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Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

India premier said in 2004: in 5 years people will forget Shanghai and talk about Mumbai

India does love to boast. :P

thats why Indian are treated as some sort of jokes in the world, and yet they dont know about it``
Of course - if Bombay disallowed the free movement of people into it, it too would be far easier to develop along the lines of Shanghai - how difficult is it to get the idea that authoritarian regimes can't be compared to democracies. China has a long way to catch up with India. Till then, we will continue to give refugee status to Chinese citizens.

feudal society is what best suits india atm, it has nothing to do with democracy
no female rights
world biggest un-norished population
absolute social and political power enjoyed by high caste
worst level of poverty

i guess these are the characters of 'democracy' in Indians delusion
feudal society is what best suits india atm, it has nothing to do with democracy
no female rights
world biggest un-norished population
absolute social and political power enjoyed by high caste
worst level of poverty

i guess these are the characters of 'democracy' in Indians delusion

Do you mean like this?

If Western concept of democracy can work so well in Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea..why not China?

this shows the level of intellectual capability of ordinary indian.

their political systems are vastly different, every country they have their own form of rulling and governing systems, the so called democracy is just a lose term derived from ancient greeks

even North Korea calls itself democracy so does India which these two countries are very close in terms of malnutration, poverty, social development and equally deluded
feudal society is what best suits india atm, it has nothing to do with democracy
no female rights
world biggest un-norished population
absolute social and political power enjoyed by high caste
worst level of poverty

i guess these are the characters of 'democracy' in Indians delusion

And imagine - even if all of this were true - still we have Chinese citizens seeking refugee status in India. How bad must things be there.
Please don't insult Mexico by putting India in the same league as Mexico. India should be compared with the worst African countries like Somalia. Even relatively wealthy African countries such as South Africa are far better off than India.

India will NEVER EVER get within touching distance of China. The Indian boasting mentality and their primitive culture (caste system, kooky religion, staggering corruption) will make sure they remain a 3rd world failed state for a very very long time!

Any Indian that had any dreams about matching China......continue your dream, because it will always remain a dream.

Please do not insult India by putting India in the same league as China in BRICS. China should be compared to the worst technologically backward countries of the world when quality of technologically challenging goods is considered. Even countries like Ukraine which has an economy that is just 2% of the Chinese economy is much more technologically advanced.than China.

IL-76 (Soviet made) - First flight - 1971
Chinese copy of IL-76, Y-20 (largely Russian/Ukrainian made) - First flight - 2013 (a full 42 years later!!!!! SHOCK SHOCK
Chinese Y-20 (Chinese/Maoist made) - First flight - ONLY GOD KNOWS

China will NEVER EVER get within touching distance of India. The Chinese boasting mentality and their primitive culture (worship of mass murderer/greatest rapist ever Mao who is still worshiped after killing 70 million Chinese, staggering corruption, memorials to Mao throughout the country, mentality to act like locusts, as seen in Hong Kong) will make sure they remain a 3rd world failed state for a very very long time!

a simple natural resource like oil made some Arabs rich and not their brain power. In the same way, the willingness to be exploited and work like slaves under the supervision of Maoists and their multinational corporation friends has made China a big economy.

Any Chinese that had any dreams about matching India in quality... continue your dream, because it will always remain a dream as far as Maoists are in power. Throw away the Maoists and their running dogs in the PLA and on net and everywhere in civic life in China into labor camps and the country will be saved.

PS: I received an infarct for using "paid running dogs of Chinese Maoists on internet" word while Pakistani, Chinese and Arab users get away by using much worse vile language and expletives and name calling.
Its not Indians who are opening such threads,

irrespective of how ahead some people get, their degenerate narcissistic perversion (in this case Han chavunism) makes it unbearable to bear the fact that people they consider lower than them do not acknowledge their supremacy. Hence symptoms exhibited on this thread and those on Vietnamese or Pinoy threads are an example
Don´t get me wrong.

Personally I wish India can tackle domestic problems and rise to a level that you can challenge China in the region. Vietnam needs a strong India to counterbalance the greedy Chinese in Asia.
Don´t get me wrong.

Personally I wish India can tackle domestic problems and rise to a level that you can challenge China in the region. Vietnam needs a strong India to counterbalance the greedy Chinese in Asia.

We're also hoping the same. Hopefully next year there might be change.
I won't tear down Indian's fake democracy mask, which is their only "proud". At least, they really should have something to be proud of on international stage, we should understand it and keep quite.
I won't tear down Indian's fake democracy mask, which is their only "proud". At least, they really should have something to be proud of on international stage, we should understand it and keep quite.

:lol: at servants of Chinese Communist party,who are calling India a 'fake democracy'
:lol: at servants of Chinese Communist party,who are calling India a 'fake democracy'

Yes, we are definitely not democracy, so do you. Every term, you elected corrupted politicians, and this is your only choice. You are no better than China. Why do you waste time electing?
Yes, we are definitely not democracy, so do you. Every term, you elected corrupted politicians, and this is your only choice. You are no better than China. Why do you waste time electing?

At least we get a chance to elect our leaders and we have the right to protest against government too.
If Western concept of democracy can work so well in Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea..why not China?
cause of the huge population.You should know the news which is happening in japan.Many japanese(much more than half) oppose the New security law of Japan,but so what?Abe Shinzo ignored the voice of japanese?where is your democracy? You should also know ordinary folks have not enough knowledge and ablility to make policy,they don't know what is IGBT STATCOM Tokamak PX entangled quantum effect,they can just oppose oppose oppose by misleading of media.

At least we get a chance to elect our leaders and we have the right to protest against government too.
so what?do you have right to make policies?yes,you can select your leader,because he/she said that the government would reduce the tax rate and improve the economy......but you will find your country still like 5 years ago.
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