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Mumbai handlers in Pakistan cheer after ordering murders over phone - The Long War Journal

Written by Bill Roggio on January 7, 2009 11:20 PM to The Long War Journal

The Pakistan-based handlers of the Mumbai terrorists ordered the murders of civilians over the phone and cheered after hearing the gunfire, according to the dossier of evidence India provided to the Pakistani government.

The documents, obtained by the Indian newspaper The Hindu, provides a cold, calculating, and chilling look at the masterminds behind the late November military-style assault on the Indian financial capital of Mumbai. More than 170 people were killed and hundreds wounded during the 60 hour terror spree that shut down the city. The Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terror group allied with al Qaeda and supported by powerful elements within Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the military, carried out the attack.

Six Pakistani handlers monitored the news coverage from Mumbai and kept in constant touch with the terrorists holed up in Nariman House and the Taj Mahal and Trident hotels during the three day siege. The handlers are identified as Zarar, Kafa, Wassi, Jundal, Buzurg, and “Major General.”

Zarar has been identified as Zarar Shah, the Lashkar-e-Taiba communications expert who set up the network that allowed the Mumbai terrorists to speak with Lashkar-e-Taiba commanders in Pakistan during the attack. He also served as a key liaison between the terror group and Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency. Zarar is currently in Pakistani custody and has admitted to his role in the Mumbai attacks.

The identity of the other handlers has not been provided, but India has accused elements within Pakistan’s intelligence service and the military of supporting the attack. The handler identified as “Major General” implies the involvement of a current or former military officer. The Inter-Service Intelligence agency is a branch of the Pakistani military. The ISI chief and Army corps commanders achieve the rank of Major General or Lieutenant General.


Former ISI chief Hamid Gul.

A senior US military intelligence official familiar with the dossier said that the "Major General" is indeed Hamid Gul, the retired former chief of the ISI. "It's Gul," the official told The Long War Journal. "This is why the US is trying to get him on the UN list of terrorists." In December 2008 the US attempted to get Hamid Gul and other former military and intelligence officials added to the UN list of designated terrorists but has so far been rebuffed.

The Pakistan-based handlers provided real-time intelligence and directed the terrorists to killed specific hostages.

The exchange between Mumbai terrorists Fahadullah and Abdul Rehman operating at the Trident Hotel and their Pakistani handlers provides a terrifying look at the minds of the masterminds behind the attack. The exchange shows they planned and executed the attack for maximum media coverage, ordered the murder of hostages, and cheered after the murders were carried out.

“Brother Abdul. The media is comparing your action to 9/11,” one unidentified handler said. “One senior police official has been killed,” referring to the chief of the Anti-Terrorism Squad killed in an earlier gunfight.

“We are on the10th/11th floor,” Abdul Rehman responded. “We have five hostages.”

“Everything is being recorded by the media,” the handler identified as Kafa told Rehman. “Inflict the maximum damage. Keep fighting. Don’t be taken alive.”

“Kill all hostages, except the two Muslims,” the other handler told Rehman and Fahadullah. “Keep your phone switched on so that we can hear the gunfire.”

“We have three foreigners, including women,” Fahadullah said. “From Singapore and China.”

“Kill them,” the handler said.

According to the dossier, Abdul Rehman and Fahadullah are recorded ordering all of the hostages except for two Muslims to stand in line. The terrorists then shot and killed the hostages.

The handlers are heard cheering in the background. Kafa then orders the Trident-based terrorists to “find the way to go downstairs.”

In another exchange, also during the early morning of November 27, one of the terrorists operating from the Taj informed his handler that senior Indian political leaders were in the hotel. The handler excitedly orders the terrorist to find them.

“There are three ministers and one secretary of the cabinet in your hotel. We don’t know in which room,” a handler said.

“Oh! That is good news,” a terrorist responded.

“It is the icing on the cake! Find those 3-4 persons and then get whatever you want from India,” the handler said.

“Pray that we find them,” the terrorist responded.

In a separate call, also to the Taj-based terrorists, the handler reiterates the importance of finding the ministers and orders the terrorists to set the hotel ablaze.

“Your work is very important,” the handler said. “Allah is helping you. The wazir (Indian minister) should not escape. Try and set the place on fire.”

In the early evening of November 27, the handler identified as Wassi instructs the terrorists at Nariman House to kill the hostages as soon as they become a “burden” and hoped to create a diplomatic row between Israel and India. Nariman House is an orthodox Jewish center.

“Keep in mind that hostages are of use only as long as you do not come under fire because of their safety,” Wassi said. “If you are still threatened, then don’t saddle yourself with the burden of the hostages. Immediately kill them.”

“The [Indian] Army claims to have done the work without any hostage being harmed,” Wassi then said, referring to the commandos deployed to rescue the hostages. “Another thing: Israel has made a request through diplomatic channels to save the hostages. If the hostages are killed, it will spoil relations between India and Israel.”

“So be it, God willing,” one of the terrorist at Nariman House responded.

Click here to read the Indian dossier obtained by The Hindu.The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence
A senior US military intelligence official familiar with the dossier said that the "Major General" is indeed Hamid Gul, the retired former chief of the ISI. "It's Gul," the official told The Long War Journal. "This is why the US is trying to get him on the UN list of terrorists." In December 2008 the US attempted to get Hamid Gul and other former military and intelligence officials added to the UN list of designated terrorists but has so far been rebuffed.

Mistake, he is a Retired Lt. General not Major General.

This is Just another piece of BS from India.
and come on its obvious. US is desperately tryin to get Hamid Gul in terror list. and y wouldnt US do this when he is the one who openly speaks against US.
OK Jarnee
u r rite..... for the above... but first lets strike together on the following organisations working in India...


1. United Liberation Front of Assam ( ULFA )
2. National Democratic Front of Bodoland ( NDFB ) in Assam
3. People’s Liberation Army ( PLA )
4. United National Liberation Front ( UNLF )
5. People’s Revolutionary party of Kangleipak ( PREPAK )
6. Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)
7. Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup ( KYKL )
8. Manipur People’s Liberation Front ( MPLF )
9. Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF ) in Manipur
10. All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF)
11. National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT ) in Tripura
12. Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC)
13. Achik National Volunteer Council ( ANVC ) in Meghalaya
14. Babbar Khalsa International
15. Khalistan Commando Force
16. International Sikh Youth Federation
17. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
18 Students Islamic Movement Of India
19. Deendar Anjuman
20. Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-People’s War, All Its Formations And Front rganisations
21. Maoist Communist Centre (MCC), All Its Formations And Front Organisations
22. Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA)
23. Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)
24. Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj (ABNES)
25. Peoples Progressive Party (PPP)/Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP-C), All Its Formations And Front Organisations

That's quite a list, and if our esteemed neighbors have the will and logistical equipment to help us finish off these scumbags then by all means you are welcome to help support the Indian forces to route these morons. But then dont the Pakistani forces have their hands full what with one hand fighting the FATA and NWFP taliban while on the other hand some 'rogue elements' supporting the likes of LeT or HM etc?

Lets know when your hands are free and you will be more then welcome, if willing, to assist the Indian forces to help them against some of these above listed Indian morons. LOL, Yes we do have some morons in India, Mumbai's Raj Thackeray being one of the biggest!!!
Everyone know where the terrorists come from,If US army could control the terrorists in Afghanistan instead of pursuing them into Pakistan,If Indian did a better job on the national security,none of these terrorist attacks will happen, US army just make the world worse ,and India is so afraid to make a voice against US,you indian just can't wait to find a reason to start a war in order to divert your attention from your own mess,just like US did in Iraq

Listen my friend,
We all know where the so called "terrorists" originate from. Its an all together different ballgame as to the reasons why these people do what they do! India, China and Pakistan all are having to deal with these cowardly terrorist acts.
Yes Indian agencies have been caught napping many a times, but then you gotta have a taste of India's environment as to why people here resist more govt control and scrutiny!

India's in a mess?? Interesting, I wonder why after having stayed there for so many years, and visiting my home after staying here in US, I dont feel/see the mess!! That is a very high handed comment, coming from a person, who if I am right, hasnt even been outside his country let alone India! You my friend have no idea what you are talking about. No Indian denies that there are some problems persisting in India, but surprise, unlike the others, Indian govt along with its people are working these kinks out! Well here's a pointer, the Indian govt doesnt 'tell' people what to do, the govt forms its policies and the Indians work to realize it! BTW India elects its representatives, unlike some of our neighbors.

Coming to the topic, FYI, India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of the 'famous' PAF/PA/PN. The question more importantly is - What would the objectives of such a strike be? Terrorist training camps? Those which are just mere huts and tents in a clearing and which can be moved around on a moments notice?

Even if India went ahead with a strike, it would only result in a retaliation by the PAF or the PA, which again doesnt make sense regarding the objectives of the strike. This would lead to a full fledged war between the neighbors, and now with the US and ISAF in A-stan and the world's eyes on Pakistan, a full scale war would be very risky, if not devastating, for Pakistan. Not to mention the economic damage it would cause to both these countries. India could still recover from it, but then what about Pakistan? Now that would be asking for trouble in the neighbourhood if Pakistan's economy tanks completely!!

FYI just recently after the Mumbai atrocity by some morons, who co-incidently happened to be Pakistani nationals, there was a feeling that the right wing party would get the upper hand in some states' elections. The results were contrary to the expectations of some right wingers, just goes on to show what and why Indian electorate chose what they chose.

Another angle to be considered with such a strike are the consequences in Pakistani society. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!
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Ha Mr. Moderator!
So you cannot digest an argument which counters your point of view? Doesnt it smack of dictatorial tendencies or is it because Pakistan has been under dictatorial rule for much of its post-independence years that some of the tendencies have brushed off on some of its people?

Giving the benefit of doubt to the moderator, with all respect, I dont know why the "offending" post was deleted. If it contained foul language, unbecoming of a forum member, then accept my apologies, if not, if it was merely countering your point of view in being anti-Pakistan, then ....

Hanmya you are treading on thin ice here. You do not criticise MODS on a PAKISTANI (you are a guest here after all) website. If you have issue discuss it with the MOD in question and if you feel you have been aggrieved talk to a ADMIN What you don't do is whine about decisions on a open forum.
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Fears in US about Mumbai-type attacks

WASHINGTON: The terrorist attacks in Mumbai have dramatically damaged Pakistan’s image in the United States where a consensus seems to be emerging that the terrorists may be planning a Mumbai like attack on this country as well and that if such an attack happens, it will originate in Pakistan.

During the last two days, more than a dozen senior US officials, lawmakers and terrorism experts discussed various scenarios for a possible terrorist attack on the United States. All pointed their fingers at Pakistan.

And these were not unnamed intelligence officials who in the past discussed such scenarios with the US media on the condition that they remained anonymous.

These were all senior officials and lawmakers – such as Gen. David H. Petraeus, the new head of the US Central Command, Ken Wainstein, the White House national security adviser and Senator Joe Lieberman, chairman Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs committee. And they were all speaking on the record.

There were differences among them on the nature of the next terrorist attack on the United States but not on its source. All agreed that the terrorists hiding in Pakistan’s tribal areas are already planning such an attack.

Before the Mumbai attacks, US officials and terrorism experts focused on terrorists acquiring a so-called ‘dirty bomb’; a small nuclear, chemical or biological device big enough to cause serious damage to a major US city.

But the Mumbai attack seems to have changed their views. ‘US cities are vulnerable to an attack like the gun-and-grenade assault that terrorised Mumbai for three days and killed 179 people, warned the White House homeland security adviser,’ warned Mr Wainstein.

The US Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs committee, which held a special hearing on the Mumbai attacks on Thursday evening, agreed.

The lawmakers, who participated in the hearing, admitted that they fear a Mumbai like attack could happen in the United States.

And Gen. David H. Petraeus, the man responsible for winning the war against terror, warned that the United States will need to make a ‘sustained, substantial’ commitment if it wants to stop the Taliban and al-Qaeda militants hiding in Fata from resurging in Afghanistan.

Gen. Petraeus linked Afghanistan's fortunes directly to Pakistan's, where, he observed, a US-backed civilian government was struggling and the country's ability to control militants along its border with Afghanistan was in doubt.

‘Afghanistan and Pakistan have, in many ways, merged into a single problem set, and the way forward in Afghanistan is incomplete without a strategy that includes and assists Pakistan,’ and also takes into account Pakistan's troubled relationship with rival India, Gen. Petraeus said.

The need to fight al-Qaeda and Taliban militants hiding in Pakistan’s tribal region was even included in a national agenda that Democrats issued a day after the new Congress was sworn in.

The Democrats, who are now a majority in the US legislature, want a deeper US involvement in fighting the terrorists hiding in Fata.

Mr Wainstein told a Washington think tank the Mumbai attacks in November showed the effectiveness of a low-technology coordinated assault on an open city.

He did not rule out the possibility of terrorists in Fata acquiring a ‘dirty bomb’ and recalled that in December of 2001, ‘we and the United Nations designated as a supporter of terrorism a group of Pakistani scientists and former government officials —known as the UTN —who had worked with the Taliban and had previously discussed nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons with Osama bin Laden.’

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, the number two Democrat in the Senate, stressed that by refocusing our resources on al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, and Pakistan … we will protect our nation from other deadly weapons and will share more effectively in the fight against terrorism.’

Senator Lieberman insisted that ‘they (Pakistanis) and we know’ that there’re terrorist camps inside Pakistan. ‘They need to finish them,’ he added.

The Pakistanis, he said, also need to ensure that ‘there are no links between terrorists and their intelligence agencies.’

Mr Lieberman said he knew that President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani were trying to uproot terrorism from their country ‘but unfortunately the contacts between the terrorists and Pakistani intelligence agencies remain.’

The United States, he said, did not want the alleged terrorist camps in Pakistan to close just because of what happened in Mumbai. ‘We want this because the camps also provide refuge to radical elements from the US and they are risk for our security as well.’

Donald Van Duyn, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said the attacks in Mumbai show how ordinary weapons can cause mass casualties. ‘It comes as no surprise that a small, disciplined team of highly trained individuals can wreak the level of havoc that we saw in Mumbai. Other terrorist groups will no doubt take note of and seek to emulate the Mumbai attacks,’ he said.

Those involved in the Mumbai attacks, about 10 in all, were armed with automatic rifles and grenades, and carried global positioning devices when they came ashore on speedboats and descended on hotels and restaurants and other sites, taking and killing hostages.

Charles Allen, the chief intelligence officer at the Homeland Security Department, said his agency is working with intelligence and law enforcement officials in India to identify and monitor would-be terrorists who may be scoping out potential targets here in the United States.
Source of the article please..?
I find it very one-sided and too biased.
Accusation should not be made without evidence: David Mulford
Updated at: 2140 PST, Friday, January 09, 2009
NEW DELHI: The US ambassador to India David C Mulford said here on Friday that accusations should not be made without evidence in Mumbai terror attacks. When asked by reporters about the Indian Prime Minister’s observation that Pakistan’s agencies could be “involved” in Mumbai terror attacks, he said “I don’t think we want to take a view that we make accusations against certain parties without the usual evidences, proofs.”

The US has been pressing for deeper understanding in Pakistan of the roots of the problem of terrorism, he said.

“When Americans are killed anywhere, we pursue those people and that is what we are upto in Pakistan. We will press ahead and we will do it non‑stop as long as it takes,” he said.

“Like India, we have a common agenda—we want to see Pakistan succeed, not fail, not become a serious problem, not become a failed state. That is the American agenda,” media reports quoting him said.
Listen my friend,
We all know where the so called "terrorists" originate from. Its an all together different ballgame as to the reasons why these people do what they do! India, China and Pakistan all are having to deal with these cowardly terrorist acts.
Yes Indian agencies have been caught napping many a times, but then you gotta have a taste of India's environment as to why people here resist more govt control and scrutiny!

India's in a mess?? Interesting, I wonder why after having stayed there for so many years, and visiting my home after staying here in US, I dont feel/see the mess!! That is a very high handed comment, coming from a person, who if I am right, hasnt even been outside his country let alone India! You my friend have no idea what you are talking about. No Indian denies that there are some problems persisting in India, but surprise, unlike the others, Indian govt along with its people are working these kinks out! Well here's a pointer, the Indian govt doesnt 'tell' people what to do, the govt forms its policies and the Indians work to realize it! BTW India elects its representatives, unlike some of our neighbors.

Coming to the topic, FYI, India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of the 'famous' PAF/PA/PN. The question more importantly is - What would the objectives of such a strike be? Terrorist training camps? Those which are just mere huts and tents in a clearing and which can be moved around on a moments notice?

Even if India went ahead with a strike, it would only result in a retaliation by the PAF or the PA, which again doesnt make sense regarding the objectives of the strike. This would lead to a full fledged war between the neighbors, and now with the US and ISAF in A-stan and the world's eyes on Pakistan, a full scale war would be very risky, if not devastating, for Pakistan. Not to mention the economic damage it would cause to both these countries. India could still recover from it, but then what about Pakistan? Now that would be asking for trouble in the neighbourhood if Pakistan's economy tanks completely!!

FYI just recently after the Mumbai atrocity by some morons, who co-incidently happened to be Pakistani nationals, there was a feeling that the right wing party would get the upper hand in some states' elections. The results were contrary to the expectations of some right wingers, just goes on to show what and why Indian electorate chose what they chose.

Another angle to be considered with such a strike are the consequences in Pakistani society. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!

Firstly, I don't think any of the Pakistanis here are your friends. Secondly, it is time for you to wake up to the real world of politics.

You decide for your own country what is a stable government. We will decide what is best for ours. Democratically elected governments in Pakistan have never been more successful than the army-lead goverments. Musharraf's government did great things for Pakistan's economy.
Go preach about stable governments somewhere else, not to us. Keep your "pointers" to yourself, we don't need them. You can stick your elected representatives up your *** too.

Oh and for YOUR information, India is not going for strikes on Pakistan precisely because of the PAF, PA and PN. Your government does not want to declare war on Pakistan because it fears the capabilities of Pakistan's military. A military which is also capable of nuclear strikes anywhere in India. Oh, I'm sorry, you think I am being pseudo-machoistic? Thats funny, most people (certain Indians such as yourself excluded) would call it being realistic.

It is funny as hell to see people such as yourself saying the same stupid things over and over. If you fools believe Pakistan harbours terror and India can roll over Pakistan in days, why doesn't it do so? That "we don't want Pakistan to become unstable" BS is nothing but an excuse. You guys think Pakistan is a failed state, that Pak's economy is in tatters and cannot recover, that Pak. must be broken up into pieces for the good of mankind, but on the other hand you are too scared to even do surgical strikes? Give me a break.

Take your bullshit somewhere else. Instead of telling people here to "back off" with their "pseudo-machoistic claims," I suggest YOU back off with YOUR pseudo-machoistic claims.
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