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Here is why Musharraf won't join the PPPP

First PPPP will finish the reputation they had

Second they have already gone back on their words before but this will be pushing it too far.

Thirdly their manifesto is agianst dictators.

Here is why Musharraf won't join the PPP

He was a good leader who had an ideology that was completely different from the PPPP.

He has jailed half the senior members of the party.

His reputation will plumet faster than a rock from the sky.
Here is why Musharraf won't join the PPPP

First PPPP will finish the reputation they had

Second they have already gone back on their words before but this will be pushing it too far.

Thirdly their manifesto is agianst dictators.

Here is why Musharraf won't join the PPP

He was a good leader who had an ideology that was completely different from the PPPP.

He has jailed half the senior members of the party.

His reputation will plumet faster than a rock from the sky.

See Musharraf will not be joining the PPPP, actually I said that PPPP will support Musharraf.

IK and JI both supported Musharraf but their was no joining ... I think NAZUK MOD in Pakistani politiocs will be the excuse of PPPP for supporting Musharraf.

BTW, Musharraf is not wearing a uniform so PPPP will be supporting a civilian and not a PA General.
Well I disagree that Musharraf will ever come to power under a PPPP majority parliament I doubt that they would vote for him because it will destroy their reputation and secondly if they even hint of something of the sort the PML(N) will win the elections in a clean sweep which they are likely to do nowadays as well.
well i think Musharraf will join MQM...because they enjoyed cordial ties when mushrraf was in power.....but if Musharraf wants to lead a party then MQM is out of question for him...
well i think Musharraf will join MQM...because they enjoyed cordial ties when mushrraf was in power.....but if Musharraf wants to lead a party then MQM is out of question for him...

I doubt that he will join any party let MQM alone ... Musharraf will get support and votes in the Parliament but he will not join a party.
If it were a secret ballot it may just be possible but if that happens in the next election which at the moment looks like a pML(N) land slide I doubt he can make it to presidency.
forget him for 10 years until all leaders are tried...currently its going to be NAWAZ...followed by another tenure of PPP but this time it would be without ZARDARI....after that we can start thinking of the return of MUSHI...
^^^ Thanks for that now people will further realise how much he is trying to get into politics.
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