need to contact highly educated, intelligent people who spend their entire lives learning and practicing Islam. Those are the people whom I asked @MH.Yang to contact. Now stop derailing the thread with your useless drivel.
Western media and politicians make up lies about Xinjiang 24/7 non stop, but they don't even know where Xinjiang is.... How pathetic!

Trump state department spokesperson confused China and Japan when talking about the Olympics, suggesting Japan is persecuting Muslims in Xinjiang province in Japan. It shows how much US politicians know about countries they are consistently talking about.

the benchmark is what valid Muftis say on religious topics.

Yaar, who are these muftis you constantly refer to ? You should get to know their political and social views and then look at their views on mosque demolition and such like. If we logically and rationally deduce that these muftis are not being sensible then we should reject them. You mentioned those Deoband mullahs / muftis and I told you that they are not sensible people so let us reject them.
Yaar, who are these muftis you constantly refer to ? You should get to know their political and social views and then look at their views on mosque demolition and such like. If we logically and rationally deduce that these muftis are not being sensible then we should reject them. You mentioned those Deoband mullahs / muftis and I told you that they are not sensible people so let us reject them.

I am telling you they are extremely sensible people and you are a duffer.
I am telling you they are extremely sensible people and you are a duffer.

In the 74 years of modern India what has been the solution of "extremely sensible Deoband people" for eliminating the suicides of farmers, students and urban professionals because of socio-economic reasons and hunger, ill health, homelessness etc ?

OTOH this "duffer" among the other things he has posted has posted the beginnings of a new progressive socio-economic system in this thread for which you should also read this post about it.

About those "extremely sensible people" I again quote a scholar from the Nadeem Paracha article :
Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.
Capitalism and clergymen go hand in hand.
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In the 74 years of India what has been the solution of "extremely sensible Deoband people" for eliminating the suicides of farmers, students and urban professionals because of socio-economic reasons and hunger, ill health, homelessness etc ?

For 74 years, you have been calling them backward and stupid. How can they give you any advice? When I told you to go and ask them a question, you immediately called them retrogressive and useless. The problem is your perception which is already formed. So do yourself a favor, actually go and talk to them. If you find something insensible, tell them why you find it so and ask them for a response.

OTOH this "duffer" among the other things he has posted has posted the beginnings of a new progressive socio-economic system in this thread for which you should also read this post about it.

Come back when it actually gets adopted and produces results.

About those "extremely sensible people" I again quote a scholar from the Nadeem Paracha article :

Capitalism and clergymen go hand in hand.

As I said Nadeed Paracha is out to find fault with Islam and Muslims. When Muslims succeed, he will call it a capitalist collusion. When they fail, he will call it a result of backwardness. This is what he does.
Come back when it actually gets adopted and produces results.

How will progressive ideas spread if the people speak like you did ? Not willing to consider the idea ? Did Islam start like that ? Did modern Communism ?

And I do intend to progressive groups in India about these ideas, especially the Communist parties.

When Muslims succeed, he will call it a capitalist collusion. When they fail, he will call it a result of backwardness. This is what he does.

You will have to provide some examples.
How will progressive ideas spread if the people speak like you did ? Not willing to consider the idea ? Did Islam start like that ? Did modern Communism ?

And I do intend to progressive groups in India about these ideas, especially the Communist parties.

I discuss progressive ideas with people who are capable of discussing them. What are your qualifications in Islam and Economics?

You will have to provide some examples.

You will need to be specific. Clearly state which examples you need.
What are your qualifications in Islam and Economics?

LOL, what was Prophet Muhammad's "educational" qualification when he preached progressive political and socio-economic ideas ? Did Marx and Lenin graduate from the London School of Economics ? Was Gaddafi a professor in LUMS when he devised the Third Universal Theory ?

Did you even read what I posted ?

You will need to be specific. Clearly state which examples you need.

You will just have to read what you yourself posted.
LOL, what was Prophet Muhammad's "educational" qualification when he preached progressive political and socio-economic ideas ? Did Marx and Lenin graduate from the London School of Economics ? Was Gaddafi a professor in LUMS when he devised the Third Universal Theory ?

Did you even read what I posted ?

The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam is Nabi-il-Ummi, that is, the unlettered Prophet. There is no human being who has taught him, he has been taught directly by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala. This shows your cluelessness about Islam. Your words and your views are worthless because you have no understanding of what you are talking about.

As to your aspirations of being the next Marx and Lenin, well moron, I am not bound to be charitable towards your budding aspiration. Go beg someone else to help with your aspirations.

You will just have to read what you yourself posted.

And you, likewise.
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam is Nabi-il-Ummi, that is, the unlettered Prophet. There is no human being who has taught him, he has been taught directly by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala. This shows your cluelessness about Islam. Your words and your views are worthless because you have no understanding of what you are talking about.

As to your aspirations of being the next Marx and Lenin, well moron, I am not bound to be charitable towards your budding aspiration. Go beg someone else to help with your aspirations.

Man, you are a boring drone. Mr. Critical Thought. :lol:

And found this in the Wiki for "Quran" :
The Quran describes Muhammad as "ummi,"[47] which is traditionally interpreted as 'illiterate', but the meaning is rather more complex. Medieval commentators such as Al-Tabari maintained that the term induced two meanings: first, the inability to read or write in general; second, the inexperience or ignorance of the previous books or scriptures (but they gave priority to the first meaning). Muhammad's illiteracy was taken as a sign of the genuineness of his prophethood. For example, according to Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, if Muhammad had mastered writing and reading he possibly would have been suspected of having studied the books of the ancestors. Some scholars such as Watt prefer the second meaning of ummi—they take it to indicate unfamiliarity with earlier sacred texts.[40][48]
If he was really illiterate then how did he manage Hazrat Khadija's business ?

And regarding your previous posts on this thread, by effectively calling a mosque as House of God you are forwarding idolatry.
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