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Mumbai siege ends...


Mar 14, 2008
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Indian forces kill last gunmen in Mumbai

By JENNY BARCHFIELD and RAMOLA TALWAR BADAM, Associated Press Writers Jenny Barchfield And Ramola Talwar Badam, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 59 mins ago

MUMBAI, India – A 60-hour terror rampage that killed at least 195 people across India's financial capital ended Saturday when commandos killed the last three gunmen inside a luxury hotel while it was engulfed in flames.

Authorities searched for any remaining captives hiding in their rooms and began to shift their focus to who was behind the attacks, which killed 18 foreigners including six Americans.

A previously unknown Muslim group with a name suggesting origins inside India claimed responsibility for the attack, but Indian officials said the sole surviving gunman was from Pakistan and pointed a finger of blame at their neighbor and rival.

Islamabad denied involvement and promised to help in the investigation. A team of FBI agents also was on its way to India to lend assistance.

Some 295 people also were wounded in the violence that started when heavily armed assailants attacked 10 sites across Mumbai on Wednesday night. At least 20 soldiers and police were among the dead.

Orange flames and black smoke engulfed the landmark 565-room Taj Mahal hotel after dawn Saturday as Indian forces ended the siege there in a hail of gunfire, just hours after elite commandos stormed a Jewish center and found at least eight hostages dead.

"There were three terrorists, we have killed them," said J.K. Dutt, director general of India's elite National Security Guard commando unit.

Later, adoring crowds surrounded six buses carrying weary, unshaven commandos, shaking their hands and giving them flowers. The commandos, dressed in black fatigues, said they had been ordered not to talk about the operation, but said they had not slept since the ordeal began. One sat sipping a bottle of water and holding a pink rose.

With the end of one of the most brazen terror attacks in India's history, attention turned from the military operation to questions of who was behind the attack and the heavy toll on human life.

The bodies of New York Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife, Rivkah, were found at the Jewish center. Their son, Moshe, who turned 2 on Saturday, was scooped up by an employee Thursday as she fled the building. Two Israelis and another American were also killed in the house, said Rabbi Zalman Schmotkin, a spokesman for the Chabad Lubavitch movement, which ran the center.

In Jerusalem, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said eight bodies had been discovered in the Jewish center and that officials were investigating the possibility of there being a ninth.

Among the foreigners killed in the attacks were six Americans, according to the U.S. Embassy. The dead also included Germans, Canadians, Israelis and nationals from Britain, Italy, Japan, China, Thailand, Australia and Singapore.

By Saturday morning the death toll was at 195, the deadliest attack in India since 1993 serial bombings in Mumbai killed 257 people. But officials said the toll from the three days of carnage was likely to rise as more bodies were brought out of the hotels.

"There is a limit a city can take. This is a very, very different kind of fear. It will be some time before things get back to normal," said Ayesha Dar, a 33-year-old homemaker.

Indians began cremating their dead, many of them security force members killed fighting the gunmen. In the southern city of Bangalore, black clad commandos formed an honor guard for the flag-draped coffin of Maj. Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who was killed in the fighting at the Taj Mahal hotel.

"He gave up his own life to save the others," Dutt said from Mumbai.

A group called Deccan Mujahideen, which alludes to a region in southern India traditionally ruled by Muslim kings, claimed responsibility for the attack, but Indian officials pointed the finger at neighboring Pakistan.

On Saturday, officials said they believed that just 10 gunmen had taken part in the attack. "Nine were killed and one was captured," Maharshta state Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told reporters. "We are interrogating him."

Deshmukh's deputy, R.R. Patil, identified the gunman as a Pakistani national, Mohammad Ajmal Qasam.

The gunmen had sophisticated equipment and used "GPS, mobile and satellite phones to communicate," Patil said. "They were constantly in touch with a foreign country," he said, refusing to give further details.

On Friday, India's foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, told reporters that evidence indicated "some elements in Pakistan are responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks."

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani insisted his country was not involved. His government was sending an intelligence official to assist in the probe.

Deshmukh said the attackers arrived by sea.

On Saturday the Indian navy said it was investigating whether a trawler found drifting off the coast of Mumbai, with a bound corpse on board, was used in the attack.

Navy spokesman Capt. Manohar Nambiar said the trawler, named Kuber, had been found Thursday and was brought to Mumbai. Officials said they believe the boat had sailed from a port in the neighboring state of Gujarat.

Indian security officers believe many of the gunmen may have reached the city using a black and yellow rubber dinghy found near the site of the attacks.

In the U.S., President-elect Barack Obama said he was closely monitoring the situation. "These terrorists who targeted innocent civilians will not defeat India's great democracy, nor shake the will of a global coalition to defeat them," he said in a statement.

On Friday, commandos killed the last two gunmen inside the luxury Oberoi hotel, where 24 bodies had been found, authorities said.

But in the most dramatic of the counterstrikes Friday, masked Indian commandos rappelled from a helicopter to the rooftop of the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish center.

For nearly 12 hours, explosions and gunfire erupted from the five-story building as the commandos fought their way downward, while thousands of people gathered behind barricades in the streets to watch. At one point, Indian forces fired a rocket at the building.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel's Channel 1 TV that some of the victims found at the center had been bound.

The attackers were well-prepared, carrying large bags of almonds to keep up their energy during a long siege. One backpack found contained 400 rounds of ammunition.

India has been shaken repeatedly by terror attacks blamed on Muslim militants in recent years, but most were bombings striking crowded places: markets, street corners, parks. Mumbai — one of the most highly populated cities in the world with some 18 million people — was hit by a series of bombings in July 2006 that killed 187 people.

The latest attacks began Wednesday at about 9:20 p.m. with shooters spraying gunfire across the Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station. For the next two hours, there was an attack roughly every 15 minutes — the Jewish center, a tourist restaurant, one hotel, then another, and two attacks on hospitals.


Associated Press writers Ravi Nessman, Erika Kinetz and Anita Chang contributed to this report from Mumbai, and Foster Klug and Lara Jakes Jordan contributed from Washington

Indian forces kill last gunmen in Mumbai - Yahoo! News
congratulations to the Indian forces...but dont you think it took quite long time to finish off 15-20 guerillas? the indian commandos were hundreds in number. And many people are frustrated with the performance of the Indian intellegence.
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congratulations to the Indian forces...but dont you think it took quite long time to finish off 15-20 guerillas? the indian commandos were hundreds in number. And many people are frustrated with the performance of the Indian intellence.

Because of hostages unfortunately terrorist killed the last hostage today.
US expert calls Mumbai terrorist attacks ‘a domestic issue’

NEW YORK, Nov 28 (APP): A senior American political scientist and a South Asia expert has cautioned against rushing to blame any one for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, saying India’s domestic problems and long tensions between local communities were at the root of the rise of terrorism in the South Asian country.

“This is a domestic issue,” Christine Fair of the Rand Corporation, a conservative think‑tank, was quoted as saying in the course of a New York Times dispatch on Friday in which security officials and experts pointed out that that the assaults represented a marked departure in scope and ambition from other recent terrorist attacks in India, which targeted local people rather than foreigners and hit single rather than multiple targets.

Ms. Fair said: “The economic disparities are startling and India has been very slow to publicly embrace its rising Muslim problem”.

“This is a major domestic political challenge for India,” she said.

“Indians will have a strong incentive to link this to Al Qaeda,” she said. “But this is a domestic issue. This is not India’s 9/11.”

But Ms. Fair said insisted the style of the attacks and the targets in Mumbai suggested the militants were likely to be local persons and not linked to Al Qaeda or abroad.

For full article: Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - US expert calls Mumbai terrorist attacks ‘a domestic issue’
3 dayz your elite force what happened it was only 15-20 terriost and they mange to get out of the boat and run with all the supplies in the hotels how can that happened hum !
PAF on red alert... IAF expected to act foolish.
US experts caution against jumping to conclusions on Mumbai attacks

WASHINGTON, Nov 29 (APP): Asking Washington to ensure that the Mumbai terrorists attacks do not reverse progress in Pakistan-India peace process, American experts have warned against any finger pointing over the issue before investigation reveals facts.

“I think a great deal of caution has to be urged here, not revenge, but restraint. Wait until we get the facts before we start the finger pointing, because this is too serious a matter to allow the charges and counter charges to take place,” William Cohen, former US defense secretary said.

He felt New Delhi was exercising restraint and hoped that that both the Indian government and Pakistani government would send their senior officials to sit down and see if they can cooperate and find out who is responsible.

Former U.S. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who served under President Bill Clinton, agreed in a CNN appearance that “the first facts are always suspect,” although he saw some al-Qaeda hand in the attacks.

“We cannot jump to conclusions here. We need to let the investigations proceed.”

He said there are groups that operate inside and outside India but thought the outside groups will be at heart of the investigation.

On Washington’s role towards preserving peace in the region, he said the United States has good relations with both India and with Pakistan. In the past when there have been confrontations between India and Pakistan and the United States played a very valuable role.

“We can talk to both of these parties in a way, of course, that they can’t talk to themselves. And I think that’s a very important role that we have to play.”
people! don't you think its time to alleviate? no really.
i actually think that we can manage to disagree amicably.don't dwell on it.its over now.
both sides.the insolent behaviour can provoke the aversion or mabye the prejudice.thanks!
The only faridkot I can find is in India?

Faridkot (Punjabi: ਫ਼ਰੀਦਕੋਟ; Hindi: फ़रीदकोट) is a small city and a municipal council in Faridkot district in the state of Punjab, India.

It has been named after the great Sufi Saint Baba Sheik Fariduddin Ganjshakar, whose verses are mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib the holy book of Sikh religion.[1] Previously it was called Mokalhar.[1]

The main crops of the city are wheat, paddy and cotton. Industries of the town include cotton handling, from ginning to baling, as well as manufacture of machine tools, sewing machines, and bicycles.

Faridkot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well the war of words goes on and on ,endlessly. But the bottomline is that, who suffers ,is common man be it India or Pakistan or Any other country.
Mods, please close or merge this thread as issue is alreay being discussed here.
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