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Mumbai Attacks

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more gunshots heard at VT station (un confirmed news)
Pateince means= Pakistan will be blamed..)

Pakistan as in areas of pakistan that you admin has lost control. the tribal areas.

Even in bangal RAW orchestrated several massacres as Pakistanis and Bangalis peacefully slept together in their camps like brothers man. Even 117th batallion was not near chittagong at the time a massacre blamed on it was done. (Clearly RAW involvement proven by great indian authors like Shweta etc.)

Rubbish. From which madrass did you learn this?
Mumbai Attacks Evoke Thoughts of New York Terrorism - MyFox New York
Thursday, 27 Nov 2008

Prayers and tears flowed on Thanksgiving Day for the victims of the Mumbai, India, massacres. The shockwaves from the attacks reverberated in New York, evoking a kinship throughout the Indian community and a city with its own firsthand knowledge of terrorism.

"As New Yorkers, we know the toll that terrorism takes all too well," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said during a prayer service Thursday at the Hindu Temple Society of North America. "I think Mumbai and New York have always been somewhat united, but today, never more so."

In Mumbai -- geographically on the other side of the world -- suspected militants armed with assault rifles, hand grenades and explosives launched a highly coordinated attack against 10 sites on Wednesday night, killing more than 120 people and injuring nearly 300.

"It reminds me of 9/11," Dr. Uma Mysorekar, president of the temple society, said at the service held in Queens, about a dozen miles from the World Trade Center site.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, noting New York's "very significant and vibrant Indian American population," reiterated that New York knows "the pain of the city that has been attacked" and wants to "send all our thoughts and love and prayers" to those who are suffering.

There are about 2.5 million people of Indian descent in the United States, including about 236,000 in New York, according to census estimates.
No but I believe the Indian muslims would be assuming this is a trick by MR Modi here who might have been responsible for the evil act... the poor Indian muslims have on several occasions been attacked by Modi and his gangsters.

They would be assuming that Modi and the terrorists and hindu fanatics will now get officers of his own liking to prove this fanatic army officer not guilty even though he is responsible for samjhauta express and for malegaon.

How do you believe the Indian inv agencies when they blame a hindu and not when they blame a Muslim?

It was a pre planned attack ....

So it is obvious that terrorists will have full knowledge about locations ,maps etc...

So naturally if it was pre planned someone from mumbai gave them maps information etc about the place otherwise how did they know where to attack. Even jewish synagogoe was attacked. Holy Cow! How do you find a jewish synagogue in a place like mumbai. Jews barely are 50000 in mumbai...

I think someone from inside definately was involved to have had this sort of info abt the whole city and stuff. Like where to attack etc.

I think muslims are the target here yet again. This attack was necessary to throw the malegaon investigations into abyss. Modi has planned to give 1 milion $ to every hindu's family who died and to play on their loss and turn it into hatred for Islam so that next time while the poor muslims in mumbai are sleeping he can get the hindu fanatics to attack.

I think there is going to be muslim rebellion. Deccan mujahideen, Indian mujahideen... whats going on here. Anyone can explain? I think to avoid this great massive rebellion charges are being levelled against the poor Pakistanis occupied with terrorists on their western border to make sure a bad image is created of them and the real problem (A muslim rebellion in India) is avoided.
India's Antiterror Blunders
Years of appeasing militants has made the problem worse.


New Delhi

As the story of the carnage in Mumbai unfolds, it is tempting to dismiss it as merely another sorry episode in India's flailing effort to combat terrorism. Over the past four years, Islamist groups have struck in New Delhi, Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmedabad, among other places. The death toll from terrorism -- not counting at least 119 killed in Mumbai on Wednesday and Thursday -- stands at over 4,000, which gives India the dubious distinction of suffering more casualties since 2004 than any country except Iraq.

The attacks highlight India's particular vulnerability to terrorist violence. But they are also a warning to any country that values what Mumbai symbolizes for Indians: pluralism, enterprise and an open society. Put simply, India's failure to protect its premier city offers a textbook example for fellow democracies on how not to deal with militant Islam.

The litany of errors is long. Unlike their counterparts in the West, or in East Asia, India's perpetually squabbling leaders have failed to put national security above partisan politics. The country's antiterrorism effort is reactive and episodic rather than proactive and sustained. Its public discourse on Islam oscillates between crude, anti-Muslim bigotry and mindless sympathy for largely unjustified Muslim grievance-mongering. Its failure to either charm or cow its Islamist-friendly neighbors -- Pakistan and Bangladesh -- reveals a limited grasp of statecraft.

Finally, India's inability to modernize its 150-million strong Muslim population, the second largest after Indonesia's, has spawned a community that is ill-equipped to seize new economic opportunities and susceptible to militant Islam's faith-based appeal.

To be sure, not all of India's problems are of its own making. In Pakistan, it has a neighbor founded on the basis of religion, whose government -- along with those of Iran and Saudi Arabia -- has long been one of the world's principal exporters of militant Islamic fervor.

Bangladesh also hosts a panoply of jihadist groups. As in Pakistan, public sympathy with the militant Islamic worldview forestalls any meaningful effort against those who regularly use the country as a sanctuary to plan mayhem in India. America's unsuccessful Pakistan policy -- too many carrots and too few sticks -- has also contributed to a fundamentally unstable neighborhood.

Nonetheless, the reflexive Indian response to most every act of terrorism is to apportion blame rather than to seek a solution that will prevent, or at least minimize, its recurrence. Even Indonesia -- a still-poor Muslim-majority nation where sympathy for militants runs deeper than it does in India -- has done an infinitely better job of recognizing that the protection of citizens' lives is any government's first responsibility. A superbly trained, federal antiterrorism force called Detachment 88 has ensured that country has not suffered a terrorist attack in more than three years.

By contrast, India's leaders -- who invariably swan around with armed guards paid for by the taxpayer -- can't even agree on a legal framework to keep the country safe. On taking office in 2004, one of the first acts of the ruling Congress Party was to scrap a federal antiterrorism law that strengthened witness protection and enhanced police powers.

The Congress Party has stalled similar state-level legislation in Gujarat, which is ruled by the opposition Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. And it was a Congress government that kowtowed to fundamentalist pressure and made India the first country to ban Mumbai-born Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" in 1988.

The BJP hasn't exactly distinguished itself either. In 1999, the hijacking of an Indian aircraft to then Taliban-ruled Afghanistan led a BJP government to release three hardened militants, including Omar Sheikh Saeed, the former London School of Economics student who would go on to murder Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

More recently, the BJP, driven by tribal religious solidarity and a penchant for conspiracy theories, has failed to demand the same tough treatment for alleged Hindu terrorists as it does for Muslims. Minor parties, especially those dependent on the Muslim vote, compete to earn fundamentalists' favor.

In sum, the Indian approach to terrorism has been consistently haphazard and weak-kneed. When faced with fundamentalist demands, India's democratically elected leaders have regularly preferred caving to confrontation on a point of principle. The country's institutions and culture have abetted a widespread sense of Muslim separateness from the national mainstream. The country's diplomats and soldiers have failed to stabilize the neighborhood. The ongoing drama in Mumbai underscores the price both Indians and non-Indians caught unawares must now pay.

Mr. Dhume is a Washington-based writer and the author of "My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with an Indonesian Islamist" (Text Publishing, 2008).

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And don't pretend that you have any love for Indian Muslims. I know how many Pakistani forum members were celebrating when the Glasgow bomber turned out to be a brainwashed Muslim who happened to be born in India.

There was no care for Islam or Indian Muslims then, just happiness that other Muslims could be terrorists too.

Ummmm... our background is f4m there btw... so we have family there and some members of it have also died. I am worried naturally!

Likin yeah this is becoming just tit f4 tat... :agree:

I think sleeping might be a great option as defence.pk has provided enough entertainment for the day.
And don't pretend that you have any love for Indian Muslims. I know how many Pakistani forum members were celebrating when the Glasgow bomber turned out to be a brainwashed Muslim who happened to be born in India.

There was no care for Islam or Indian Muslims then, just happiness that other Muslims could be terrorists too.

Love or no love, you guys need to get out of this blaming Pakistan thing every time something happens. Bring your own house in order before shifting the entire blame on another country and finding an easy escape goat.

And its not about being a Muslim anymore, it had more to do with being a Pakistani or not, like one member said earlier i was responding too, that Pakistan and Pakistanis are involved in terrorism worldwide, so definitely Pakistanis will respond to it, because the terrorist turned out to be from India, or our you implying that just because he as a muslim, the only way our love for the muslims in India can be shown is if we dont call a bad apple bad? wow nice logic Vinod.
How do you believe the Indian inv agencies when they blame a hindu and not when they blame a Muslim?


How many times did they blame a hindu anyways?
Prachi Jataniya of CNN-IBN reports that 3 youths have been apprehended by Police .
I am asking to prove the Pakistani involvement in Mumbai attacks.

And what do you offer? You are helpless, you cant do nothing. The same way i cant do anything everytime my govt fails me, other than vote better next time.
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