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Musharraf calls for India and Pak to ‘bury the hatchet’

Says the man who was the architect of Kargil. Where was this policy when this man was sending our troops to their deaths?
Where was this policy when he abandoned our troops?

Can't agree with u more sir, but do u think that it will be his policy to bring peace?? this is just election talks since elections are due in Pakistan. India hardly trusts this man, i don't see that distrust waning any time soon.
Says the man who was the architect of Kargil. Where was this policy when this man was sending our troops to their deaths?
Where was this policy when he abandoned our troops?

Precisely the question Pakistan should ask him.

I wonder why the reporters didn't ask him that.

Can't agree with u more sir, but do u think that it will be his policy to bring peace?? this is just election talks since elections are due in Pakistan. India hardly trusts this man, i don't see that distrust waning any time soon.

What does Musharaff have to do with elections? Either then or now?

He is singing the song of peace, because if he sings anything else, his welcome in UK would be over. He is a refugee there (call it by any name), and if he starts talking about wanting more war, his days of exile in London would be over. He would have to return to Pakistan, and guess what would happen to him there?

So his statements are not an election ploy, it is a ploy for his personal well being. Countries like UK won't harbor people who make statements urging war against India. He has to please his hosts, if he doesn't want to be sent back home to a rather bloody welcome.
Unless there is standing issue of Kashmir there will be no peace we all know that.
So India should just hand over Kashmir to Pakistan on a silver platter and then, aaall iiizzz well!!

Even then, as long as Hindus are considered 'Kafirs', non believers, there can never be peace between the two nations. Heck, the Sunnis can't even stand the Shias and you expect a Sunni majority Pakistan to smoke the peace pipe with Hindu India?
What does Musharaff have to do with elections? Either then or now?

he is running fr president again.IKR!

The dude surprisingly tenacious even in illogical situations ,ill give him tht.
Don't u know, he has said time & again that he is returning to Pakistan to fight elections & gain power in Pakistan, this time "democratically" :D

Musharraf to Return to Pakistan, Contest Parliamentary Election - Businessweek

I can assure you , that this man will never return.. even if he does it is likely that he will be killed.
His "support" consists of a few retired officers and businessmen. So few are they that the last time he organized a support rally, there were literally less than a 100 people in the gathering.
This man is broken, and is better off living off his infamous reputation giving lectures.
I can assure you , that this man will never return.. even if he does it is likely that he will be killed.
His "support" consists of a few retired officers and businessmen. So few are they that the last time he organized a support rally, there were literally less than a 100 people in the gathering.
This man is broken, and is better off living off his infamous reputation giving lectures.

??? sir u mean if he runs for elections he can become another Benazir Bhutto???
I can assure you , that this man will never return.. even if he does it is likely that he will be killed.
His "support" consists of a few retired officers and businessmen. So few are they that the last time he organized a support rally, there were literally less than a 100 people in the gathering.
This man is broken, and is better off living off his infamous reputation giving lectures.

There are plenty of Pakistanis on PDF who seem to want him, and express admiration for his rule.

Are they the retired officers and businessmen you mentioned?:cheesy:
??? sir u mean if he runs for elections he can become another Benazir Bhutto???

Another Salman Taseer maybe.

There are plenty of Pakistanis on PDF who seem to want him, and express admiration for his rule.

Are they the retired officers and businessmen you mentioned?:cheesy:

Their sons, or sons of those that profited during his regime.
After all, if you enjoyed better times even if in reality your country was being pulled into destruction.. would you not support such a man?
Musharraf's first three years were a godsend, but that's due to his employment of technocrats to turn a slump around.
But that did little for infrastructure or otherwise, it was a consumer fueled rise that collapsed when the world economy did.
Unlike the world however, there was little actual industrial development to fall back on.
And how exactly do we 'bury' the hatchet mushy sir?when you are the one responsible for the massive trust deficit between 2 countries.Without kargil last war would be 40 yrs ago and there was a chance let bygones be bygones.
The first war was started AFTER Pakistani marauders invaded Kashmir and occupied a third of it. India stepped in to ensure it didn't occupy the rest. You got one-third, we got two-third. NOT HALF AND HALF. And we got to keep the best parts of it, including Kashmir valley, and Jammu.

Then, of the measly one third that you had, you gifted a big chunk to big daddy china, because for you it is just a question of strategic interest and money, not a feeling of the land having been yours for thousands of years, like it is for us. Pakistan sold parts of Kashmir to China and now they have the audacity to keep pretending that they are trying to take Kashmir for the love of the Kashmiri people.

So eventually you have something like 20 percent of Kashmir, and India has 66 percent, and China got the rest from you. Don't go about consoling yourself that you have half of Kashmir. You don't, and never did. And even the part that you have wasn't fought and won from India, you just happened to occupy that sovereign nation before India stepped in and stopped your invading Pashtuns.

And about that fourth war part. Trust me, we are not going to commit national suicide for the sake of Kashmir, and we don't need to. We will keep Indian Kashmir for as long as the republic of India exists. Kashmir is not a national obsession for us, like it is for you. You may have these rhetorical statements from all your people about a grand war that is a win all or loose all and all that. We don't live with such rhetoric, we simply take the position that we will have Kashmir as long as we exist, and for that, we won't need to destroy the whole country. All we need to do is to keep doing what we are doing now. Maintain an unbridgeable military superiority over Pakistan, and continue to develop economically and socially in Kashmir and everywhere else. And watch the people of Pakistan breed all kinds of terrorists and extremists to take it from us, ending up merely setting fire to their own lands.

And other than the four wars you mentioned, there were several smaller attempts by pak to take Kashmir, all of which failed spectacularly. And there were some small initiatives from our side (op meghdoot) which were successes for us. How come you don't mention those?

Whether you keep the Kashmir issue alive or not is up to you. The reality on the ground wont change.

Added later: The fourth war already happened in 1999, when pak made yet another pathetic attempt to take Kashmir. It was called the kargil war, started by pak as usua. It ended up like all the previous attempts, with Indian Kashmir remaining India's. So the next war will be the fifth, and believe me, we won't start it - but we will end it.


For even bothering to write all this. :D-
we don't give a flying fcuk on a ruling doughnut to what that looser say.. hell that guy couldn't even stand for his juniors and left them in lurch to fend for themselves in kargil... Even pakistanis shouldn't trust him..
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