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Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

Please don't insult Mexico by putting India in the same league as Mexico. India should be compared with the worst African countries like Somalia. Even relatively wealthy African countries such as South Africa are far better off than India.

India will NEVER EVER get within touching distance of China. The Indian boasting mentality and their primitive culture (caste system, kooky religion, staggering corruption) will make sure they remain a 3rd world failed state for a very very long time!

Any Indian that had any dreams about matching China......continue your dream, because it will always remain a dream.

Very well put. No wonder Indians need the 2030 super Indian movie to delude themselves to feel better. Otherwise, no Indians would be able to brag in here
Coincidentally I was browsing totallycoolpix ... when I came acroos this..
The difference between Chinas rich and poor is just like anywhere else , be it US , UK or India.
Take a look yourselves..

p.s. i am not making joke of less well off people.. so please dont take it in that light.

This is titled , "A Fake Paris in China" google it on the website mentioned above... Im posting just a few pics.






this shown how much our leaders take care of people that cannt afford or don't want to travel to Europe to have a feel of what is it like being in paris this is something you Indians will never understand
U r right about that mate. Our politicians DO like to boast and let one of these statement off their behind , which IS embarrassment.

Although I both , agree and disagree with few things said in the article , i.e.

The infra is way way better in China , I have not been there , yet , which India lacks , the democracy can suck some times. But I wud hate to be forcefully relocated just to make way for a shopping mall.

Disagreed to the part of , " One cannot even walk in Bombay" (WTH is that suppose to mean , this one flew over the top of my head) , beside others!!

Anyway.. both the systems has their share of pros and cons. But personally I wud rather live in a democratic country than in an authoritarian rule. Some may differ.

But comparing India to Somalia , sure LightningBolt do not know a lot about India , its his personal hate that is been reflected here and he know it :P

O.p.e.n. y.o.u.r. m.i.n.d. .. <------ there I wrote nice and slow for U to understand.
So when am I going to be blasted with your xx-00 missile and nukes?

If India has real democracy, than a no confidence vote would have occurred and Singh would be out of power.

The only other explanation is that India does not have real democracy.
Of course - if Bombay disallowed the free movement of people into it, it too would be far easier to develop along the lines of Shanghai - how difficult is it to get the idea that authoritarian regimes can't be compared to democracies. China has a long way to catch up with India. Till then, we will continue to give refugee status to Chinese citizens.

India has a failed government system. If it has a true functioning democracy, than the current government would have fallen a while ago. The fact that a no confidence vote never took place shows that India is not a democracy.

If Western concept of democracy can work so well in Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea..why not China?

Maybe because China also saw that democracy failed in India.
If India has real democracy, than a no confidence vote would have occurred and Singh would be out of power.

The only other explanation is that India does not have real democracy.
..and I agree with U 100% my friend!!
No system in this man made world is fool - proof!!
Sad or what ? :undecided:
this shown how much our leaders take care of people that cannt afford or don't want to travel to Europe to have a feel of what is it like being in paris this is something you Indians will never understand

Gimme a break here mate. Do u REALLY think this will give the feel of Paris to the Chinese folks ... I mean do u really?
Bangladesh tried to replicate the model of Taj Mahal it isnt working that well , if it were it wud have been in the news and people wud go to Bangladesh to view it , not go to India.

I have been to the streets of Champ de Mars , and U just cant replicate the atmosphere , the charm , that s3xy french accent (as many poeple like different accent , dialects and accents I find French and Scottish accent to be up there with my mother tongue ), the little cafes with authentic French cuisine and far far more.
(Just like the west or the Indians cannot give the charm of China Towns without the Chinese doing it)

So my friend Ur logic is flawed!!!
Gimme a break here mate. Do u REALLY think this will give the feel of Paris to the Chinese folks ... I mean do u really?
Bangladesh tried to replicate the model of Taj Mahal it isnt working that well , if it were it wud have been in the news and people wud go to Bangladesh to view it , not go to India.

I have been to the streets of Champ de Mars , and U just cant replicate the atmosphere , the charm , that s3xy french accent (as many poeple like different accent , dialects and accents I find French and Scottish accent to be up there with my mother tongue ), the little cafes with authentic French cuisine and far far more.
(Just like the west or the Indians cannot give the charm of China Towns without the Chinese doing it)

So my friend Ur logic is flawed!!!

flawed my foot as I said you Indians know f all about anything , by your logic people shouldn't have a mobile fone at aLL IF THEY CANNT AFFORD THE IPHONE
@nuclearpak @Oscar

^^^^ sir here is it for you-trolling about rape and toilets,now would you take any action??
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So here's the thing: you land at the Pudong International Airport and get the sense of desolate grandeur and last-mile incompetence that you see at Delhi's T3 white-elephant terminal. The difference is the immigration officials all looked very professional; there were no casual "supervisors" hanging about; no officious flunkies escorting VIPs; the security men were real, not guys scratching their privates.

Unlike any city in India, Shanghai seems to be livable for the average citizen; you can actually walk the streets, which you cannot in any Indian city; its riches seem to have been shared with the people. Roads, sidewalks, gardens, public art and mass transport; they have it all in spades; they also have preserved and enhanced their colonial heritage. "Inclusive growth" is not a slogan here; it's real.

Shanghai Surprise by Capital Letter : Rajiv Desai 's blog-The Times Of India

Typical TOI news,whats the problem with Delhi terminal 3?And for Chinese members boasting about skyscrapers-you know how many supertalls are under construction in Mumbai ??
U r right about that mate. Our politicians DO like to boast and let one of these statement off their behind , which IS embarrassment.

Although I both , agree and disagree with few things said in the article , i.e.

The infra is way way better in China , I have not been there , yet , which India lacks , the democracy can suck some times. But I wud hate to be forcefully relocated just to make way for a shopping mall.

Disagreed to the part of , " One cannot even walk in Bombay" (WTH is that suppose to mean , this one flew over the top of my head) , beside others!!

Anyway.. both the systems has their share of pros and cons. But personally I wud rather live in a democratic country than in an authoritarian rule. Some may differ.

But comparing India to Somalia , sure LightningBolt do not know a lot about India , its his personal hate that is been reflected here and he know it :P

O.p.e.n. y.o.u.r. m.i.n.d. .. <------ there I wrote nice and slow for U to understand.
So when am I going to be blasted with your xx-00 missile and nukes?

Forcefully relocated to make way for a public work&#65311;

I have a small apartment&#65288;bequesthed by my grandmother&#65292;mother side&#65289;in a run-down area of Shanghai&#12290;

I have been eagerly waiting for the “relocation order” for years&#65292;for&#65292;according to the current relocation policy&#65292;the tiny 35-m2 property can either be exchanged for TWO 120m2 flats in the suburb or 5 million yuan in cash&#12290;

Many city folks got “rich” because they were “forcefully” relocated in Shanghai and other cities&#12290;

Have me relocated as soon as possible&#12290;PLS&#12290;:)
Forcefully relocated to make way for a public work&#65311;

I have a small apartment&#65288;bequesthed by my grandmother&#65292;mother side&#65289;in a run-down area of Shanghai&#12290;

I have been eagerly waiting for the “relocation order” for years&#65292;for&#65292;according to the current relocation policy&#65292;the tiny 35-m2 property can either be exchanged for TWO 120m2 flats in the suburb or 5 million yuan in cash&#12290;

Many city folks got “rich” because they were “forcefully” relocated in Shanghai and other cities&#12290;

Have me relocated as soon as possible&#12290;PLS&#12290;:)

Haha, I have an apartment in Mid-Levels in HK, which has one of the highest property prices in the world.

I can't imagine how much "compensation" I would get in the event of a relocation. :D

Though that is never going to happen here of course. Oh well. :P
I'm not entirely sure that India is democratic. Democracy and dynastic rule are rather difficult to reconcile. From Nehru to Indira to Rajiv to Sonia, where does India have room for democracy?

In what other non-monarchy can you find such an unbroken string of rulers from the same family? Oh, that's right, North Korea!
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