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Musharraf justifies relationship with Israel

Among others factors, the creation of Pakistan was used to "justify" the creation of Israel. It was not the main reason behind creation of Israel ofcourse.

The idea was basically the same. Jewish majority regions should be partitioned of from Palestine. This is why the 1948 resolution is also called the partition plan.

The British supported the creation of Muslim majority Pakistan saying ostensibly this is to preserve their(Indian muslims') interests and a jewish majority Israel to preserve their(jews) interests.

This is documented in UN debates as well as internal memos that recommended the creation of Pakistan to the British govt. including by Churchill who was a supporter of creation of both Pakistan and Israel.

No, the Zionists had their sights on all of Palestine from the very beginning. They wanted the ancient state of Israel resurrected.

At the time of the Balfour Declaration, when Britain formalized its support for a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews numbered 3% of the population. The Balfour Declaration promised the land to 3% of the population and assured that the rights of the non-Jewish population (97%!!) would be protected in the proposed Jewish state.

Then began the program of Jewish migration to Palestinte to enhance their numbers. In fact the Brits were considered too slow with the migration, which is why Jewish terrorists like the Irgun gang bombed British officials and their families.
^^^Im not sure what you are negating.

I never said that Zionists did NOT have their eye on Palestine.

What I am only saying is that the British partitined Palestine on religious grounds. The 1948 boundaries of Israel were around areas of Jewish majorities.

Ofcourse after that Jewish terrorist groups and later wars launched by neighbouring Arab states allowed the borders to be expanded to present day. But the genesis of Israel, the argument the British used and that was presented in the UN was about parititon of Palestine along religious lines.

That is all I am saying.
My emotions are confined, i'm talking logic, don't take logic as emotions..
Recognition of israel fine do it, what's next..what are you really going to get in return? Technology? No, backing on Kashmir? No, Economic benefits? Do you really think israel will give you larger access market while indians would sit quiet?
No..So tell me what actual benefits are you going to get...It does not matter go ahead and recognize israel but in return you are going to get not much.

ps..mistake on your part that israel would let Arabs issues resolved if this happens Arabs would be playing in gold fields..Israelis don't want that! They want troubles this is israel's engine of survival..
We don't need to worry about Palestine. The Arabs should do that. Having relations with Israel are much more economically beneficial than a relationship with Palestine.

sorry I disagree
our support for their cause is based on Humanity and morality.. otherwise we loose our argument over Kashmir.. supporting Palestine shouldnt be conditioned upon how they feel about us and how other Arab countries are behaving...its a matter of justice and human rights which should be the basis of our decision we cant start behaving like the west because we always blame them for double standards.

commercial or just codial relationship with Israel shouldnt be at the expense of Palestine..
Another cheap shot by Musharraf to get the attentions of his masters (US administration) to let him come into power again but no chance yet as Zardari & Co is doing wonders for them without recognizing Israel.
Israel doesn't listen to the US on matters of its national security.
What kind of naive delusion do people have that they think Israel will listen to Pakistan's 'concerns' :rofl:

Israel didn't get to be where they are by compromising on their core interests.

United Nations Resolutions AGAINST Israel.

In "Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About US-Israeli Relationship" (Lawrence Hill Books, 1995) author, former Congressman Paul Findley, makes the point that Israel, with the collusion of the power elite of the United States, has been successful over the decades in keeping the United Nations on the sidelines in efforts to find a solution to the Middle East problem and to create real peace:

Since the United States vetoes the strongest UN statements against Israel, the vetoed resolutions are more relevant, than those actually passed. The threat of a US veto, stops many serious resolutions against Israel from even getting to a vote, and causes those resolutions that do get to a vote, to be significantly watering down (in the hope that the US might not veto them).

The following are the resolutions vetoed by the United States during the period of September, 1972, to May, 1990, to protect Israel from Security Council resolutions or criticism:





List of United Nations Resolutions against Israel.

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Much for Zionist supporters !
I suppose your last line is also directed towards me. To further clarify my position i did not suggested to over look what Israel is doing in Palestine however my point was has our approach delivered any results.....anything at all?We cannot remain oblivious to our surroundings. Israel is a reality which is going nowhere whether we like it or not. Anyways lets not get over emotional as we are all hear to debate. You have an opinion so have we after all we can all agree to disagree but your last line is uncalled for. Being a senior member i expect better of you.

Nothing directed at you , its a general comment .
musharraf was a strong and sane minded guy, he did more for pakistan than all other rulers of pakistan put together.......:pakistan:
he even nearly put india and pakistan on the right tracks to solve the kashmir issue.......:cheesy:
economically during his reign pakistan benifited immensly...:pakistan:
and yet some pakistani people use the fact that he was a dictator to bash musharaf......:frown:
and yet they see what damage the democratic governent of pakistan has done to pakistan and say nothing.:hitwall:
musharaf should be elected as democratic Prezident of pakistan:tup:
Musharraf always speaks and takes decisions based on his own illusionist mindset.

We give support to Palestinians not to make Arabs happy but because of the principle and our belief of them deserving freedom and rights to their occupied land.

I am sick of this childish BS of Pakistan having relationship with Israel. Israelis zionists are committing human rights violations everyday , killing people , raping women , using phosphorous bombs , blockading food supplies thus having a full NAZI like attitude towards Palestinians.

To all those who say that we should overlook that "Sharam se Doob maro !"

While I can understand your sentiments, but why against the Israelis only? Are the Chechens and Kashmiris not undergoing the same and even others?

If we have diplomatic relations and talk to the Russians and Indians, and Greeks etc. etc., then why can't we talk to the Israelis?

Emotions aside, logically (even from an Islamic standpoint) we are not consistent in our approach. This is my humble opinion.

Turks gave some tough love to the Israelis but the only way they were able to do so was because they had relations with the Israelis and by way of this, some leverage. We are nowhere. As much as we want to be players in the ME game, we have no leverage on either side.
we should work closer behind the scenes with them; strictly professional, cautious approach.

if Palestine issue is resolved, we should establish ties with them as I think we have some values and goals in common. Some similar history as well (the only 2 states founded on religious grounds; situated in region that are hostile, etc)
I don't understand what's wrong in nurturing diplomatic relation with a country? Blackblood is coming so strongly with so called Muslim brotherhood but is it so not applicable with India? India's illegal operation in Kashmir (as considered by Pakistan), still we have trade ties, then why not Israel...

No offense intended but this religious ideology keeps you isolated from the world, not that you shouldn't help your brothers, but it doesn't mean you should consider yourself one family and rest of the world other... And then you say the entire world suppress you..
sorry I disagree
our support for their cause is based on Humanity and morality.. otherwise we loose our argument over Kashmir.. supporting Palestine shouldnt be conditioned upon how they feel about us and how other Arab countries are behaving...its a matter of justice and human rights which should be the basis of our decision we cant start behaving like the west because we always blame them for double standards.

commercial or just codial relationship with Israel shouldnt be at the expense of Palestine..

Kashmir is a whole different matter. We are not an NGO group that has to cry for and support Palestine. Look at India they have great relationships with both Palestine and Israel. Turkey's and Egypt's alliance with Israel has given them a lot. We can't just be stuck with the arabs who are a huge reason for religious fundamentalism in Pakistan.
While I can understand your sentiments, but why against the Israelis only? Are the Chechens and Kashmiris not undergoing the same and even others?

If we have diplomatic relations and talk to the Russians and Indians, and Greeks etc. etc., then why can't we talk to the Israelis?

Emotions aside, logically (even from an Islamic standpoint) we are not consistent in our approach. This is my humble opinion.

Turks gave some tough love to the Israelis but the only way they were able to do so was because they had relations with the Israelis and by way of this, some leverage. We are nowhere. As much as we want to be players in the ME game, we have no leverage on either side.

Well said. If we can relations with India, why can't we have relations with Israel?
The whole reason we support Palestinian or pretend to care is just not to offend the Arabs. Hate to say this we cant even provide justice and human rights to our own citizens and worrying about somebody not directly effecting us seems like a farce. So our stand towards Israel-Palestinian issue is self centered.Nothing wrong with it. Our silence towards Uighurs issue proves it.
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