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Featured Museum in India Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Gets a Hindu Overhaul-NYT

History can't be wiped out.

I am actually having a chuckle at you lot. Its Mughals who made subcontinent one of the richest region in the world, one of the highest GDP, and it was the British who looted its wealth, well, according to Sashi Thahoor, perhaps your finest intellect. Yet there is no disdain shown towards white masters and its the Muslim rule which is look down upon.
It's actually worth a lot. Much appreciated. As a wise man once said, "this too shall pass...it may pass like a big kidney stone...but it will pass"

But in all seriousness, look back at all fascists movements of the 20th century (Nazis, Serbs, Hutus, Khmer Rouge)....did their time just "pass"? No, there was a lot of blood shed. That is what worries me....the blood that will be shed before things get better.

dont worry no blood will be shed , hindus believe in sarv dharm sambhav from last 5000 years , we gave land to first maszid to be built by muslims in india 1400 years ago , we gave lands to syrian christians to build churches in india thousands of years ago , we can live with every religion , but we can not tolerate division of our country in the name of liberalism.
I am actually having a chuckle at you lot. Its Mughals who made subcontinent one of the richest region in the world, one of the highest GDP, and it was the British who looted its wealth, well, according to Sashi Thahoor, perhaps your finest intellect. Yet there is no disdain shown towards white masters and its the Muslim rule which is look down upon.

Well the Sanghis wrote love letters to their British masters....that should explain it.
dont worry no blood will be shed , hindus believe in sarv dharm sambhav from last 5000 years , we gave land to first maszid to be built by muslims in india 1400 years ago , we gave lands to syrian christians to build churches in india thousands of years ago , we can live with every religion , but we can not tolerate division of our country in the name of liberalism.

Lol....such rich words coming from you, on the thread that started discussing how the followers of the 5000 year old kulcha are renaming a "Mughal" museum
Lol. They are voting for bigots. And when they don't vote for bigots like in MP and Bihar, the bigots resort to underhand tactics to snatch the mandate.
we don't have other alternative , only modi gave us ram mandir and kashmir , congress was just giving undue favour to muslims just for votes . we can live amicably with peaceful muslims . trouble makers will not be left .we can't tolerate burning of banglore .
Lol....such rich words coming from you, on the thread that started discussing how the followers of the 5000 year old kulcha are renaming a "Mughal" museum

what mughals ? they were invaders , looters and now they are not found in india , we finished their extremist rules they killed crores of hindus in name of jihad , they demolished our kashi mathura and other lakhs of mandirs , you want to glorify tyrants and killers ? india is land of hindus it will remain a hindu nation
what mughals ? they were invaders , looters and now they are not found in india , we finished their extremist rules they killed crores of hindus in name of jihad , they demolished our kashi mathura and other lakhs of mandirs , you want to glorify tyrants and killers ? india is land of hindus it will remain a hindu nation

Mighty rich coming from the 5000 year kulcha of the Aryan invaders
For the same reasons that co-terminus Pakistan of the present chooses to shed its "kafir" Hindu and Buddhist past to declare itself an Islamic Republic instead of honoring the rich history of non-Muslims that contributed to the land.

lmao, there are several sanskritic named cities still in pakistan, if pakstan was following the footsteps of hindu loonies, it would have renamed all of these places, like peshawar, taxila, swat etc. Pakistan has its share of extremists but nothing minutely compared to RSS and india which should be rather compared to the nazi regime.

we don't have other alternative , only modi gave us ram mandir and kashmir , congress was just giving undue favour to muslims just for votes . we can live amicably with peaceful muslims . trouble makers will not be left .we can't tolerate burning of banglore .

Hindus living peacefully with Muslims


I am actually having a chuckle at you lot. Its Mughals who made subcontinent one of the richest region in the world, one of the highest GDP, and it was the British who looted its wealth, well, according to Sashi Thahoor, perhaps your finest intellect. Yet there is no disdain shown towards white masters and its the Muslim rule which is look down upon.

during mughal rule india was forced to live in dark ages and genocide of native indians , no education, no science and technology no universities , no infrastructure no development of roads no institutions , only mazars tombs were made by sucking blood of poor indians .
during mughal rule india was forced to live in dark ages and genocide of native indians , no education, no science and technology no universities , no infrastructure no development of roads no institutions , only mazars tombs were made by sucking blood of poor indians .

What school did you attend in India?
lmao, there are several sanskritic named cities still in pakistan, if pakstan was following the footsteps of hindu loonies, it would have renamed all of these places, like peshawar, taxila, swat etc. Pakistan has its share of extremists but nothing minutely compared to RSS and india which should be rather compared to the nazi regime.


:coffee: that is why construction of a single mandir was stopped in islamabad . we allow lakhs of maszids in india .we gave land for maszids even 1400 years ago , hindus are very liberal in matters of religion.
during mughal rule india was forced to live in dark ages and genocide of native indians , no education, no science and technology no universities , no infrastructure no development of roads no institutions , only mazars tombs were made by sucking blood of poor indians .

You own kind, sashi tahoor said that sub continent had the highest gdp in the world before british arrived. Before british, it was Muslim rule.
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