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Musharaf handed over death sentence

All the evil we see today in Pakistani society is nothing but product of IK and his fanatic followers.

lol reallyy. you see this in you crystal maze shah jee.. :sarcastic:
The real dajjal child are the saudi kings though..
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Again you are missing the point, judges break the constitution so file a charge against them, it doesn't mean every other institution should also break the rule.

Message that is being sent is, screw the rule of law, do whatever you want because no one is following the rule. Rich should continue to be corrupt because everyone is doing it. Corruption should continue because everyone is doing it. That is not how nations are built.

When the justice system is broken, no one will respect and obey laws!

If you believe otherwise, you probably live in some other parallel universe where breaking the law by the judges and lawyers is a very rare event.
If this is the case then every famous person should be left alone ? Nawaz Sharif, Zardari and all the other traitors who are in shadows should be left alone ?
Punishment of deeds should be implemented. Personal level sins which are hidden and that person try to hide those sins is between ALLAH PAK and him, we are not to judge that but Traitors of Country who had no concern about it's own citizen's life and Muslims in general should not be spared. All the Traitors like Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari and who were part of Establishment should be and must be hanged.

You did not understand my point... In principle what you are advocating is correct, but it is not always so in reality. Here I will relate to you a story from the Prophet and his Sahabas.

Two opportunists, Uynaynah and Al-Aqra Ibn Habis, came to Umar (RA) in medina while he was sitting, and they wanted a piece of land in Medina, they had first went to Abu Bakr (RA), Abu Bakr's advisor told him to give him the land and Abu Bakr agreed with his advisors, but Abu Bakr decided to give the final consent should these two men get consent from Umar (RA), Abu Bakr advised that he will allot them the land should Umar (RA) agree to it first and he wrote them a piece of document, when Umar asked for that document he tore to shreds, the opportunists enraged exclaimed "What have you done Ibn Al Khattab, this is the Caliphs document" Umar responded, "Has he not said it is valid unless I accept it, by Allah I do not accept, go Back... What have you done for Islam to be awarded with a large piece of land to be your private property" and they responded "Don't you know that God's messenger gave us some spoils of war" Umar then responded "God's messenger wanted to win your hearts over when Islam was still weak. Now Islam is strong by God's grace. Go away and do your best.

You see how when Rasullulah was alive he had to make so many concessions to so many opportunists because Islam was weak, and he had satisfy these type of criminals so that he could make Islam stronger and follow the principled path afterwards.

The same is true for Pakistan, Pakistan unfortunately is weak right now, you have criminals everywhere, and Pakistanis are divided, and the main reason behind this division is because you are not following the system of Islam. If everyone followed Islam or at least the majority did by tooth and nail, not just on a social level but also on a political and judicial level, then there wouldn't be so many disagreements, you wouldn't have to argue amongst yourselves over executing a criminal or not as that decision would be clear as day and night, but because that decision is not clear as day and night you must out of necessity make concessions such as this, you must overlook the criminal tendencies of some criminals, until your nation truly follows Islam.

This is why I said in the beginning "If hanging Musharraf is going to divide Pakistan and weaken Islam and Muslims then it would be best to avoid it, but if it is going to make Pakistan stronger and strengthen Islam and Muslims, then go for it."

But until Pakistan becomes a strong nation under a Caliph and I mean so strong and orderly to the point that if a donkey dies because of some mismanagement by an official, then that very official will be held responsible by the Caliph for having allowed the donkey to die because of some negligence, until then you have to for now put up with this.
You did not understand my point... In principle what you are advocating is correct, but it is not always so in reality. Here I will relate to you a story from the Prophet and his Sahabas.

Two opportunists, Uynaynah and Al-Aqra Ibn Habis, came to Umar (RA) in medina while he was sitting, and they wanted a piece of land in Medina, they had first went to Abu Bakr (RA), Abu Bakr's advisor told him to give him the land and Abu Bakr agreed with his advisors, but Abu Bakr decided to give the final consent should these two men get consent from Umar (RA), Abu Bakr advised that he will allot them the land should Umar (RA) agree to it first and he wrote them a piece of document, when Umar asked for that document he tore to shreds, the opportunists enraged exclaimed "What have you done Ibn Al Khattab, this is the Caliphs document" Umar responded, "Has he not said it is valid unless I accept it, by Allah I do not accept, go Back... What have you done for Islam to be awarded with a large piece of land to be your private property" and they responded "Don't you know that God's messenger gave us some spoils of war" Umar then responded "God's messenger wanted to win your hearts over when Islam was still weak. Now Islam is strong by God's grace. Go away and do your best.

You see how when Rasullulah was alive he had to make so many concessions to so many opportunists because Islam was weak, and he had satisfy these type of criminals so that he could make Islam stronger and follow the principled path afterwards.

The same is true for Pakistan, Pakistan unfortunately is weak right now, you have criminals everywhere, and Pakistanis are divided, and the main reason behind this division is because you are not following the system of Islam. If everyone followed Islam or at least the majority did by tooth and nail, not just on a social level but also on a political and judicial level, then there wouldn't be so many disagreements, you wouldn't have to argue amongst yourselves over executing a criminal or not as that decision would be clear as day and night, but because that decision is not clear as day and night you must out of necessity make concessions such as this, you must overlook the criminal tendencies of some criminals, until your nation truly follows Islam.

This is why I said in the beginning "If hanging Musharraf is going to divide Pakistan and weaken Islam and Muslims then it would be best to avoid it, but if it is going to make Pakistan stronger and strengthen Islam and Muslims, then go for it."

But until Pakistan becomes a strong nation under a Caliph and I mean so strong and orderly to the point that if a donkey dies because of some mismanagement by an official, then that very official will be held responsible by the Caliph for having allowed the donkey to die because of some negligence, until then you have to for now put up with this.

The state you are defining is not gona happen in coming 100 years i am sure of it, So we should leave every Traitor to be free ? There are people who say Nawaz Sharif k saath zayati hoi right this fourm, so because of this division he should not be punished ?
Sahab k baad sahab jasay door k anay ka intazar karna to give punishment to Traitors is living dream.
Hazrat Essa or Imam Mehdi k anay ka intazar karna chahye phir humain and galat ko galat kehna chor dena chahye hamain. Yazeed ko yazeed kehna chor dena chahye hamain jab Hazrat Essa or Imam Mehdi ayn gyn unn sa pochain gy.
This is one of the most humiliating and full of vendetta judgment given against ex-COAS General Pervez Musharaff and Pakistan Army.
only an Army court can order hanging for a treason committed by a serving general not a civilian court.

this is your fantasy and not the reality

if musharraf is a man let him come back and prove his innocence instead of hiding like a dog with his tail between his legs in Dubai, i hate NS and Zardari but at least they had the balls to have their day in court.

General Musharraf
what punishment general Musharraf is only being called a traitor today because off Zardari and Nawaz and their chosen lawyers so your logic does not make sense

wrong Musharraf is a traitor for suspending the constitution and overthrowing the legitimate government and a traitor for sending our soldiers into certain death with no supply lines and no air support............this was his his own foolish plan hidden from everyone else.

he should pay the price with his neck.

The 3 other generals involved should be tried for treason too.

Nobody in Pakistan should be above the law of the land.

These generals need to be taught a lesson by hanging Musharraf.

Our country will be a stronger and safer democracy when this is done.
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This is one of the most humiliating and full of vendetta judgment given against ex-COAS General Pervez Musharaff and Pakistan Army.

The judgement is not against army.

Musharraf even as COAS or President is not above law.
Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions.

Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of their business.

If their was any justice in Pakistan then Musharraf the kuttay kay bacha and all those involved in the coup should have been hanged a long time ago.
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