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Musharraf calls for India and Pak to ‘bury the hatchet’

Last time he was not even allowed to enter India .... his Visa was rejected. Besharam .... suna hai fir India aane ki baat kar raha hai !
Unless there is standing issue of Kashmir there will be no peace we all know that.

Done. It remains ours rightfully and historically, preceding the birth of islam.

Now if you're not ready to accept this, then we don't care.
Done. It remains ours rightfully and historically, preceding the birth of islam.

Now if you're not ready to accept this, then we don't care.

Most of the people who were brought up to believe an alternate version of human history won't know what you are talking about. They have been made to believe that the whole world was Islamic initially, until bad humans came and corrupted it, and then a prophet came to set things right.

So according to them there was no such thing as "birth of islam". It's sad, but many muslims are actually taught such things, leading to a very skewed understanding of human history and the progress of ideas.

It's a way to explain away the inconvenient fact that humanity has existed for tens of thousands of years before any religion began, which sort of puts religions in perspective. Taking a book from islam, many other religions are also teaching similar stuff these days.
He is a pathological liar. After building his entire career on war mongering against India he now roots for peace. How convenient. Make him the general of PA again and then watch the show.
This coward lacked the balls to back his juniors in '86 and was searching for it even in '99 during kargil misadventure..
How sir?? How should we ‘bury the hatchet’ ?? You are the main reason which destroyed a perfect peace initiative.. The mood was very much for a peace.. There was a hope that finally there will be peace.. And then you decided to become a hero and send your troops to Kargil.. Dont you have any shame??
I was expecting this kind of comment from Americans and Chineese as peace between India and Pakistan doesn't suit your future plans.....

On Topic-

I don't understand why these kind of comments comes from people who are not in power or whoose thinking doesn't matter....

I don't have a plan. I'm being pragmatic. Stating a fact.
If history is to go by that would be most stupid thing to do. Last time we buried the hatchet in Lahore we got Kargil in return. So thats a bad idea. Never forget history its bound to repeat itself. And with Pakistan its more likely to do so.

There cannot be a EU type relationship between Pakistan and India. A China Japan model is more practical. Lets trade and invest and reduce poverty but always keep the gun handy.
In short Give us Kashmir and we are settled. He keeps saying the same thing over and over. This proposal was made long back, it has not materialized means its not happening.
Forget Musharraf, he should banned from entering politics or the military in Pakistan.

In the end he proved to be an idiot.
Forget Musharraf, he should banned from entering politics or the military in Pakistan.

He served his time. In the end he proved to be an idiot.

Not just Musharraf, that holds true for all rulers of Pakistan, except the original team.
Hahahahah bro get a life

Ist war Stalemate U got half Kashmir and we got half Kashmir
2nd war Total Stalemate.
3rd Ya u whooped our ***. Because East and West Pakistan are thousand miles apart So its really hard to win in such scenario where u r dealing with miscreants like Mukti bahini and upon that dealing with scums like u. Still in my opinion PA performed well.

Now the situation is changed

4th war It will be last for both countries. Either any of the two countries will take TOTAL control of kashmir or both will be gone to oblivion

Even Niazi made huge claims same like your comment. :hitwall::rofl:
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