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Musharraf justifies relationship with Israel

I said before our problem is principle , we believe what they are doing is barbaric and it must be stopped until then we the people of Pakistan wont have any sort of relation with Israel.

And has this delivered any results? Anything at all?
To all those who say that we should overlook that "Sharam se Doob maro !"

I suppose your last line is also directed towards me. To further clarify my position i did not suggested to over look what Israel is doing in Palestine however my point was has our approach delivered any results.....anything at all?We cannot remain oblivious to our surroundings. Israel is a reality which is going nowhere whether we like it or not. Anyways lets not get over emotional as we are all hear to debate. You have an opinion so have we after all we can all agree to disagree but your last line is uncalled for. Being a senior member i expect better of you.
I said before our problem is principle , we believe what they are doing is barbaric and it must be stopped until then we the people of Pakistan wont have any sort of relation with Israel.

We support two state theory but it has to happen soon and human rights violations must end right away.

and no where Musharraf said that we will be all kool with them like yo yo! what he said clearly in his interview that we were developing our relationships with israel at the same pace what palestine and arabs were developing their relation with israel, problem is that Israel is backing india and it is also creating trouble for pakistan on arms race and technology level, trust me no arab will help us nore they have ever done! 1967-69-70 we helped arabs with even man power against israel but during 1971! arabs were no where to be found! so this is reality we have tested them and we learnt our lesson atleast army did! now Israel can't harm us so better that we develop relation with them at the same pace what arabs are developing their relation with israel. because in the end of the day we are alone just as Pakistanis and AJMIZZZZ long live Pakistan and long live Pak Army :china::pakistan::usflag: :police:
I don't believe a overt relationship with israel is ever going to happen until the palestine issue is resolved.
The general pakistani public hate Israel as much or more than India.
Just some a$$ licking .. After all, we all know the criteria to come into power in Pakistan ...

All the chess being played inside and around Pakistan & Afghanistan is only because this is the last remaining land on face of the earth which posses some real threat to a complete control of Zionists on whole world ...

No stone will be left unturned to weaken Pakistan to an extant at which it does not posses direct threat to Israel and that is when you will see all hell break loose ...

Israel is not complete until they capture all HOLY LAND ...
What was the news piece a couple of weeks back? US and Israel support Mushraff and KSA backs NS. It figures. :)
If the Arabs have so many deals with India and bend over backwards to please the Indians, why shouldn't Pakistan have relationship with Israel?

arabs are having relations with INDIA hence you want to go with their enemy but this same enemy Israel is also friend towards INDIA. didnt you think about it??:no:

and what will happen to muslim ummah and Pakistan leading muslim world ?????:whistle:
No where in the Quran does it say to not help another nation then how are some of you suggesting Arabs are worse so we shouldn't help them.

Or you forgot "Allah Ki Rasi to Mazbooti sey Pakro" Certainly you forgot it or you wouldn't have said and hated them.

58 Years of Pak-American relationship and the bullying by them, and now you are looking towards israel to do even more? Only crazies can think of it, what makes you think israel would hand you over with sophisticated technologies when uncle sam is reluctant to sell it to you.
Don't you get even a bit hurt when you see Children-human beings needing critical medical help, starving while you can't even raise and dare to object to israel directly. It's a shame really shame.
Having relations with Israel are much more economically beneficial than a relationship with Palestine.

We don't sell our principles for money. There is a word for people who do that.

However, the creation of Pakistan on the basis of religious majorities was one of the reasons the British used to justify the creation of Israel on the basis of Jewish majority regions.

Completely false.

The Brits supported a Jewish state in Palestine since 1917 (Balfour Declaration). The British decision was motivated by a desire to placate the emerging Russian Bolsheviks whom the Brits (mistakenly) thought were mostly Jewish. Britain wanted to woo Bolshevik Russia away from Germany.

If the Arabs have so many deals with India and bend over backwards to please the Indians, why shouldn't Pakistan have relationship with Israel?

We should form our foreign policy based on our ideals and principles, not as a childish reaction against India.

It makes no sense why the Palestinians would exactly love the Pakistanis given that their would-be-President and serving Army officer Brig.Zia-ul-Haq killed thousands of Palestinian fighters and civilians in the Black September in Jordan.

Yes, instead they should love India which actively cooperates with and indirectly funds the Israeli military machine.

Israel is a reality which is going nowhere whether we like it or not.

So was Nazi Germany. Just because evil exists and even flourishes is no reason to befriend it.

With no ties i still dont understand how does it going to improve the situation for Gazans. Pakistan wont have a voice in the matter because you have your head in sand saying that the problem itself does not exist.

If anybody thinks that having relations with Israel will 'give them a voice' in the matter, they are naive beyond belief. The US doesn't have a 'voice in the matter', you think India or Pakistan will???

Musharraf justifies relationship with Israel

This latest episode of verbal diarrhea by Musharraf is the last straw. He is taking personal potshots at public figures, evading responsibility for his actions, and trashing various aspects of Pakistani establishment to score cheap personal points. He admits he was willing to give away Kashmir. I don't know if it is senility or desperation, but Musharraf is clearly past his prime. He sounds more like a bitter old man than a statesman. He now belongs in a retirement home, far far away from any decision making role.
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yes we have to recognize israel in that condition we can help philistine better way and latter or sooner we will do it but after loses
No where in the Quran does it say to not help another nation then how are some of you suggesting Arabs are worse so we shouldn't help them.

Or you forgot "Allah Ki Rasi to Mazbooti sey Pakro" Certainly you forgot it or you wouldn't have said and hated them.

58 Years of Pak-American relationship and the bullying by them, and now you are looking towards israel to do even more? Only crazies can think of it, what makes you think israel would hand you over with sophisticated technologies when uncle sam is reluctant to sell it to you.
Don't you get even a bit hurt when you see Children-human beings needing critical medical help, starving while you can't even raise and dare to object to israel directly. It's a shame really shame.
put emotions to the side my friend no where i said or Musharraf said or anyone is saying that we are gonna sit in Israeli camp now! whats wrong with you people? What Musharraf said that we arranged a meeting with Israeli officials and we told them our concerns regarding India and arms supply and we were working on the relationship with Israel after Palestinians get their right but as fast Palestine was moving forward we did the same thing and we were going with the pace of PALESTINE AND ARABS towards Israel! meaning if Israel settle their problems with Arabs and Palestine! we will be happy and move forward! now tell me what is wrong about this! All the people like nawaz bb Imran Hamid gull etc only talk about Palestinians but Musharraf was talking about both Palestinians and ARAB since Israel hold Egyptian and Syrian and Lebanon land as well! so until Israel move forward with all the issues we will move with them if they fix all problems tomorrow we are kool tomorrow! simple is this where did all the fuss came in now! i guess Musharraf is the only Pakistani leader who put pressure on Israel over Palestinian AND ARAB PROBLEMS BOTH HANDS IN HANDS so it shows that MUSHRAAF again has a vision since if tomorrow Palestinian get their land the problem still stay there since then Arabs has their issue so lets fix all this is what he said please read his interview before jumping on the guns lol
Problem is that if Muslims don't talk to Israel then its same as when Muslims want west to talk it out with extremist elements in Afghanistan, like Bush did a mistake of not talking to Taliban, Muslims are doing the same mistake by not talking to Israel, now me saying all this doesn't mean that lets open up embassy in Pakistan for Israel or anything like this. Just as we don't want Americans to open talibans embassy in Washington, but what all i say, Lets talk to them. so, this is what we need to do and that is to talk to them
:china::pakistan::usflag: :police:
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What Musharraf said that we arranged a meeting with Israeli officials and we told them our concerns regarding India and arms supply and we were working on the relationship with Israel

Israel doesn't listen to the US on matters of its national security.
What kind of naive delusion do people have that they think Israel will listen to Pakistan's 'concerns' :rofl:

Israel didn't get to be where they are by compromising on their core interests.
Israel doesn't listen to the US on matters of its national security.
What kind of naive delusion do people have that they think Israel will listen to Pakistan's 'concerns' :rofl:

Israel didn't get to be where they are by compromising on their core interests.

we are not going to force israel sir we just try our best to help Palestine as we can do:rolleyes:
Out of the few things for which i like Musharraf, one was his initiative to develop a relationship with Israel. He's right in saying that the Arabs have started to deal with Israel, why should we hold back in this false sense of so called muslim brotherhood. There is absolutely no point in not accepting Israel as a reality.

Think not about today or tomorrow, think about after 5 years or 10 years. So what we can get from Israel by improve relations?

Israel is in patience over Pakistan because at this moment he is busy to counter Iran, Syria and main Palestine and i am 100% sure when they will went out from these problems (from which they never be) they will hit Pakistan with all their efforts and power.

Where are you sitting man, in which world???

Iran was one of their best ally, this was Israel who helped Iran to develop their Missile & chemical weapon industry and same this Iran after the end of Iran-Iraq war became worst enemy of Israel.
The same game he wants to play between Pakistan & Afghanistan & Iran.

If we think twice to decide something about India than we have to think 10 time even to think about Israel.

If Musharraf went out from his mind it doesn’t means he…right.
Completely false.

The Brits supported a Jewish state in Palestine since 1917 (Balfour Declaration). The British decision was motivated by a desire to placate the emerging Russian Bolsheviks whom the Brits (mistakenly) thought were mostly Jewish. Britain wanted to woo Bolshevik Russia away from Germany.

Among others factors, the creation of Pakistan was used to "justify" the creation of Israel. It was not the main reason behind creation of Israel ofcourse.

The idea was basically the same. Jewish majority regions should be partitioned of from Palestine. This is why the 1948 resolution is also called the partition plan.

The British supported the creation of Muslim majority Pakistan saying ostensibly this is to preserve their(Indian muslims') interests and a jewish majority Israel to preserve their(jews) interests.

This is documented in UN debates as well as internal memos that recommended the creation of Pakistan to the British govt. including by Churchill who was a supporter of creation of both Pakistan and Israel.
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