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Musharraf to ‘return on 17th’

Its nt decided yet!
Only speculations !

Its all confirmed, the entire PIA flight has been booked for 17th, and there is a website where people are registering themselves to travel and have dinner with musharaf, Dr shahid masood posted the website link on twiter.

This was the main reason i believe why mr kayani was in karachi, he cannot land without military's permission.
What was 1 USD to pak rupee in his days?
What was the feul prices in his days?
What was the gas prics in his days?
Who started CNG the new source of cheap energy for peoples utilities?
What was CNG prices in his days, & was there any load sheding in his days?
What was electric city prices in his days? Was there any load sheding like 15 hours ?
How many of our airbasses, militry instalations, were attacked in his days?
Was rishwat was so frequent like today?
Through telecommunications how many jobs were made for jobless?
How many times YDA demanded in his days?
Who & when, went crying to USA, & told pappa clinton, army nt listening me?nawab sharif?
What was the position of debts & assests of pakistan when musharaf took over in 99 & when he left? & now in 2013 where all the dam money has gone?
The list can keep getting larger & larger,& you can't hide it ,cause its all written in the miinds & hearts of peoples of pakistan?
They hve the bitter experince of damocrazy the revenge?

During Musharaff government i used to think will people ever say that musharraf done a great job? and that would be most wrost era. we are going down that why every past government looks better than current one. I hope will not say that zardari done a great job. :undecided:
Should i post the whole sections of NATIONAL RECONCILIATION ORDINANCE he issued through which all bastards are ruling us today, who are responsible of such a miserable situation of my motherland. I am a pure patriot, we can have our difference of opinion, but certainly i don't wanna see Musharraf back in power.

But you do think that the people should be allowed to choose? I agree that he will not be able to win in the present environment, but I don't think that he thinks that is what he is coming back to do, rather his possible return should be seen in the context of the ideas that if Democracy is to have a chance, a political force that is focused on creating positive results in the fields such as economy and governance, is necessary -- see, the kind of politics we have had simply is not tenable. But political parties see a different reality, in their world view the kinds of "compromises" they make are necessary for Pakistan - and this would not be a problem had they ever delivered, but it is become clear that the "compromises" have become counter productive, instead enabling the "delivery" they actually prevent it.

See: http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=164160&Cat=9

Lets see how the CJP will choose to play this
Its all confirmed, the entire PIA flight has been booked for 17th, and there is a website where people are registering themselves to travel and have dinner with musharaf, Dr shahid masood posted the website link on twiter.

This was the main reason i believe why mr kayani was in karachi, he cannot land without military's permission.

Musharraf has full rights to contest, whether people will vote for him or not is another question.

Despite his doings, he managed to keep the economy, military, and country prosper. That is enough for me.

Bugti, BLA, Lal Masjid terrorists, TTP, all can go to hell.
Should i post the whole sections of NATIONAL RECONCILIATION ORDINANCE he issued through which all bastards are ruling us today, who are responsible of such a miserable situation of my motherland. I am a pure patriot, we can have our difference of opinion, but certainly i don't wanna see Musharraf back in power.

where is the judiciary then? when is the justice then? dont blame musharraf if our justice system is flawed and cant hang these bastards and let them rule for five years
Today Pakistan is in mess because of him he is a traitor like Zia i wonder when CIA will finish this "useful idiot".
On political note i see possible alliance between PAT, MQM and Mush.

yes, if zia & musharaf were traitors then thier benificiaries like NAWAZ , & most of PML & PPP HOTSHOTS, what you call them , super traitors???
During Musharaff government i used to think will people ever say that musharraf done a great job? and that would be most wrost era. we are going down that why every past government looks better than current one. I hope will not say that zardari done a great job. :undecided:

grow up,
learn fast, if next comming GOP found worse thn this zardari govt, sure peoples will call his govt better?
but let me assure you, all these politicians lack the required wisdom to run the country towards a better future!
instead they hve scintific ways to do more crouption?
During Musharaff government i used to think will people ever say that musharraf done a great job? and that would be most wrost era. we are going down that why every past government looks better than current one. I hope will not say that zardari done a great job. :undecided:

did at any time it occured to you that musharraf's era was worst then gaja era before?
where is the judiciary then? when is the justice then? dont blame musharraf if our justice system is flawed and cant hang these bastards and let them rule for five years

Judiciary is dependent on the executive. And executive is completely and absolutely under the control of government. Who am i to blame Musharraf...let the history have its own course.

Judiciary is dependent on the executive. And executive is completely and absolutely under the control of government. Who am i to blame Musharraf...let the history have its own course.

hmmm....good points @muse but NRO wasn't a good idea...!

Muse answered your questions very weel and I was to write same. He had to do NRO, he had no choice, be it another martial law / caretaker setup, which would not have lasted long because these goons would have gone to their foreign masters.
NRO was not only for Politicions but for Technocrates and Bueauecrates. Country was at a critical stage who you think he should have left the country with? JUI-F Fazul-ur Rehman? PML-Q ( really chaudry shujat as PM?), MQM ? so whole country suffer at the hands to bhatta mafia? or Imran Khan who had not experience. Name one leader who was smart enough to lead the country. As I said it had to be another caretaker setup or smart A$$ Zardari
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Musharraf has at least 3 power blocks targeting him which will result him in getting him either convicted and strung up on the noose by the Political parties like PML-N and PPP, or being blown to smithereens by the TTP jehadists or worse getting kidnapped and beheaded by the Bugti/Marri clans. A very violent death awaits the man, and his very presence will throw the country in Turmoil ala the time when Benazir landed in Pakistan.

My dear you should worry about US and India leave Pakistani Politics. If PML-N wanted to do something they would have done something in 4 years. they would have filed cases against him on allot of issues , they could have helped PPP to get him arrested in the case of BB murder, but both of these parties didn't do it? and why you think they didn't?

TTP really? Bugti's? seriouly?
An update from Mushraf's facebook page.....rehman baba time for you to start running

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