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Mumbai cops armed with rocket launchers, sniper rifles


Feb 21, 2014
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MUMBAI: Post 26/11 terror attacks, Mumbai cops' arsenal has been beefed up with advanced and sophisticated weapons.

These include rocket launchers, under barrel grenade launchers (UBGL), automatic grenade launchers (AGL), sniper rifles, mortars, projector grenades, corner shot weapons and cord-detonating explosives. That apart, cops have also got a large number of general weapons such as SLRs, AK-47s, Insas rifles, machine guns and stun guns.

This data has been procured by activist Chetan Kothari in response to a query under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Kothari said the quantity of weapons, of both Indian and foreign make, shows the Mumbai police force is prepared to combat any terror-like situation. "The main question that arises now is whether the force is well-trained to handle such weapons. Also, whether the weapons will work properly during emergency," he said.

Mumbai police spokesperson DCP Mahesh Patil said the department has been using sophisticated weapons post 26/11. "These weapons provide the force with an added edge to combat any terror-like situation. Experts from companies that deliver these weapons train the force in using them," said Patil.

The RTI query revealed the city police have 14 rocket launchers, 391 grenade launchers, 44 mortar, eight sniper rifles, 29,373 SLRs, 3,975 AK-47s and 3,916 Insas rifles and over 4,000 machine and stun guns.

The department also purchased 4,500 bullet-proof jackets in a span of 11 months, between March 2011 and January 2012.

Maharashtra state inspector general (law and order) Deven Bharti told TOI: "After 26/11, the state government purchased rocket and grenade launchers, snipers and other advanced weapons. These highly sophisticated weapons are used by special forces such as the Anti-Naxal Force and Force One in Mumbai. Even cops from other important metros have got such weapons."


(Force One, the special police unit trained to take on terrorists in an urban setting, TOI photo)

A senior IPS officer, who requested anonymity, said the city police had faced flak for using outdated arms to counter terrorists in the 26/11 attacks. "These sophisticated arms have been mainly procured from the US and Germany.

The new weapons include rocket and grenade launchers, sniper rifles apart from MP5, MP9 and colt firearms, which were only used by paramilitary forces, are now also with the city police," he said.

Post 26/11, immediate measures were taken to deal with emergency situations by arming city police with new combat vehicles, state-of-the-art weaponry and commandos trained in latest technique. "We have ensured we get the best weapons for our men. We have procured a few and will get more in the future," former Maharashtra state director general D Sivanandhan had said in August 2009.

Mumbai cops armed with rocket launchers, sniper rifles post 26/11: RTI - The Times of India
Machine is as good as man behind machine. I hope training of Mumbai police is upto mark.

I wish number of sniper rifles were more.

All major cities of India should upgrade their policing capabilities.Functional CCTVs at all important public places may help tremendously.
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Thats as IF another 26/11 would happen in Mumbai.....
The next attack could be in Banglore,Delhi,Chennai, just anywhere.
I hope the forces atleast in the metropolitan cities are not using the outdated weapons.
Thats as IF another 26/11 would happen in Mumbai.....
The next attack could be in Banglore,Delhi,Chennai, just anywhere.
I hope the forces atleast in the metropolitan cities are not using the outdated weapons.

They might look for b and c cities which are more vulnerable..... Cochin, Coimbatore, nagpur, etc etc
They might look for b and c cities which are more vulnerable..... Cochin, Coimbatore, nagpur, etc etc
But is it really tangible if I say the forces in all such cities should be well equipped???
I think such forces come under the state government , so would the state government have funds enough to equip its men???
Kolkata Police mostly relies on World War 2 era rifle still. Damn "Sarkari" lethargy and apathy.
But is it really tangible if I say the forces in all such cities should be well equipped???
I think such forces come under the state government , so would the state government have funds enough to equip its men???

Our police forces are one of the weakest in the world.... Both in quality and quantity...... A policeman get peanuts as his pay.... and if you pay peanuts .....

Well there should a reform in police..... Recruitment and Training
Our police forces are one of the weakest in the world.... Both in quality and quantity...... A policeman get peanuts as his pay.... and if you pay peanuts .....

Well there should a reform in police..... Recruitment and Training
Yes I am aware of that fact.The bribe they take looks justified.

Do you mean these men are not trained well either??
Yes I am aware of that fact.The bribe they take looks justified.

Do you mean these men are not trained well either??

That is why i said Quality and quantity..... India has one of the lowest police, population ratios..... I have seen few newly recruited policemen in kerala (they were working in one of my franchisees), i was shocked to hear that 1 guy is selected for police.... How can you train a person when he is not fit to be in that post?????

The only thing which i see growing in local police is their "Tummy"

Feel pitty for malnourished indian police sticks (oh sorry men)

I gave you 2 negative ratings for your trolling.....You haven't learnt anything from it.... Why troll in every thread mate?
Umm looks like the mumbai police is taking a cue from the kashmir CT ops weapons package
The grenade launcher should be the indian version of the gustav
Rocket launcher eh?I assume it to be the israeli B300.
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