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Mumbai Attacks

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Since two days they are saying the terrorists know the layout very well, but the Commandoes didn't know?

They don't have any maps? They couldn't ask the staff? This is poor work. Kudos to the employee who saved the day.

This was said by MARCOS who were engaging the terrorists very first not by NSG who have taken over long back
The gora cricket boards live on our money , can't afford to loose it.

contribution of BCCIin ICC is more than 70 %(financially )
Terror has no boundaries; cricket takes a back seat:, The Hindu Business Line
Meera Mohanty

New Delhi, Nov. 27 The terror attack was a little too close for comfort for the cricket fraternity too. Rooms had been booked at the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, Mumbai, for the teams which would be participating in the now postponed Champions League 20:20.

Some were already there. “We thought we were only dining …when the situation broke,” Mr Robert Nicholls, a partner at Nicholls Steyn and Associates, the South African security agency hired by the Indian Premier League, who was at the Souk, the fine dining rooftop restaurant of the hotel, told Business Line.

When gunshots and blasts were heard, he and six of his colleagues helped guests stay calm, guiding them to a nearby conference room. Shy of disclosing too many details, all Mr Nichols will say is that they knew terrorists were in the hotel, and they secured the conference room and the 150-odd guests who were with them. Working with the hotel’s security, they left the premises at 4.30 a.m.

Terror isn’t something cricket organisers haven’t dealt with earlier. Mr Lalit Modi, Chairman of the IPL, points out that the IPL had continued with its matches after the Jaipur blast. “All the teams wanted to come and play the league, but it was difficult to find a new venue at such a sort notice,” said Mr Modi, speaking to Business Line. “Chennai and Bangalore’s pitches would take a beating by the time the semi-finals and finals took place, if 7-8 matches were held there,” he added.

Ticket sales were to open from Friday for the tournament scheduled to start next Tuesday. Alternative venues will be decided before the new dates are announced, said Mr Sunder Raman, CEO, IPL. Mr Raman was also staying at the hotel, but was with his team working late in office.

“The Taj is sentimental for many of the cricketers. They have stayed there in the past, and have many memories associated with the hotel,” said Mr Modi. Security-wise, he says India does the best job. That’s why the Board has decided to go ahead with the India-England test series. The remaining two one day internationals have, however, been cancelled.

The revenue losses would not hurt as much, said broadcaster Neo. “We will not have the upside that we expected considering that India was on a great run, but a good part of the consumption of advertising inventory from the bigger buyers has already happened during the five ODIs that have taken place,” said Mr Abhishek Verma, Associate Vice-President (Marketing), Neo Sports Broadcast, reluctant to talk figures.

The Essel Group’s Indian Cricket League has also called off the rest of its Season Two of the ICL World Series tournament on its last leg in Ahmedabad.
The probe would continue..... ATS will take care of it..... there r many good officers ....

No but I believe the Indian muslims would be assuming this is a trick by MR Modi here who might have been responsible for the evil act... the poor Indian muslims have on several occasions been attacked by Modi and his gangsters.

They would be assuming that Modi and the terrorists and hindu fanatics will now get officers of his own liking to prove this fanatic army officer not guilty even though he is responsible for samjhauta express and for malegaon.
It actually amazes me to see how easily every time something happens in India, blame is shifted on Pakistan and now on Pakistanis. As for the incident it is sad indeed as many innocent people have lost their lives and my sincere condolences to the families of those both from security agencies and civilians who have lost a dear one in this chaos.
However it is also sad that instead of catching the real culprits, Indian security agencies and media tries to find out a shortcut and that is to put all blame on Pakistan, and therefore shift the public anger from their incompetence to Pakistan. Does it help? No it does not, because you guys are chasing a wrong enemy here.
Seriously we have better things to do, we have plenty of our mess to take care off, we don't have the time to poke our nose where it doesn't belong.

even then if it makes you guys happy, please do carry on blaming Pakistan, we frankly don't give a damn, after all its natural tradition for India, the only thing we do care about as a human being is the loss of life. Some one was earlier saying i think Flintlock that our airforce needs to take out what he calls terrorist cells inside Pakistan, indeed high on emotion and low on logic as a chinese friend here said, India is no US.
I salute the people of Mumbai who braved this incident of RAW sponsered terrorism. ;)

We Pakistanis are with you people of Mumbai.

The same way I support the people of pakistan which are getting killed in NWFP by the terrorism inflicted by your army and ISI on daily basis
yaar what the F is this....

Many countries have give full evidance that pakistanis are involved in the terror attacks in their countries....

and u r asking 4 proof....

I am asking to prove the Pakistani involvement in Mumbai attacks.
It was a pre planned attack ....

So it is obvious that terrorists will have full knowledge about locations ,maps etc...
The same way I support the people of pakistan which are getting killed in NWFP by the terrorism inflicted by your army and ISI on daily basis

Get it over with. Its not going to help one bit.
No but I believe the Indian muslims would be assuming this is a trick by MR Modi here who might have been responsible for the evil act... the poor Indian muslims have on several occasions been attacked by Modi and his gangsters.

They would be assuming that Modi and the terrorists and hindu fanatics will now get officers of his own liking to prove this fanatic army officer not guilty even though he is responsible for samjhauta express and for malegaon.

It does make some Muslims vulnerable I must say but a vast majority don't care - The rich ones have a business to carry on , the middle class have other daily life issues to deal with and the lower Income group Muslims worry more about how the next meal will come.

btw - I think you had asked about my name , I'm a guy and my name is Nihat Karim , where Nihat means - servant of God.
Since two days they are saying the terrorists know the layout very well, but the Commandoes didn't know?

They don't have any maps? They couldn't ask the staff? This is poor work. Kudos to the employee who saved the day.

Have you seen that bloody building? Its a massive 400+ rooms hotel, with innumerable passages. How the hell can any human get familar with such a layout in a day?

The fact that terrorist knew better, might be because they had done recon missions before or might be a few of them had checked in days before to be joined by this raiding terror party.

Or it could be said ina relative term. Relatively the terrorists knew more than the commandos as they are holed in there for 2 days.
See , now you're talking like you don't want others too.

If you want the others to stop making "mindless claims" about Pak then you don't do the same . It only provokes others and leads to nothing but waste of bandwidth

I was just copying the indian "mindless claims" for my personal satisfaction. Is something wrong with that?

And don't pretend that you have any love for Indian Muslims. I know how many Pakistani forum members were celebrating when the Glasgow bomber turned out to be a brainwashed Muslim who happened to be born in India.

There was no care for Islam or Indian Muslims then, just happiness that other Muslims could be terrorists too.
Refer to my older post:

Don't have time to go through all 50 pages reading your crap.

And plzz stop it....I m also bored with it...

A pakistani would never say that pakistan could do any wrong thing...
An Indian would never say that India could do any wrong thing...


Stop what? Should i take your word for it or for that matter the way you guys like to change the entire meaning of what one man said and present it in a way that best suits the flavor.
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