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Featured Museum in India Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Gets a Hindu Overhaul-NYT

mughals didn't take away anything out of india... the british did. yet even after you people's independence, you suck up to the whites... no need to explain further.
the amount of money india earns and will keep earning from mughal establishments far outweighs the cons... the mughals saw india as a country of their own... the whites subjugated you people, yet i don't see one indian distasteful of the british... there's an art of stuck up flattery you guys are well known for... even NIxon and his stooges were aware of

mughals were blood sucking extremist religious fanatic tyrants who came to india to do jihad against hindus ,muslims demolished hindu places of worships after killing millions of hindus every year . but we hindus kept beating muslims and finished muslim rule from india after fighting thousands of years valiantly .
british built modern india , they were blessing for india , they organized administration and removed muslim method of dark ages administration of mullas .
no mughal contributed for the benefit of indians , they sucked of indias money to build qabar for themselves or spent money on darbaris and mullas..
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LOL, what a Indian turd are you. That Indian Tahoor is not pleasing Muslims rather is telling the whites as to who plundered sub continent. Muslims are not even in the debate or even relevant in his discussions.

The only thing which can be driven out his interactions, if British made subcontinent poor, from the riches it had, one of the biggest GDP, that only means one thing that before British, it was 1000 years of Muslims rule over sub continent which brought the prosperity. There was no Hindu rule in between.

prosperity ? are you nut ?
hindustanis were living in abject poverty , famine , wars , tyranny brought to them by muslim rulers , prosperty was for only muslim ruler , mullas and his darbaris . hindus were free from musli tyranny under provincial hindu rulers who kept on fighting muslim of delhi .
muslim sultans and badshah kept on sucking blood of poor indians to do ayyashi in their darbars , hindus were specially targeted to starve and die or live a life of pauper no money was left with them . millions of hindus were killed by muslim rulers .
hindus kept fighting tyrants till muslim rule was finished from india , later english came to india to introduce modern industries , education , and governance , they came to india as blessing for indians .
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mughals were blood sucking extremist religious fanatic tyrants who came to india to do jihad against hindus ,muslims demolished hindu places of worships . but we hindus kept beating muslims and finished muslim rule from india after fighting thousands of years valiantly .
british built modern india , they were blessing for india , they organized administration and removed muslim method of dark ages administration of mullas .
no mughal contributed for the benefit of indians , they sucked of indias money to build qabar for themselves or spent money on darbaris and mullas..

I think you meant to say the Upper Caste Hindus were sucking the blood of Indians.
I think you meant to say the Upper Caste Hindus were sucking the blood of Indians.

some upper caste hindus helped muslims to suck blood of hindustanis, they worked as revenue officers in muslim rules .
mughals were blood sucking extremist religious fanatic tyrants who came to india to do jihad against hindus ,muslims demolished hindu places of worships after killing millions of hindus every year . but we hindus kept beating muslims and finished muslim rule from india after fighting thousands of years valiantly .
british built modern india , they were blessing for india , they organized administration and removed muslim method of dark ages administration of mullas .
no mughal contributed for the benefit of indians , they sucked of indias money to build qabar for themselves or spent money on darbaris and mullas..
Lmao that would be timurids or the Buddhist from Afghanistan but yeah keep believing whatever you want.
prosperity ? are you nut ?
hindustanis were living in abject poverty , famine , wars , tyranny brought to them by muslim rulers , prosperty was for only muslim ruler , mullas and his darbaris . hindus were free from musli tyranny under provincial hindu rulers who kept on fighting muslim of delhi .
muslim sultans and badshah kept on sucking blood of poor indians to do ayyashi in their darbars , hindus were specially targeted to starve and die or live a life of pauper no money was left with them . millions of hindus were killed by muslim rulers .
hindus kept fighting tyrants till muslim rule was finished from india , later english came to india to introduce modern industries , education , and governance , they came to india as blessing for indians .

English came as a blessing to India? LOL . That's why I said, you need to listen to your own kind, the likes of Sashi Tahoor. He is not appeasing Muslims at all when he is having a go at the colonial British. He is talking with facts and figures. The national GDP got nothing to do with the wealth of few or elite. Go and educate yourself you Indian turd.
English came as a blessing to India? LOL . That's why I said, you need to listen to your own kind, the likes of Sashi Tahoor. He is not appeasing Muslims at all when he is having a go at the colonial British. He is talking with facts and figures. The national GDP got nothing to do with the wealth of few or elite. Go and educate yourself you Indian turd.

Education and Sanghis are poles apart.
The artificial State of India should first thank the Brits for forging an alliance of dissimilar entities into the Indian Union. Then after independence thank Sardar Patel for coercing the rebel states into the present day India. Since 1947 the region which is called India has time and again proved it is not a viable state. Its desire to be the regional hegemon is based on false notions ,as it has no ingredients of magnanimity,human dignity and harmony that could make it better country.
Asoka is idolized not for massacring hundreds but for the feeling grief, renouncing violence, embracing & spreading non violent Buddism post the wars.

The twists & turns you give to justify your internal brainwashing is truly remarkable.
Ok. I'll nuke India then feel sorry after. Please worship me.

Dumb Indian.
When Muhammad of Ghor uses cunning and tactics to defeat his enemies and gain victory he is looked as a vile foreign Muslim invader but when Shivaji does the same he is idolised as a brave cunning Hindu warrior who stood up-to Muslim invaders.

Two Nation Theory right there
This is the crux of the problem. It's a problem that has existed since the very beginning. The Aryan invaders are worshipped and revered as forefathers of Hindustan, indeed, it is these invaders whose religious doctrines are manifested in Hinduism or more specifically, brahminist interpretations of Hinduism. However, the religious doctrines brought by other invaders through history are viewed with disdain. Hindutva has painted its ideological struggle as one that is against invaders and on behalf of natives when in reality, their struggle is against one invader in favour of another.
This is the crux of the problem. It's a problem that has existed since the very beginning. The Aryan invaders are worshipped and revered as forefathers of Hindustan, indeed, it is these invaders whose religious doctrines are manifested in Hinduism or more specifically, brahminist interpretations of Hinduism. However, the religious doctrines brought by other invaders through history are viewed with disdain. Hindutva has painted its ideological struggle as one that is against invaders and on behalf of natives when in reality, their struggle is against one invader in favour of another.

Let me correct you here Sire. Hinduism could not absorb Muslims in the same manner as it had absorbed all preceding invaders. That is the rub.
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