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Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

The law that would need to be changed: Protection of Animal's Act.

1.- (1) If any person--

(a) shall cruelly beat, kick; ill-treat, over-ride, over-drive, over-load, torture, infuriate, or terrify any animal, or shall cause or procure, or, being the owner, permit any animal to be so used, or shall, by wantonly or unreasonably doing or omitting to do any act, or causing or procuring the commission or omission of any act, cause any unnecessary suffering, or,being the owner, permit any unnecessary suffering to be so caused to any animal; or

(b) shall convey or carry, or cause or procure, or, being the owner, permit to be conveyed or carried, any animal in such manner or position as to cause that animal any unnecessary suffering; or

(c) shall cause, procure, or assist at the fighting or baiting of any animal; of shall keep, use, manage, or act or assist in the management of, any premises or place for the purpose, or partly for the purpose, of fighting or baiting any animal, or shall permit any premises or place to be so kept, managed, or used, or shall receive, or cause or procure any person to receive, money for the admission of any person to such premises or place; or

(d) shall wilfully, without any reasonable cause or excuse, administer, or cause or procure, or being the owner permit, such administration of, any poisonous or injurious drug or substance to any anima,l, or shall wilfully, without any reasonable cause or excuse, cause any such substance to be taken by any animal; or

(e) shall subject, or cause or procure, or being the owner permit, to be subjected, any animal to any operation which is performed without due care and humanity;

such person shall be guilty of an offence of cruelty within the meaning of this Act,

people do anything for votes or money.

---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

checkmate ;)
There isn't much difference. A handful of protestors for Sharia laws exist, a handful of protestors to change the law for animals not being killed.

What's the difference? Think through it slowly.

Indians don't kill people for some twisted ideology? Is that a significant enough difference?
so when Hindus try to enforce their cultural norms and laws on other societies you stay quiet, yet when muslims do it you make loud noise and portray it as Islamic. How hypocritical. You, dear sirs, have all been checkmated by roadrunner ;)
so when Hindus try to enforce their cultural norms and laws on other societies you stay quiet, yet when muslims do it you make loud noise and portray it as Islamic. How hypocritical. You, dear sirs, have all been checkmated by roadrunner ;)

One incidence of peaceful protests vs dozens of violent protests, you have to be thick to equate them.

Nowhere does a 'Hindu' as you say it, or Indian as I say, indulges in gross acts of terrorism to force their points on the the native populace as Muslims.

This gives rise to the general belief that Muslims are lesser integrated to their new homelands, and resort to violence to force their views.

Either Muslims should integrate, or stay at home wherever that be.

You can continue flogging the dead bull and keep claiming victories and checkmates, it's obvious you have no refutation to the arguments provided. Nor any proof for the allegation that you loudly made about Hindus and obviously was a lie...

Its very obvious from your posts that you are just another of those fundos that hate Hinduism and the fact that it is far more peaceful than what your ilk propagate.
you're shifting the posts now.

We were talking about a small number of Muslims protesting trying to impose their culture.

When I point out that an equally small number of Hindus protest to impose their culture, you suddenly go very quiet.

The two are exactly the same. Criticizing one, silence on the other demonstrates hypocrisy on the part of the Hindu posters here.

The two cases are exactly the same. In fact it would seem from your statements that you support the Hindus on this. So why do you think you have a right to enforce your laws onto foreign countries? Explain.
you're shifting the posts now.

Nope. thats what you have been trying to do when called out for your lies, for reference-

my point was when it comes to integration, Indians are at the bottom of the pile considering the statistics. Integration is a two way thing, I agree. However you (or he) made the claim that Indians integrate well. These examples show you do not.

Where are your statistics demonstrating Indians to be at the bottom of the pile? I can however post studies indicating Pakistanis or Muslims in general do not integrate well.

We were talking about a small number of Muslims protesting trying to impose their culture.

When I point out that an equally small number of Hindus protest to impose their culture, you suddenly go very quiet.

The two are exactly the same. Criticizing one, silence on the other demonstrates hypocrisy on the part of the Hindu posters here.

The two cases are exactly the same. In fact it would seem from your statements that you support the Hindus on this. So why do you think you have a right to enforce your laws onto foreign countries? Explain.

They are not the same considering that the acts committed by Muslims exceed Hindus(Indians) quantitatively or qualitatively by a far margin. This is what you are trying to obfuscate here by accusing me of hypocrisy when there is none.

Your repeated failures to respond to points raised make it clear your statements are only backed by your hate towards Hindus and no facts.

I wasn't the one that made it a Hindu vs. Muslim thing. Even now I'd rather consider Indians vs. the other Muslims when looking at facts. Indians irrespective of Religion are far more tolerant than Muslims from some other nations including Pakistan. Indians also outdo Pakistanis by a large mrgin when it comes to integrating in newer societies which is not surprising, given the fact India is comparatively a more tolerant nation.
They are not the same considering that the acts committed by Muslims exceed Hindus(Indians) quantitatively or qualitatively by a far margin. This is what you are trying to obfuscate here by accusing me of hypocrisy when there is none.

Your repeated failures to respond to points raised make it clear your statements are only backed by your hate towards Hindus and no facts.

I wasn't the one that made it a Hindu vs. Muslim thing. Even now I'd rather consider Indians vs. the other Muslims when looking at facts. Indians irrespective of Religion are far more tolerant than Muslims from some other nations including Pakistan. Indians also outdo Pakistanis by a large mrgin when it comes to integrating in newer societies which is not surprising, given the fact India is comparatively a more tolerant nation.

Bandit, you're making a complete a$$ of yourself (which would make you an a$$ bandit).

Your claim that quantitatively Indians do not carry out the same challenges to laws is foreign countries is hopelessly laughable.

There are only one or two Muslim groups in some western countries comprising around 20 or 30 individuals that ask for Sharia Law (or changes to the law). Those protesting for Banjo the Bull exceeded 20 or 30 Hindus that wanted changes to the law. Sikhs are no exemption either with the demand for flexibility in motorbike helmet laws in foreign countries. Quantitatively even your post is failing.

Most Muslims do not care about imposing any law. I'm beginning to think a lot of Hindus like yourself do want to impose your own set of laws in foreign countries? Do you support it?
Bandit, you're making a complete a$$ of yourself (which would make you an a$$ bandit).

Your claim that quantitatively Indians do not carry out the same challenges to laws is foreign countries is hopelessly laughable.

There are only one or two Muslim groups in some western countries comprising around 20 or 30 individuals that ask for Sharia Law (or changes to the law). Those protesting for Banjo the Bull exceeded 20 or 30 Hindus that wanted changes to the law. Sikhs are no exemption either with the demand for flexibility in motorbike helmet laws in foreign countries. Quantitatively even your post is failing.

Most Muslims do not care about imposing any law. I'm beginning to think a lot of Hindus like yourself do want to impose your own set of laws in foreign countries? Do you support it?

Again just the name calling and empty rhetoric with nothing to back up your empty claims. Its fairly visible now with you resorting to personal attacks the weakness of your arguments.

Sharia law wasn't what you claimed. Your claim was about Hindus being at par with Muslims in not integrating into the society. In fact you said they were bottom of the pile. Sharia isn't the only issue Muslims want to change.

What are hopelessly laughable are your claims which have no proof or logic. Now Count the recent major protests by Muslims, not banjo the bull kinda gems you pull up-

-Hijab protests in France.
-Sharia Protests in UK.
-Swiss Muslims protests to change the flag.
-Armistice protests in UK.
-Mohammad Cartoon protests and violence.

And the list wouldn't probably fit an A4 sheet. You can keep repeating your lies and beliefs about Hinduism to yourself, no one else is buying that crap.

Its not a secret anymore that Muslim integration is not happening in Europe. You could find thousands of such stories if you cared to look. What would be more interesting to you however is that there are no concerns regarding Hinduism. Your theories equating it with Islam are a Fail!!
Doubts on Muslim integration rise in Europe - Europe - International Herald Tribune

Your claims about Indians being on par with Pakistanis have already been debunked. In fact, a recent study by UK found that Pakistanis are at the bottom of the Pile at 117 in integration IIRC, while Indians were at 65. So there go your claims of similar resistance to integration down the drain. I'll post that report here too in a while.
Hijab protests in France? Sikhs weren't involved?

Sharia protests in UK? Banjo the Bull protests in UK.

Swiss Muslim flag change? All 4 of them was it?

Armistice protests in UK? Same 20 idiots that were protesting for Sharia. If you're looking at it quantitatively including them twice is a bit silly

Cartoon protest? Protests over Shiva appearing on legwear.

Hindus protesting over Australians using images of their deities Indians burn Australian flag in protest after Sydney fashion show models wears swimsuit bearing Hindu goddess | Mail Online
Hindu Americans file suit against public prayer | Spero News


The list is endless (though only the first and second ones are law changes).

I have to shake my head in disbelief at your desperate attempts to prove your "integration :D In your desperation to prove you're well integrated, all you're doing is quoting media reports that we know are biased or apparently quoting from reports that you think have no bias. The media is extremely Islamophobic so using this to support your stance is like making Atal Vajpayee the judge in the trial to investigate the Gujerat massacre.

I can assure you Indians (Hindus and Sikhs) are no more integrated into western society than Muslims.
Bandit You are making a joke out of your self ...Don't tell me that new Indians (who you probably call FOBS) don't have problems in integrating..I mean.. are you fcuking kidding me right now? Muslims? Jani Muslims come over from Turkey,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Nigeria,Arabia,Europe,North Africa (sometimes) etc etc etc ...Citizens of most of the (Muslim) countries/regions I mentioned integrate better than Indians/Pakis do !!!! Are you trying to negate that fact? I have seen all my life...I grew up with this experience..I went to high school that was famous for "Fobs" (Indians) and "beaners" (Mexicans) . . Muslims such as from Afghanistan (Russian Afghani too) were examples of quick&easy integration...So please take your bullcrap somewhere else . . .

P.S I remember how a girl once complained cuz his Sikh Indian brother beat her up for having a boyfriend :P .... So don't try to give us something fancy hah !
Hijab protests in France? Sikhs weren't involved?

Sharia protests in UK? Banjo the Bull protests in UK.

Swiss Muslim flag change? All 4 of them was it?

Armistice protests in UK? Same 20 idiots that were protesting for Sharia. If you're looking at it quantitatively including them twice is a bit silly

Cartoon protest? Protests over Shiva appearing on legwear.

Hindus protesting over Australians using images of their deities Indians burn Australian flag in protest after Sydney fashion show models wears swimsuit bearing Hindu goddess | Mail Online
Hindu Americans file suit against public prayer | Spero News


The list is endless (though only the first and second ones are law changes).

I have to shake my head in disbelief at your desperate attempts to prove your "integration :D In your desperation to prove you're well integrated, all you're doing is quoting media reports that we know are biased or apparently quoting from reports that you think have no bias. The media is extremely Islamophobic so using this to support your stance is like making Atal Vajpayee the judge in the trial to investigate the Gujerat massacre.

I can assure you Indians (Hindus and Sikhs) are no more integrated into western society than Muslims.

Comparing sharia with banjo bull :lol:, you can do better. At least banjo bulls supporters weren't out to kill people in the name of the bull for painting his cartoons.
As I said listing them out is pointless, the general idea of tolerance with Islam is long gone. Dismissing media as being Islamophobic is a favorite when one doesn't have the refutation. Personally i think media has gone on too long with mollycoddling these Islamists. Its time to call a spade a spade.

I do not have to prove integration, it is just how tolerance is missing from Muslims; equating it with Hinduism as you were doing is pathetic. Perhaps they will have a renaissance soon to cleanse out the religion from everything but personal beliefs. Thats what happened to Christianity in Europe after a millenium, Muslims are only a bit late to come out of their dark ages.

Bandit You are making a joke out of your self ...Don't tell me that new Indians (who you probably call FOBS) don't have problems in integrating..I mean.. are you fcuking kidding me right now? Muslims? Jani Muslims come over from Turkey,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Nigeria,Arabia,Europe,North Africa (sometimes) etc etc etc ...Citizens of most of the (Muslim) countries/regions I mentioned integrate better than Indians/Pakis do !!!! Are you trying to negate that fact? I have seen all my life...I grew up with this experience..I went to high school that was famous for "Fobs" (Indians) and "beaners" (Mexicans) . . Muslims such as from Afghanistan (Russian Afghani too) were examples of quick&easy integration...So please take your bullcrap somewhere else . . .

P.S I remember how a girl once complained cuz his Sikh Indian brother beat her up for having a boyfriend :P .... So don't try to give us something fancy hah !

Welcome to the discussion. Please try to post something useful next time rather than your knowledge of racial slurs, I am sure they carry a lot of impression on you from your first hand experiences.
Comparing sharia with banjo bull :lol:, you can do better. At least banjo bulls supporters weren't out to kill people in the name of the bull for painting his cartoons.
As I said listing them out is pointless, the general idea of tolerance with Islam is long gone. Dismissing media as being Islamophobic is a favorite when one doesn't have the refutation. Personally i think media has gone on too long with mollycoddling these Islamists. Its time to call a spade a spade.

I do not have to prove integration, it is just how tolerance is missing from Muslims; equating it with Hinduism as you were doing is pathetic. Perhaps they will have a renaissance soon to cleanse out the religion from everything but personal beliefs. Thats what happened to Christianity in Europe after a millenium, Muslims are only a bit late to come out of their dark ages.

Welcome to the discussion. Please try to post something useful next time rather than your knowledge of racial slurs, I am sure they carry a lot of impression on you from your first hand experiences.

Ahhh didn't reply to it? Were you saying that Indians integrate better than Muslims? hah ! Is that all you got? Don't worry about me...I told everybody that I was a Pakistani and NOT Indian.. so they didn't look down upon me as they did with your poor bhartis :lol: Just guess what? EVEN after Osama died...some retarded people here targeted SIKHS (Indians) instead of Muslims and they KNEW the difference YET they pick on sikhs cuz they don't like their out-look :azn: Happy now? hah . . . By the way, can I be little personal? For how long you are living in USA? Afterall you are an authority on "integration" :smokin:
bandit you are full of crap
Here in Canada the Sikh's got Canada to change laws on motorcycle and other helmets (such as construction helmets).
They also demanded, and got, the right to carry a karpan (dagger) even though it is very illegal for anyone else to do it.
They Also demanded, and got, a change to the Canadian Mounties police uniform.

Those are just a few examples so please enough with your BS.
And also kindly stop being a bigot if at all possible.
EDIT: Seem to have ruffled some feathers here, if you guys are so insecure about discussing religion, I suggest you shouldn't bring in other religions as well. Don't ask, Don't tell :D

Ahhh didn't reply to it? Were you saying that Indians integrate better than Muslims? hah ! Is that all you got? Don't worry about me...I told everybody that I was a Pakistani and NOT Indian.. so they didn't look down upon me as they did with your poor bhartis :lol: Just guess what? EVEN after Osama died...some retarded people here targeted SIKHS (Indians) instead of Muslims and they KNEW the difference YET they pick on sikhs cuz they don't like their out-look :azn: Happy now? hah . . . By the way, can I be little personal? For how long you are living in USA? Afterall you are an authority on "integration" :smokin:

I see you hardly learnt anything at your school except being a wannabe white and spew insults. Heres a little education how the real world views both countries. Pakistan is right up there alongwith Nigeria and Iraq, :lol:

20 Singapore 58.0
21 Greece 55.8
22 Brazil 54.6
23 USA 52.9
24 Argentina 52.0
25 Taiwan 51.3
26 Poland 50.9
27 India 50.3
28 Peru 50.2
29 UAE 50.0
30 Thailand 49.9
47 Nigeria 30.9
48 Pakistan 27.2
49 Iran 22.7
50 Iraq 21.8

So next time somebody calls you a sand-nigger you can be sure they were not doing it out of your good reputation. :D

bandit you are full of crap
Here in Canada the Sikh's got Canada to change laws on motorcycle and other helmets (such as construction helmets).
They also demanded, and got, the right to carry a karpan (dagger) even though it is very illegal for anyone else to do it.
They Also demanded, and got, a change to the Canadian Mounties police uniform.

Those are just a few examples so please enough with your BS.
And also kindly stop being a bigot if at all possible.

And how many people did those Sikhs kill to have their demands met?

Alright, please go through the thread before making your grand assertions, your mate here had started off with the religious thing, maybe you should suggest him to quit bringing in religion. If you gonna discuss about other religion why the fear in discussing your own. Its not above criticism in face of facts contrary to what you might believe.
Looks like muslims in this forum have a lot of tolerance. Tolerance for anti-Hindu slurs. The mods are doing a great job protecting hose members. Keep it up :tup:
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