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Musharaf handed over death sentence

I highly commend the noble judges that handed over "justice" to illegitimate military dictator pervez musharraf, or in American slang language "Good Job" :tup::tup::tup:. Jiyonday ravo jajjo, kamm chok kay rakho, you guys are great giving great decision during the last one month.
I am a PTI supporter and I never supported N or PPP for one second.

I support the death penalty for this traitor, and actually I have been wishing for this for 20 years.

Musharraf opened Pakistan for looting and it was only following him that Nawaz, Shahbaz, and Zardari were able to rob Pakistan.

Want proof? Go look at Musharraf's brother's multi-million dollar mansion in Chicago to name one example.

This traitor was the biggest supporter of Bush and his illegal WoT, he unleashed untold suffering on Afghans and Pakistanis to please Americans. He closed madrassas and hurt the Islamic character of our country with his bogus pro-Western attempt at reformation.

Due to his background of being close to MQM and Ahmadiyya community, I am not surprised he attacked Islam and Pukhtoons directly.

@Hakim Dawary thoughts?

Allah SWT knows best brother, and he will be held accountable, if he did good he will be rewarded and if he did bad then he will be punished, we leave it up to him. I myself can't judge Musharraf, I can only criticise, if I were in his shoes who knows perhaps I would have done the same or worse, or perhaps better, he did what he thought was best. The rest is simply up to Allah SWT

On a state level however, my whole thought process revolves around this simple principle "If it makes Islam stronger and the Muslims more united, then go for it, but if it makes Islam weaker and the Muslims divided, then forget about it". If hanging Musharraf is going to divide Pakistan and weaken Islam and Muslims then it would be best to avoid it, but if it is going to make Pakistan stronger and strengthen Islam and Muslims, then go for it.

Also, I try to stay away from these type of pages, as this an internal matter of Pakistan right now, until the eventual unity. If you can please try not to include me as my opinions might have harsh remarks on other brothers as it might hurt them, unless it is related to Afghanistan. I try my best to stay within limits, unless I have something very useful to add. I do appreciate you wanting to know my opinion on this, thank you.
@PakCan please read above and then argue that when judges specifically brrach the constitution, why should anyone else abide to it?


Please open a new thread with details of all the unconstitutional actions of judges in this case. It needs a dedicated thread please.

AGP mentioned quite a lot as well today.
Again you are missing the point, judges break the constitution so file a charge against them, it doesn't mean every other institution should also break the rule.

Message that is being sent is, screw the rule of law, do whatever you want because no one is following the rule. Rich should continue to be corrupt because everyone is doing it. Corruption should continue because everyone is doing it. That is not how nations are built.
Allah SWT knows best brother, and he will be held accountable, if he did good he will be rewarded and if he did bad then he will be punished, we leave it up to him. I myself can't judge Musharraf, I can only criticise, if I were in his shoes who knows perhaps I would have done the same or worse, or perhaps better, he did what he thought was best. The rest is simply up to Allah SWT

On a state level however, my whole thought process revolves around this simple principle "If it makes Islam stronger and the Muslims more united, then go for it, but if it makes Islam weaker and the Muslims divided, then forget about it". If hanging Musharraf is going to divide Pakistan and weaken Islam and Muslims then it would be best to avoid it, but if it is going to make Pakistan stronger and strengthen Islam and Muslims, then go for it.

Also, I try to stay away from these type of pages, as this an internal matter of Pakistan right now, until the eventual unity. If you can please try not to include me as my opinions might have harsh remarks on other brothers as it might hurt them, unless it is related to Afghanistan. I try my best to stay within limits, unless I have something very useful to add. I do appreciate you wanting to know my opinion on this, thank you.

You deserve a + rating !
Allah SWT knows best brother, and he will be held accountable, if he did good he will be rewarded and if he did bad then he will be punished, we leave it up to him. I myself can't judge Musharraf, I can only criticise, if I were in his shoes who knows perhaps I would have done the same or worse, or perhaps better, he did what he thought was best. The rest is simply up to Allah SWT

On a state level however, my whole thought process revolves around this simple principle "If it makes Islam stronger and the Muslims more united, then go for it, but if it makes Islam weaker and the Muslims divided, then forget about it". If hanging Musharraf is going to divide Pakistan and weaken Islam and Muslims then it would be best to avoid it, but if it is going to make Pakistan stronger and strengthen Islam and Muslims, then go for it.

Also, I try to stay away from these type of pages, as this an internal matter of Pakistan right now, until the eventual unity. If you can please try not to include me as my opinions might have harsh remarks on other brothers as it might hurt them, unless it is related to Afghanistan. I try my best to stay within limits, unless I have something very useful to add. I do appreciate you wanting to know my opinion on this, thank you.

If this is the case then every famous person should be left alone ? Nawaz Sharif, Zardari and all the other traitors who are in shadows should be left alone ?
Punishment of deeds should be implemented. Personal level sins which are hidden and that person try to hide those sins is between ALLAH PAK and him, we are not to judge that but Traitors of Country who had no concern about it's own citizen's life and Muslims in general should not be spared. All the Traitors like Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari and who were part of Establishment should be and must be hanged.
If this is the case then every famous person should be left alone ? Nawaz Sharif, Zardari and all the other traitors who are in shadows should be left alone ?
Punishment of deeds should be implemented. Personal level sins which are hidden and that person try to hide those sins is between ALLAH PAK and him, we are not to judge that but Traitors of Country who had no concern about it's own citizen's life and Muslims in general should not be spared. All the Traitors like Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari and who were part of Establishment should be and must be hanged.

Don’t forget add the mollahs in your list.
Bad things happening in Pakistan, especially involving army, when PPP and PTI rules.

As well, Zardari conspired terrorism in Pakistan, IK conspired religious and social intolerance, while economic disaster was common denominator of both Zardari and IK regimes.
Bad things happening in Pakistan, especially involving army, when PPP and PTI rules.
Nawaz and Iftikhar Chudooory are responsible of article 6 ...not PTI or PPP.
Nawaz and Iftikhar Chudooory are responsible of article 6 ...not PTI or PPP.

IK sponsored return of both Nawaz and fitna chodary and than later gifted Presidency to Zardari. If there was no APDM forged by in laws of IK in UK, and no forced resignation of Musharraf, today Pakistan would be at par with any European country!
IK sponsored return of both Nawaz and fitna chodary and than later gifted Presidency to Zardari.
Zardari gave guard of owner and save himself from the wrath. But, Nawaz, Nisar and iftikhar chudoory are the master mind . And Iftikhar is the one who forced Nawaz to press article 6 charges against Musharraf..... A personal vendetta .... but these lawyers and judges has cross all the lines ....they are now biggest mafia in Pakistan.
5353 Neutralised by what 5410? thats a story i would never cook lol 5410 was not even a bone of contention in the Kargil conflict,its way far off from the war theatre and indians climbed it in 2000. nobody cared about it because frankly it had little importance.even indians havent recognized it till date as an achievement and its status is ambiguous because 5410 was considered inside Indian side of LOC before Kargil conflict.just not manned..till Pakistani encroached up and indians finally filled the space in 2000.
This is coming Praveen Sahwhney
"Indian soldiers, who occupied the until then unheld Point 5310 during offensive operations last summer"(1999)

Those climbing it thought this was an answer to 5353 lol . 5353 is right next to a main artery.5410 is next to a naala.lol. what sort of rebuttal was this..was it a joke with Indian people? Still we fought it as it was an intrusion.

Listen dear, there is not doubt there were gross mismanagements in the operation, also they obstructed our supply lines with Bofurs, but end of the day this was the result.
Kargil peaks captured by Pakistan in 1999
  • Point 5353
  • Point Aftab-I
  • Point Saddle Ridge
  • Point Bunker Ridge
  • Shangruti
  • Tiger Hill
  • Dhalunag
Kargil peaks still under Pakistani control as of 2018
  • Point 5353
  • Point Aftab-I
  • Point Saddle Ridge
  • Point Bunker Ridge
  • Shangruti
  • Dhalunag

Did you like type all these cooked up theories and didn't even bother to read that I mentioned Point 5310, not the 5410 you're mentioning. Go take a nap!
What a tragic fall of this guy...He was hailed as a hero at one point of time..
Did you like type all these cooked up theories and didn't even bother to read that I mentioned Point 5310, not the 5410 you're mentioning. Go take a nap!
there you go..edited it.. i wish you had researched about its date before bringing it up here.
Zardari gave guard of owner and save himself from the wrath.

Every departing President and CoAS get's guard of honor. May be IK can change it in future!

What a tragic fall of this guy...He was hailed as a hero at one point of time..

His heroics can't be undon by the axis of evil.
Every departing President and CoAS get's guard of honor. May be IK can change it in future!

His heroics can't be undon by the axis of evil.
you PMLn lawyers and judges brought enough anarchy...today Khosa a Baluch took the revenge of Bughti death from Musharraf. And he said proudly in his first speech, that I am proud Baluch ...
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