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Featured Museum in India Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Gets a Hindu Overhaul-NYT

India should follow Turkey and make that museum a Temple. India has numerous examples to follow but Idiot Indians are unwilling to learn any lesson.
Today there is not even that much difference in race between upper castes and mid/low castes. They have one or two shades of color difference only. The whole caste system is a mess. If you check it, you will probably not find much genetic differences between the two.

To us Pakistanis, pretty much everyone East of us in the subcontinent look the same. Maybe Sikhs and Indian Muslims look a little different and have lighter skin tones and different features, but generally Hindus look very similar to each other, upper/mid/low caste, etc.

When a few Aryans from the Aryan heartlands (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan) moved out of our region to settle in the subcontinent, our people were absolutely shocked at the monster which was created. Even in the Vedas, the new subcontinental Aryans looked back at the IVC region (Vaheka) with disgust because we did not believe in caste nor have strict dietary rules like them. They were even forbidden to stay in this region for more than 3 days.

It is funny that today they claim this territory which their ancestors rejected and looked at with contempt.

It basically goes to show that Hindutva is a new fascist movement (based on Nazism of RSS leaders like Savarkar and Golwaker) which is not entirely based on Sanatan Dharma, but it re-invents and modifies the religion to preach a new reality, outlook, and theory. They are ok with throwing the dictates of Hinduism away to drive their agenda.

Thoughts? @Morpheus @Verve @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor
Today there is not even that much difference in race between upper castes and mid/low castes. They have one or two shades of color difference only. The whole caste system is a mess. If you check it, you will probably not find much genetic differences between the two.

That shade of color is like day and night to them. Its not only color they really believe they have some super ancient culture/scriptures etc either influenced by white europeans(so called indian "liberals" belief) or actually influenced europe (the sanghi belief ) .

The british did a number on them with their sanskrit mania/aryan mania in 18th/19th century. To justify their rule and support racism they created an "aryan" theory which connected few upper castes with european then ruling classes. They also kept adding imaginary zeros to the age of brahmin history. It was all heady stuff for brahmins and allied caste that they are related to essentially world ruling classes then in some way or other (either they came or these guys went).

In other words the core of indian identity was crafted in racist european ideologies. And despite all evidence of failure and the sheer filth and wierdness of brahminism they still have a high self image of themselves because they believe they are part of europeans and all that and search for scapegoats to fix the blame. Its very hard to fix mentality and a tragic consequnce of colonialism. The price is being paid by kashmiris, indian masses, south indians etc.
@Arulmozhi Varman @Song Hong @Protest_again @masterchief_mirza
That shade of color is like day and night to them. Its not only color they really believe they have some super ancient culture/scriptures etc either influenced by white europeans(so called indian "liberals" belief) or actually influenced europe (the sanghi belief ) .

The british did a number on them with their sanskrit mania/aryan mania in 18th/19th century. To justify their rule and support racism they created an "aryan" theory which connected few upper castes with european then ruling classes. They also kept adding imaginary zeros to the age of brahmin history. It was all heady stuff for brahmins and allied caste that they are related to essentially world ruling classes then in some way or other (either they came or these guys went).

In other words the core of indian identity was crafted in racist european ideologies. And despite all evidence of failure and the sheer filth and wierdness of brahminism they still have a high self image of themselves because they believe they are part of europeans and all that and search for scapegoats to fix the blame. Its very hard to fix mentality and a tragic consequnce of colonialism. The price is being paid by kashmiris, indian masses, south indians etc.
@Arulmozhi Varman @Song Hong @Protest_again @masterchief_mirza

Indeed brother, they are paying the price for embracing failed policies of European-style fascism which they imported during British Raj.

It led them to turn arsonists and opportunists like Marathas of Shivaji into heroes, whereas Marathas destroyed more Hindu temples than any Muslim leaders. They were simply after plunder and wealth of a dying country, but now they have been deified. Shivaji himself was lower caste.

Then Kaniska of the Kushans (an Iranic nomad tribe) and Ashoka of Mauryans were reinvented as great Hindu leaders, when both of them were actually Buddhists.

The historical revisionism is obscene.

It was completely possible for these caste supremacists to sit down with other people of the subcontinent and come to a respectable agreement post-British, but they only made the divisions and hatred even more.

They will burn in their ego and burn India along with it, and from the ashes it will be up to us to create a more equal and respectable system in which Sikhs, Dalits, Muslims, Christians, South Indians, etc. are not oppressed.
What rubbish are you talking about? Revelations, dharma, mahabarata....all that is relevant is that the secular republic of Hindustan or the dharmic nation of hindutva - whichever variation of the same crap you prefer - is an immoral nation that forces people against their will to stay under Delhi's thumb. You're like a pathetic beta-male who can't tolerate rejection. Millions and millions of people simply reject the dharmic hindutva caste-led nation and will not tolerate you brahminist invaders occupying their lands. Pakistanis and Kashmiris and many Indian Muslims are well aware of your pathetic desperate attempts to create false history to compensate for your lifelong inferiority complexes.

This is why India will be nuked and nobody will mourn your absence. The dharmic nation is a nation originally borne of Aryan invaders from Eurasian steppeland. These invaders whom you choose to revere and follow corrupted the law of the land, changed the religion of the land, and massacred and enslaved millions (unless you wish to pretend Aryans came from the subcontinent, which I'd love to hear since I need a good chuckle).

Indeed, Aryans committed the first assault against the Indus valley civilisation before moving into the gangetic plains to loot your ancestors.

Abrahamics came to the subcontinent to correct that crime.

Do you know what that's called in Hindu popular culture?

Karma. Pakistan will deliver Karma to Hindustan. Gotta love the irony.

pakistan is theocratic state , so you dont have right to talk about secularism .
Do we care? Did we pretend to be "secular" on Wikipedia? You Hindustanis have one big problem - you believe Nehru's propaganda.

You are correct. Nehru was on to something even more totalitarian with his nonsense "discovery of india" (if india was so eternal - why did he need to "discover" it - he actually invented it though so he can build an empire for his family). Because he knew how horrible it is he couched it under sweet language of secularism, socialism etc. Even RSS was not that totalitarian then. But RSS actually built on it - its objective is to take all the totalitarian aspects of it but strip away the "sweet" part.

The relative blip of prosperity that india achieved in late 90s and early 2000's mainly due to south indian successses in IT led them to believe they even have the economy to do it. But now they are hurtling towards disaster.
Indeed brother, they are paying the price for embracing failed policies of European-style fascism which they imported during British Raj.

It led them to turn arsonists and opportunists like Marathas of Shivaji into heroes, whereas Marathas destroyed more Hindu temples than any Muslim leaders. They were simply after plunder and wealth of a dying country, but now they have been deified. Shivaji himself was lower caste.

Then Kaniska of the Kushans (an Iranic nomad tribe) and Ashoka of Mauryans were reinvented as great Hindu leaders, when both of them were actually Buddhists.

The historical revisionism is obscene.

It was completely possible for these caste supremacists to sit down with other people of the subcontinent and come to a respectable agreement post-British, but they only made the divisions and hatred even more.

They will burn in their ego and burn India along with it, and from the ashes it will be up to us to create a more equal and respectable system in which Sikhs, Dalits, Muslims, Christians, South Indians, etc. are not oppressed.

shivaji and marathas destroyed temples ......:D:D:D
Do we care? Did we pretend to be "secular" on Wikipedia? You Hindustanis have one big problem - you believe Nehru's propaganda.
look at your post you were talking about indian secularism , you dont have right to speak about secularism because you dont believe in it .
look at your post you were talking about indian secularism , you dont have right to speak about secularism because you dont believe in it .
You clown. You yourself don't believe in it. Your nation is as "secular" as a Hasidic Jew. India simply advertises itself as secular for political advantage.

Modi was on everyone's list for a religious massacre and barred from travel to every civilised part of the world until only 6 or 7 years ago.

How amusing that you believe your own propaganda.
Mughal history of India is chequered...At one point they had 75 percent Indian blood ....Heck even Aurangzeb was insulted by Shah Abbas II as "Blackamoor" and emperor of Blackie Indians.....That's why I consider Aurangzeb as my racial blood brother but ideological opponent...What do Nordic Pakistanis think of "Black Indian" Aurangzeb?

Delhi Sultanate would be considered a foreign occupation by even the most liberal of Indians though


My racial blood brother Aurangzeb was quite Pajeet Looking...even the average Rajput has sharper features and rounder eyes and deeper brow ridge than that...and these are white washed ,boastful court potraits

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Mughal history of India is chequered...At one point they had 75 percent Indian blood ....Heck even Aurangzeb was insulted by Shah Abbas II as "Blackamoor" and emperor of Blackie Indians.....That's why I consider Aurangzeb as my racial blood brother but ideological opponent...What do Nordic Pakistanis think of "Black Indian" Aurangzeb?

Delhi Sultanate would be considered a foreign occupation by even the most liberal of Indians though


My racial blood brother Aurangzeb was quite Pajeet Looking...even the average Rajput has sharper features and rounder eyes and deeper brow ridge than that...and these are white washed ,boastful court potraits


Somehow it reminded me what you said last year :

Even till now many men of the Pak Watan venerate the Heavenly Turkic Wolf Asena when they set up their yurts on the vast open steppe grasslands beside the port of Karachi
Somehow it reminded me what you said last year :
Even till now many men of the Pak Watan venerate the Heavenly Turkic Wolf Asena when they set up their yurts on the vast open steppe grasslands beside the port of Karachi​

I consider third generation Mughal and onwards as Indian emperors.....were some of them horrifyingly bad emperors? Sure...But still Bad Indian/Gangu/Pajeet emperors....They are r/OurGuy
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